Cloud Platform Security: Designing Secure Access

Cloud Security    |    Intermediate
  • 16 videos | 1h 30m 27s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
Rating 4.6 of 27 users Rating 4.6 of 27 users (27)
In this course, you'll examine the principles of identity and privileged access management, which will help you and your organization to secure the content in the cloud. We will take a deep dive on IAM concepts of three platforms, configuring the directory services and identifying regions. You'll also learn about securing the cloud resources using subnets, virtual private clouds, security groups and virtual networks.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Define iam methodologies for the cloud
    List the groups and permissions in gcp/azure
    Describe access and segregation of access using roles
    Describe how iam works on azure
    Use azure active directory to perform configurations
    Describe the process of configuring iam in azure
    Identify the zones and regions specific to aws and gcp
  • Describe functions of vpc
    Recognize the services used by vpcs including privatelink, secure endpoints, and direct connect
    Configure vpc on aws
    Identify the service controls in gcp
    Configure secure vpc in gcp
    Describe security groups and subnet concepts in azure
    Apply and configure nsgs in vnets
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 44s
  • 4m 31s
    In this video, you will learn about IAM methodologies for the cloud. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Groups and Permissions
    3m 12s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to list the groups and permissions in GCP and Azure. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    4.  Privileged Access Management
    5m 4s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe access and segregation of access using roles. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  IAM in Azure
    4m 5s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe how Azure IAM works. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Azure Active Directory
    8m 24s
    In this video, you will learn how to configure Azure Active Directory. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Configuring IAM in Azure Cloud
    7m 13s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe the process of configuring IAM in Azure. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    8.  Availability Zones and Regions
    4m 39s
    Learn how to identify the zones and regions specific to AWS and GCP. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Virtual Private Clouds
    3m 15s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe the functions of a VPC. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    10.  Linked Services on AWS
    7m 13s
    After completing this video, you will be able to recognize the services used by VPCs including PrivateLink, secure endpoints, and Direct Connect. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Designing Secure VPC on AWS
    10m 54s
    In this video, learn how to configure a virtual private cloud on Amazon Web Services. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    12.  Service Controls in GCP
    5m 23s
    In this video, find out how to identify the service controls in Google Cloud Platform. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    13.  Designing Secure VPC in GCP
    5m 43s
    Find out how to configure a secure VPC in GCP. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    14.  Network Security Groups and VNets
    8m 36s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to describe security groups and subnet concepts in Azure. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    15.  Designing Virtual Networks on Azure
    9m 33s
    In this video, you will apply and configure NSGs in VNets. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    16.  Course Summary


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Rating 4.7 of 15 users Rating 4.7 of 15 users (15)
Rating 4.4 of 183 users Rating 4.4 of 183 users (183)
Rating 4.5 of 147 users Rating 4.5 of 147 users (147)


Rating 4.6 of 48 users Rating 4.6 of 48 users (48)
Rating 4.8 of 12 users Rating 4.8 of 12 users (12)
Rating 4.6 of 39 users Rating 4.6 of 39 users (39)