Final Exam: Apprentice Programmer

  • 1 video | 32s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
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Final Exam: Apprentice Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Apprentice Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Web Programmer to Apprentice Programmer Journey.


  • Identify principles of good design
    work with arrays and array elements
    recall characteristics of the builder pattern
    compare and contrast the should and expect apis in chai
    prepare mocha tests to run within a browser
    use assertions to test boolean values
    define design patterns
    implement private functions with the module pattern
    implement publishers and subscribers
    implement the iterator mixin
    set up helpers for the decorator pattern
    describe the characteristics of the command pattern
    describe the factory and abstract factory patterns
    configure fakes with specific behavior
    define helper functions for the factory pattern
    articulate features of the adapter pattern
    recall the key characteristics of the observer pattern
    describe the façade pattern
    describe the key features of the constructor pattern
    use object.create() and new object() to create objects
    install mocha and sinon on your local machine
    describe the proxy pattern
    configure different reporters in mocha
    describe the module and revealing module patterns
    recall the characteristics of the flyweight pattern
    create an object to be used in test cases
    use mixins in the underscore.js library
    use fakes to record function invocations
    run mocha tests in a browser
    recall the characteristics of the composite pattern
  • describe how event handling works on the browser
    perform pattern matching and substring checks using should.js
    install the unit.js assertion library
    recall the basic principles of the singleton pattern
    describe the characteristics of the iterator pattern
    recall the principles of the decorator pattern
    determine whether objects are instances of other objects
    perform asynchronous tests using fakes with promises
    describe the characteristics of the state pattern
    compare numeric values in tests
    implement the builder pattern
    describe the principles of good design
    set up the mediator as a workflow object
    describe features of the prototype pattern
    recall the different styles that can be used with the should.js api
    implement private variables with the module pattern
    describe the mixin pattern
    illustrate inefficient memory usage for granular objects
    recall the characteristics of the mediator pattern
    implement the prototype pattern
    recognize the use of the beforeeach() and aftereach() hooks in tests
    compare numeric values using assert
    describe how different data types can be tested using should.js
    run basic assertions using must.js
    install the chai library on your local machine
    use the literal object notation to construct objects
    use sandboxes to simplify testing
    create stubs for object methods
    describe the use of sandboxes for testing
    install and configure the mocha testing environment


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