Final Exam: Developer
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Final Exam: Developer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Developer to App Architect Journey.
Explain depth-first, in-order traversal in a binary treeexplain depth-first, pre-order traversal in a binary treesummarize depth-first traversal in a binary treeexplain what is meant by the topological sorting of graph nodesrecognize how the recursive algorithm to count nodes workswrite code to implement bubble sortcreate a task to be executed within a java thread by implementing the runnable interfaceimplement semaphores in a multi-threaded java application where each thread is treated equallyuse the trylock() method of a reentrantlock to prevent a potentially long wait for a resourceidentify the behavior of producer and consumer threads when working with a shared bounded bufferwrite code to implement the count nodes algorithmrecognize directed and undirected graphs and their use casesdefine the adjacency list representation of a graphidentify a sequential execution plan as well as its limitationswrite code to implement insertion sortdescribe the original binary tree and its mirrordefine the insertion sort algorithmsdescribe how a graph can be represented as an adjacency matrixdescribe how an executorservice instance can be shut down while still allowing submitted tasks to runexplain depth-first, post-order traversal in a binary treeenable atomic operations on integer variables using an atomicinteger objectidentify when the shortest path to a node needs to be updatedrecognize how the maximum depth of a binary tree is calculatedrecognize the behavior of producer and consumer threads when working with a shared bounded bufferexplain the array implementation of a binary heaprecognize the situations where a race condition could occur in javause the join() method to synchronize one thread with the execution of anotherimplement the mirroring of a binary treerecognize the trade-offs involved in choosing sorting algorithmsintroduce a reentrantlock in your program to enable exclusive access to a shared resource
recognize the options available to monitor the execution of a task using a future objectexplain weighted graphs and their use casessummarize breadth-first traversal in a binary treecompare the graceful and immediate shutdown of an executorservice instancedescribe how lookup works in a binary search treerecognize the conditions under which concurrent threads may become deadlocked and how this can be preventedrecognize the characteristics of binary treescontrast the algorithms for shortest path in unweighted and weighted graphsrecall the conditions under which concurrent threads could encounter a deadlock in javaexplain how insertion works in a binary search treerecognize the effects of updates to shared variables in a multi-threaded java applicationsdistinguish between the graceful and immediate shutdown of an executorservice instanceexplain the common operations to be performed on a priority queueexplain the shortest path algorithm for unweighted graphsdescribe a multi-threaded approach to tackling multiple tasksdescribe the binary search algorithmrecognize how to insert and to remove works on a binary heapcalculate the maximum depth of a binary treeuse semaphores in a multi-threaded java application where different threads require varying levels of permits to access a shared resourcedefine a producer task that can run concurrently with a consumer using a shared queueperform operations on an adjacency matrix graphdefine a task to be executed within a java thread by implementing the runnable interfaceidentify use cases for semaphores and describe how they can be usedrecognize the effect of the start() method in kicking off java threadsdescribe how a binary heap data structure functionsexplain the bubble sort algorithmdefine the structure and components of a graphdefine the quick sort algorithmsummarize the heapify operation on a binary heapdescribe the selection sort algorithm
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