Final Exam: Network Security Specialist
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
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Final Exam: Network Security Specialist will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Network Security Specialist track of the Skillsoft Aspire Network Security Specialist to CloudOps Security Architect Journey.
Describe key legal considerations when moving to the cloudlist the importance of performing a cost-benefit analysislist requirements for business continuity strategyrecognize factors that can impact confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cloud datadescribe challenges introduced by different types of cloud platforms such as public, private, hybrid, and communitydifferentiate between physical and logical infrastructure for cloud operationsrecognize challenges of cloud service such as iaas, paas, saasdescribe common cryptographic protocolsdescribe virtualization technologiesdefine shared responsibilityconfigure stateful firewalls in the clouddescribe the three-tier design modeldescribe common cloud vulnerabilities such as negligence, cyber threats, and system vulnerabilitiesdefine the basics of risk managementuse audit processes and methodologies in the cloudlist network security concepts such data and media sanitizationlist common clouds infrastructure components such as network, virtualization, and computerdescribe the saas cloud service modeldescribe web application firewallssecure management accessdefine object storage securitydefine file and database securitydesign and plan security controlsdescribe cloud computing definitions and rolesdescribe considerations when using the paas cloud service modelclassify key management servicesuse verified secure softwaredescribe common development lifecyclesdescribe software assurance and validationcompare client and server-side encryption
list data security strategies such as encryption and key managementdefine training and awareness securitylist potential threats against cloud computing infrastructuredifferentiate between data ownership and data custodydescribe the benefits of cloud offerings such as aws and azureapply the secure software development lifecyclelist specifics about cloud application architecture such as supplementary security components, cryptography, and sandboxingrecognize considerations related to cloud managementdifferentiate between cloud computing roles such as cloud service customer, cloud service architect, and cloud auditordifferentiate between on-premise and cloud implementationsdescribe the common deployment and migration strategiesdescribe compute technologiesprovide an overview of the iaas cloud service modellist virtualization security concepts such as hypervisor and container securityrecognize considerations when moving applications to the clouddefine iam rolesdescribe storage technologiesrecognize key access control considerationsensure compliance with regulations and controls, like itil and iso/iec 20000-1describe key cloud characteristicsrecognize how to implement operational controls and standardsrecognize different privacy concerns such as private data and jurisdictional concernsspecify cloud benefits, components, and service modelssecure the root accountmanage compliance with regulations and controlsdescribe the six key stages in the data lifecycle - create, store, use, share, archive, and destroydescribe considerations when evaluating cloud service providersrecognize requirements for disaster recovery strategydefine privacy issues and jurisdictiondescribe legal requirements and risks
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