Final Exam: Apprentice Developer

  • 1 video | 32s
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Final Exam: Apprentice Developer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Apprentice Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer Journey.


  • Use enums (enumerated types) along with switch statements
    identify differences between primitive and object types in java
    use nested if-else conditions to deal with mutually exclusive conditions
    use the logical and, logical or, and logical negation operators
    use while loops to control the number of times a block of code executes based on the value of a specific expression
    correctly initialize objects of inner classes
    correctly initialize objects of static nested classes
    recognize how variables of reference types are governed by pass-by-reference semantics in java
    recognize how exceptions such as nullpointerexception, numberformatexception, and indexoutofboundsexception occur in code
    perform operations such as copying files, checking for their existence, and deleting files using the files class in the java.nio namespace
    recognize what member variables, static member variables, and member functions are
    perform operations such as copying and creating directories using the files class in the java.nio namespace
    correctly invoke a method that throws an exception of a checked exception type
    use the dataoutputstream class to write primitive types and strings to byte streams
    define and invoke a parameterized constructor to instantiate objects of a class
    install java on a unix or mac system
    implement the serializable interface in user-defined classes so that they can be written to and read from using objectoutputstream and objectinputstream object
    use multiple independent catch blocks with a single try block
    identify use-cases for the unary increment and decrement operators
    define and invoke constructors in classes to correctly initialize member variables
    customize intellij to incorporate your individual preferences
    invoke static and non-static methods of a class
    recognize the precise semantics of the try-with-resources construct in java
    describe and use the -=, *=, %= and %= self-assignment operators
    create files using both the legacy as well as the modern java.nio namespaces
    use the objectoutputstream class to write objects of any type to byte streams
    use strings in if-else constructs, relying on the .equals method and avoiding the == operator
    enumerate differences between checked exceptions, runtime exceptions, and errors
    define and invoke multiple constructors to instantiate objects of a class
    create wrapper objects such as integer, float, etc. to encapsulate primitive (non-object) data types
  • differentiate between equality tests based on the == operator and .equals
    install the eclipse ide on a mac-based system
    create and use enums (enumerated data types) in java
    utilize both single-line as well as multi-line comments in java
    throw an object of a built-in exception type in order to respond to an unexpected situation in a program
    work with variables of double, char, and string types in java
    use the do-while loop control structure to ensure that the body of a loop is always executed at least once, regardless of the value of the loop variable
    create string objects using different input arguments and forms of memory allocation
    use for loops to iteratively execute a block of code
    correctly chain constructors to achieve code reuse
    recognize the exact semantics and limitations of the finally block
    enumerate the important built-in exception classes in java
    modify control flow in a program using the if construct
    recognize how variables of primitive types are governed by pass-by-value semantics in java
    use the stringbuffer object to perform string operations
    make use of method overloading in your programs
    identify the situations when divide-by-zero exceptions arise
    copy a character file as a sequence of characters using the filereader and filereader classes
    read a byte stream using the inputstream and fileinputstream classes
    short-circuit execution of the current loop iteration using the continue keyword
    list the reasons for java’s popularity
    define and invoke getter and setter methods to access private member variables of a class from outside that class
    combine multiple independent catch blocks using the | operator
    perform conversions between variables of primitive types
    recognize java's class hierarchy for byte and character streams
    use string variables in switch statements
    appropriately override the .tostring method provided by the object base class
    prematurely terminate loop execution using the break keyword
    correctly use the throws clause while defining method signatures
    create a custom exception object by extending the base class exception, and throw an instance of this exception from your code


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