Building Customer Relationships in a Virtual Environment

  • 7 videos | 23m 28s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
  • Certification CPE
Rating 4.5 of 5004 users Rating 4.5 of 5004 users (5004)
When you're in a customer-facing role in a virtual or hybrid work environment and you can't interact with your customers in person, how can you establish rapport, build a relationship, and get them to trust you? In this course, you'll explore the skills and strategies to bridge the virtual divide and find meaningful ways to reach out to customers, strengthen existing customer ties, and build new ones. You'll learn how vital it is to make these human connections, and what personal qualities will enable that to happen. You'll discover how to meet your customers and really get to know them in a virtual environment, and how - and when - to use different communication channels most effectively to create real human connections. You'll also learn how to reach out effectively to create valuable touch points that customers will appreciate.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Recognize key considerations for engaging with customers virtually
    Recognize personal qualities that help build virtual connections
    Identify approaches to learn about your customers so you can meet their needs
  • Identify strategies to personalize and humanize each of the common virtual communication channels
    Identify strategies to create effective touch points with customers
    Reflect on what you've learned


  • 1m
    It used to be a handshake and lunch, maybe leaning across the counter and explaining why this one is really better than that one. Those used to be the ways to build trust and rapport with customers. But those ways are gone. In this video, you'll learn the key concepts covered in this course, including the nature of virtual customer relationships and approaches needed to build connections in a digital world. FREE ACCESS
  • 3m 51s
    Customer relationships are built on trust and rapport. The customer has a need, and you work to fill it. In this video, you will learn the key considerations for engaging with customers virtually. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Adapting Yourself to Meet the Challenges
    4m 34s
    Even when customers are perfectly happy online, your job is building connections and relationships by utilizing personal qualities to bridge the virtual divide between you. In this video, you'll explore the personal qualities that help build virtual connections. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    4.  Meeting Your Customers in a Virtual World
    4m 9s
    When developing customer relationships, it helps to remember that every customer is an individual with unique needs. When you understand and address their specific concerns, they feel valued. In this video, you'll discover approaches for learning about your customers so you can meet their needs. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    5.  Humanizing Customer Relationships in Every Format
    4m 50s
    A virtual relationship means communicating over machines, but it doesn’t mean being one. In this video, you'll explore strategies that help personalize and humanize each of the common virtual communication channels. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    6.  Reaching Out to Remote Customers Effectively
    3m 53s
    Digital technology can make communication seem impersonal. But it can actually make it easier for you to personalize your remote communication. In this video, you will learn strategies for creating effective touch points with customers. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    7.  Let's Review
    1m 11s
    In this video you'll review and reflect on what you learned in the course Building Customer Relationships in a Virtual Environment. FREE ACCESS


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