Deep Learning for NLP: Transfer Learning

Natural Language Processing    |    Intermediate
  • 16 videos | 2h 10m 20s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 3.8 of 8 users Rating 3.8 of 8 users (8)
The essential aspect of human intelligence is our learning processes, constantly augmented with the transfer of concepts and fundamentals. For example, as a child, we learn the basic alphabet, grammar, and words, and through the transfer of these fundamentals, we can then read books and communicate with people. This is what transfer learning helps us achieve in deep learning as well. This course will help you learn the fundamentals of transfer learning for NLP, its various challenges, and use cases. Explore various transfer learning models such as ELMo and ULMFiT. Upon completing this course, you will understand the transfer learning methodology of solving NLP problems and be able to experiment with various models in TensorFlow.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Define transfer learning and illustrate how it helps to get better results
    Outline advantages and challenges of transfer learning in real world problem solving
    Illustrate the use of language modeling in transfer learning
    Outline key concepts related to fasttext and word2vec
    Outline key concepts related to elmo
    Outline key concepts related to ulmfit
    Build a elmo embedding layer for product reviews data classification
  • Create an elmo model for product reviews data classification
    Perform review classification using elmo and fasttext
    Reshape data to adjust to elmo embedding layer requirements
    Build a simple language model using ulmfit on the product reviews data
    Implement and fine tune the lm model using ulmfit
    Perform review classification using ulmfit and fasttext
    Illustrate model comparison
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 40s
  • 10m 12s
    In this video, you will define transfer learning and illustrate how it helps you to get better results. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Advantages and Challenges of Transfer Learning
    3m 53s
    In this video, you will outline the advantages and challenges of transfer learning in real world problem solving. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    4.  Role of Language Modeling in Transfer Learning
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to illustrate the use of language modeling in transfer learning. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Introduction to Basic Transfer Learning Models
    5m 58s
    In this video, you will outline key concepts related to FastText and Word2Vec. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Intermediate Transfer Learning Models
    3m 44s
    In this video, learn how to outline key concepts related to ELMo. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Advance Transfer Learning Models
    3m 18s
    Find out how to outline key concepts related to ULMFiT. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Building ELMo Embedding Layer for Reviews
    16m 32s
    During this video, you will learn how to build an ELMo embedding layer for product reviews data classification. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Creating ELMo an Model for Product Reviews
    9m 4s
    In this video, you will create an ELMo model for classifying product reviews data. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Classifying Product Reviews Using ELMo
    12m 20s
    In this video, you will review classification using ELMo and FastText. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Reshaping Data for the ELMo Embedding Layer
    11m 22s
    Learn how to reshape data to adjust to the requirements of the ELMo embedding layer. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Building a Language Model Using ULMFiT
    12m 56s
    In this video, you will build a simple language model using ULMFiT on the product reviews data. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    13.  Implementing the Language Model Using ULMFiT
    14m 55s
    In this video, learn how to implement and fine tune the LM model using ULMFiT. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    14.  Classifying Product Reviews Using ULMFiT & FastText
    15m 1s
    In this video, you will learn how to perform review classification using ULMFiT and FastText. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    15.  Performing Result Comparison
    2m 9s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to compare models. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    16.  Course Summary
    1m 16s


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