Extending CSS3 with Sass

CSS 3    |    Expert
  • 13 videos | 51m 18s
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Rating 4.5 of 86 users Rating 4.5 of 86 users (86)
Sass is a preprocessor that extends CSS3 to provide functionality such as variables, nesting, and mixins. Explore Sass, and how it can provide greater functionality, power, and maintenance for your stylesheets.


  • Outline the features of sass and how to install and use it, outline sass syntax and create a sass stylesheet
    Outline the features of sassscript - variables, data types, operations,  and use the interactive shell to work with sassscript
    Work with nested css rules and reference parent selectors using sass
    Work with nested css properties in sass
    Use the @import rule in sass, use partials and nested @imports
    Use nested @media queries
    Use the @extend directive in sass
  • Use the @extend directive for multiple and chained extends
    Use control directives in sass
    Use the @at-root, @wanr and @debug directive in sass
    Use the @warn and @debug directives in sass
    Use @mixin in sass
    Work with functions in sass


  • 7m 17s
    In this video, you will outline the features of Sass, how to install and use it, outline Sass syntax, and create a Sass stylesheet. FREE ACCESS
  • 4m 38s
    Find out how to outline the features of SassScript - variables, data types, operations, and use the interactive shell to work with SassScript. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Nested CSS Rules in Sass
    4m 35s
    Find out how to work with nested CSS rules and reference parent selectors using Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Nested CSS Properties in Sass
    1m 47s
    In this video, learn how to work with CSS properties that are nested inside of other properties in Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Using the @import Rule in Sass
    3m 18s
    In this video, learn how to use the @import rule in Sass, use partials, and nested @imports. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Using the @media Directive in Sass
    3m 10s
    In this video, find out how to use media queries within media queries (nested media queries). FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Using the @extend Directive in Sass
    3m 51s
    Learn how to use the @extend directive in Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Extending Complex Selectors in Sass
    2m 35s
    In this video, find out how to use the @extend directive for multiple and chained extends. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Using Control Directives in Sass
    6m 18s
    In this video, you will learn how to use control directives, such as @if, @for, and @while, in Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Using the @at-root Directive in Sass
    2m 29s
    In this video, you will use the @at-root, @warn and @debug directives in Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Using the @warn and @debug Directives in Sass
    3m 5s
    In this video, find out how to use the @warn and @debug directives in Sass. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Working with Mixins
    4m 27s
    In this video, you will learn how to use mixins in Sass. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    13.  Working with Functions
    3m 47s
    In this video, you will work with functions in Sass. FREE ACCESS


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