Feature Engineering Techniques for Machine Learning

Machine Learning    |    Intermediate
  • 12 videos | 1h 6m 51s
  • Earns a Badge
Feature engineering is about thoughtfully selecting and creating features to boost the accuracy and reliability of machine learning (ML) models. In this course, learn how to select and create features that improve ML model accuracy and reliability, strategies to mitigate overfitting risks, the impact of well-chosen features on model performance, and how to craft new features to enhance predictive capabilities. Next, discover how to build scikit-learn pipelines, implement feature engineering techniques, and how creating polynomial features for regression models helps capture complex data patterns. Finally, explore how to apply log and power transformations and implement principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. After completing this course, you will be able to apply feature engineering techniques for machine learning.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Identify how to transform raw data into meaningful ml input features
    Outline feature engineering techniques for enhancing model performance and data representation
    Utilize feature creation to enhance the predictive power of models
    Analyze and transform raw training data using a preconfigured pipeline
    Perform feature engineering by creating new features and handling null values
  • Model polynomial features to improve fit quality in regression analysis
    Apply feature engineering and polynomial features to build regression models
    Implement log transformations to reduce skewness in data
    Implement principal component analysis to reduce dimensionality in datasets
    Apply power transformations to reduce skewness and improve data normality
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 5s
    In this video, we will discover the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS
  • 4m 8s
    After completing this video, you will be able to identify how to transform raw data into meaningful ML input features. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Feature Creation and Model Impact
    8m 10s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to outline feature engineering techniques for enhancing model performance and data representation. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Synthesizing Features and Constructing Scikit-Learn Pipelines
    8m 59s
    Learn how to utilize feature creation to enhance the predictive power of models. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Executing Pipeline Fit, Transformations, and Model Evaluation
    6m 51s
    In this video, find out how to analyze and transform raw training data using a preconfigured pipeline. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Performing Feature Engineering
    5m 12s
    Discover how to perform feature engineering by creating new features and handling null values. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Modeling Non-Linear Relationships with Polynomial Features
    6m 55s
    In this video, learn how to model polynomial features to improve fit quality in regression analysis. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Creating Polynomial Features for a Regression Model
    5m 48s
    Find out how to apply feature engineering and polynomial features to build regression models. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Performing Log Transformations on Features
    7m 32s
    During this video, discover how to implement log transformations to reduce skewness in data. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Implementing Principal Component Analysis
    6m 40s
    In this video, you will learn how to implement principal component analysis to reduce dimensionality in datasets. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Applying Power Transformations and Performing PCA
    4m 13s
    Find out how to apply power transformations to reduce skewness and improve data normality. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Course Summary
    1m 19s
    In this video, we will summarize the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS


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