Final Exam: API Developer
| Intermediate
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Final Exam: API Developer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the API Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to API Developer Journey.
Demonstrate how to create a traditional soap web service using visual studio 2019demonstrate the html5 input types with examplesdescribe the benefits and constraints when using web services as part of your business strategydemonstrate forms authentication in web apidescribe how to consume a rest api service using vue.jsdemonstrate how to perform conditional operations you with etag criteriademonstrate how to download and install the mysql database serverdemonstrate how to developer a rest api using the api gatewaydescribe the advantages and disadvantages of using either private or public apisdemonstrate how to implement a standard wrapper around json responsesdemonstrate how to implement a put method using a rest api web servicedescribe the best practices when defining the api schema and using verbs and nounsdemonstrate install eclipse for web and api developmentdescribe various methods for consuming web services from client-side devicesdemonstrate how to debug apis using azure api managementdemonstrate how to create mock api responses using azure api managementdemonstrate how to develop an http api using the api gatewaydescribe the various standards for returning data from a web serviceidentify uri templates and how they are used to provide guidelines for developersdemonstrate how to manage firebase using the rest apidemonstrate the html5 audio features with examplesdemonstrate how to serialize data as xml responsesdescribe schema first design using an api specification languagedemonstrate basic authentication in web apidescribe uri templates and how they are used to provide guidelines for developersdescribe the relationship between urls and uris and when to use eachdemonstrate how to implement a get method using a rest api web servicedescribe the best practices when defining urisdemonstrate how to configure the cloud firestore nosql databasedescribe what is meant by hypertext and hypermedia and their differences
demonstrate how to publish an http api using the api gatewaydescribe the benefits of using a cloud base backend servicer such as firebasedemonstrate html5 svg graphic features with examplesdemonstrate how to developer a rest using the api gatewaydescribe what is json and how if can be used with rest apisdescribe how to consume a rest api service using typescriptdescribe the best practices for implementing api resourcesdescribe how to perform api versioning using urisdemonstrate how to create non-breaking revision changes using azure api managementdemonstrate how to prevent cross-site request forgery (csrf) attacksdemonstrate how to implement firebase authentication on a webpagedemonstrate how to implement a post method using a rest api web servicedemonstrate how to implement a delete method using a rest api web servicedemonstrate how to monitor published apis using azure api managementdemonstrate how to download and install the mongodb database serverdemonstrate how to create a json model for web apidescribe how to consume a rest api service using javascriptdescribe how to consume a rest api service using jquerydescribe the various use cases for using an api gateway to deploy rest api web serviceoauth and api securitydemonstrate how to perform create, retrieve, update, delete, associate and disassociate common data service entity recordsdemonstrate the html5 canvas features with examplesdemonstrate how to authenticate an api using local loginsdemonstrate how to consume a traditional soap web service using soapuidescribe the advantages and disadvantages of using either xml or json for transferring and receiving data from web servicesdemonstrate how to configure the cloud realtime databasedescribe how azure api management can be used for deploying and hosting api web servicesdemonstrate how to connect to rest apis using httpclient in .net coredemonstrate how to download and install eclipse for web and api developmentdemonstrate how to download and install the nodejs webserver
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