Exploring Appium & Windows
Appium 1.2.7
| Beginner
- 19 videos | 1h 35m 13s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Appium for Windows is designed to simplify testing across multiple platforms. Explore how to install and configure Appium for Windows using several tools such as WinAppDriver, Cucumber, and Selenium.
Recognize the process of downloading and installing appium desktop, appium, and appium server for windowsDemonstrate the process of downloading and installing appium for windows on windows 10Demonstrate the process of downloading and installing appium desktop on windows 10Demonstrate the process of installing appium on windows 10 using npmDescribe the process of installing genymotion and intellij ideDemonstrate the process of installing and running genymotionDemonstrate the process of installing intellij ideaDescribe the various areas of the appium gui including the inspectorDemonstrate the process of starting the appium server and using it for appium operationsDemonstrate a sample test to launch an app from a .apk file using appium
Describe the steps and benefits of using desired capabilities and setting up a test environment with maven and the winappdriverDefine the process in creating a sample project with gradleDescribe cucumber and behavior-driven development (bdd)Demonstrate the process of creating a sample project with java, gradle, and intellij ideaDemonstrate how to use cucumber to employ behavior-driven development (bdd)Execute the second step from the feature file and recognize how to use appium desktop to get an element by id in an appGenerate and implement the expected outcome step to see the scenario passDescribe the process of a scenario for automating mobile web app tests with appium and cucumberDescribe the process of creating tests with windows
5m 50sAfter completing this video, you will be able to recognize the process of downloading and installing Appium Desktop, Appium, and Appium Server for Windows. FREE ACCESS
2m 44sDuring this video, you will learn how to download and install Appium for Windows 10. FREE ACCESS
3mLearn about the process of downloading and installing Appium Desktop on Windows 10. FREE ACCESS
4m 37sIn this video, you will learn how to install Appium on Windows 10 using NPM. FREE ACCESS
4m 5sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe the process of installing Genymotion and IntelliJ IDE. FREE ACCESS
5m 21sIn this video, you will learn how to install and run Genymotion. FREE ACCESS
5m 14sIn this video, you will learn how to install IntelliJ IDEA. FREE ACCESS
3m 14sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe the various areas of the Appium GUI, including the Inspector. FREE ACCESS
4m 26sLearn about the process of starting the Appium server and using it for Appium operations. FREE ACCESS
6m 58sIn this video, learn how to launch an app from a .apk file using Appium by demonstrating a sample test. FREE ACCESS
3m 28sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe the steps and benefits of using desired capabilities and setting up a test environment with Maven and the WinAppDriver. FREE ACCESS
1m 51sLearn how to create a sample project with Gradle. FREE ACCESS
6m 15sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe Cucumber and Behavior-driven Development (BDD). FREE ACCESS
6m 5sIn this video, you will learn how to create a sample project with Java, Gradle, and IntelliJ IDEA. FREE ACCESS
6m 25sIn this video, you will learn how to use Cucumber to practice Behavior-driven Development (BDD). FREE ACCESS
5m 49sIn this video, you will execute the second step from the feature file and recognize how to use Appium Desktop to get an element by ID in an app. FREE ACCESS
5m 52sIn this video, learn how to generate and implement the expected outcome step to make the scenario pass. FREE ACCESS
3m 35sAfter completing this video, you will be able to describe the process of automating mobile web app tests with Appium and Cucumber. FREE ACCESS
10m 22sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the process of creating tests with Windows. FREE ACCESS
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