Final Exam: Java Apprentice

Java    |    Intermediate
  • 1 video | 32s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 3.7 of 12 users Rating 3.7 of 12 users (12)
Final Exam: Java Apprentice will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Java Apprentice track of the Skillsoft Aspire Java Novice to Javanista Journey.


  • Identify types of exceptions encountered by compilers
    outline the hierarchy of exception classes in java and recall specific exception types
    recognize how the throwing of exceptions influences the flow of a java program
    given code, identify the exception
    view and edit data stored in arrays
    identify what generic information about type parameters is available using reflection
    execute test cases using a custom test harness
    annotate test case methods for unit testing
    implement a dynamic proxy to create a dynamic object implementing an interface
    use an integrated development environment (ide) to create the main class for a java project
    create and execute a basic java archive using a manifest file
    extract and recognize the contents of a java archive (jar)
    use multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions in your code
    use the throw keyword in java to explicitly throw an exception when the state of the program does not match your own set of valid conditions
    create and add data to arrays of different types
    examine the fixed-length enforcement of arrays
    iterate over the values in arrays using for loops
    work with list operations
    compare and contrast the usage of parameterized and non-parameterized lists
    explore the basic characteristics of the 'set' data structure
    recall how hash sets identify duplicates
    recall how different types of sets are ordered
    recognize different type of map implementations
    recall the special operations that can be performed on sorted maps
    list the advantages of writing generic code over non-generic code
    recall the limitations on code reuse in non-generic classes
    recall the limitations of using raw objects rather than generic types
    implement a class with generics for type safety and compile-time checks
    recall the disadvantages of unbounded type parameters
    recall when and how you would use unbounded wildcards
  • constrain types using bounded type parameters
    compare and contrast upper-bounded wildcards and bounded type parameters
    recall how java infers data types using wildcard capture
    recall how nested static classes work
    recall the limitations of static nested classes
    define and use local classes
    define and use inner classes
    instantiate and use static nested classes
    define and use anonymous classes
    recall that anonymous instances are objects
    recall how functional interface instances are objects
    define and use lambda expressions
    compare and contrast lambda statements and expressions
    create predicate, consumer, function, and supplier interfaces
    create and set up a basic intellij project to write java code
    define new classes and instantiate objects of these classes
    use class handles accessed via reflection to explore properties of classes
    identify enums, arrays, and primitives using reflection
    identify anonymous, local, member classes, and interfaces using reflection
    use public, private, and protected methods
    access public, private, and protected methods
    access the constructors in a class using reflection
    access and update values of fields
    access and update protected and private fields
    explore the disadvantages of using reflection with generics
    outline the automatic generation of manifests and the fields contained in them
    install and configure maven to create java archives
    create a maven project which can then be packaged into a jar file
    create a custom pom.xml file and build an executable jar with maven
    execute and view the contents of a java archive built with maven


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