CompTIA Cloud+: Cloud Security Controls

CompTIA    |    Intermediate
  • 12 videos | 1h 9m 8s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.6 of 86 users Rating 4.6 of 86 users (86)
Ensuring the security of your operating systems and applications is a key component of keeping your cloud environment secure. There are several key steps that can be taken to ensure your cloud system is secure. In this course, you will learn about cloud security policies and managing cloud user permissions. Next, you will learn about anti-virus and anti-malware tools, firewalls, intrusion detection and intrusion prevention tools that can be used to detect and prevent cybersecurity attacks. Next, you will learn about hardening your cloud environment and using encryption to increase data security. Finally, you will learn about configuration management and how to monitor the system and event logs. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the CompTIA Cloud+ (CV0-003) certification.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Describe cloud security policies and how they are used to enforce security
    Describe cloud user permissions and how they are used to manage access to resources
    Describe how anti-virus and anti-malware applications can be used to detect and prevent security threats from viruses and malware
    Describe host-based intrusion detection (hids) and intrusion prevention applications (ips)
    Describe how to achieve application security using hardened baselines
  • Describe methods for monitoring and ensure file integrity as well as monitoring logs and events
    Describe how configuration management is important to achieving os and application security
    Describe the various types of builds available and how they increase system security
    Describe how features such as encryption can be applied to api endpoints, applications, the os, storage and filesystems in increase security
    Describe various system security controls such as firewalls and performing operating system upgrades
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 41s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about your instructor and the course. In this course, you’ll learn about cloud security policies and managing cloud user permissions. Next, you’ll learn more about antivirus and anti-malware tools, firewalls, intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems that can be used to detect and prevent attacks. Next, you’ll learn about hardening your cloud environment and using encryption to increase data security. FREE ACCESS
  • 11m 25s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about security policies that can be implemented in the cloud to help improve security overall, beginning with password security. You’ll learn that regardless of where they're being implemented, the approach to securing passwords remains the same. In most cases, passwords are the most common method of protecting information and resources. It’s important to educate users as to why passwords are managed the way they are. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Cloud User Permissions
    6m 38s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about user permissions in the cloud and how they're typically used to manage access to resources. You’ll start with the root user which is typically represented by the account used to establish the subscription. You’ll also learn the term global administrator. This account has single sign-on access to all services available as part of the subscription. It has unrestricted access to creating resources, using applications, and creating other identities. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Virus Detection and Response
    6m 4s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about implementing antivirus and malware protection using a cloud-based solution. You’ll learn this allows you to offload both the storage of virus definitions and the processing by installing a minimal agent on the local client device as opposed to a complete security suite. Then, the client connects to the cloud-based service which then performs scans remotely. Any necessary actions are sent back from the service to the client system. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Host-based IDS and Host-based IPS
    6m 27s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the use of intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems in the cloud. Even though it's a cloud-based implementation, it doesn't change how intrusion detection works. The application monitors active sessions on the local system and can log and report any activity that appears to be questionable or suspicious. The results can be stored for further analysis. Since it's host-based on one system, the activity is localized. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Hardened Baselines
    6m 2s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about using hardened baseline configurations with respect to the applications and services you use in the cloud. You’ll learn that hardening in and of itself is the general process of minimization. This refers to disabling features that aren't being used with respect to any component that plays a part in communications with another system. Any implementation of a service is baselined in a hardened manner that suits your organization. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  File Integrity and Event Monitoring
    3m 27s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about implementing file integrity monitoring and event monitoring. You’ll learn these are solutions designed to facilitate better protection for your files against unauthorized changes. This also allows you to respond in real-time to events because cloud services aren't limited to infrastructure or software applications. Data of any description can also be stored in the cloud so it must be monitored like any other resource. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Configuration Management
    4m 40s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about implementing a configuration management solution in the cloud. You’ll learn this can be used to help more consistently deploy operating systems and/or software applications through automated processes that can apply preset configuration profiles that have been tested for reliability, optimal performance, and hardened for security. You’ll learn there are several different methods to implement configuration management. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Software Release Cycle
    6m 51s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about the software development life cycle. You’ll learn there are many existing applications in the cloud you might consume for your own purposes. You’ll discover having a good understanding of how software evolves can help ensure you end up with stable and secure implementations because the life cycle provides a consistent and standardized framework. This is used to carry out development in separate stages before it’s released to consumers. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Endpoint Security
    5m 39s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about implementing endpoint security with features such as encryption, authentication, hashing, and others. You’ll learn that endpoints, or APIs specifically, represent the point at which interaction with a service or application begins. They submit the instructions of the front-end application based on user input to backend servers for processing. So unsecured endpoints represent easy access for malicious users to gain access to potentially valuable resources or information. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  System Security Controls
    9m 24s
    In this video, you’ll learn more about some primary security controls that should be implemented throughout your cloud environment to enhance security. These should be considered early on in your planning stages and you should ensure they're implemented right away. One of the most common methods of implementing security is the firewall. While hardware-based firewalls are not exposed to you when using a cloud service, you can still subscribe to the services of the firewall. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Course Summary
    In this video, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in the course. You’ve learned about cloud security policies and security controls. You learned about enforcing security through cloud security policies and using cloud user permissions to manage resource access. You also learned about antivirus and antimalware applications and how they prevent security threats, host-based intrusion detection and prevention applications. You learned about using hardened baselines to achieve application security, file integrity, and event monitoring. FREE ACCESS


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