AWS Developer Associate 2021: Identity & Access Management
Amazon Web Services
| Intermediate
- 14 videos | 1h 43m 40s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Needless to say, authentication and authorization are imperative to data security. As someone working on developing and maintaining AWS-based applications, you may know this intuitively, but you may not how to put these systems in place. Use this course to gain a theoretical background in working with the primary AWS authentication and authorization resources and services. Examine the features, terminology, activities, and considerations involved in using AWS Identity and Access Management, various AWS identities, Amazon Cognito user and identity pools, Amazon Cloud Directory, AWS Directory Service, Resource Access Manager, Resource Groups, Tag Editor, Single Sign-On, and Audit Manager. This course is part of a collection that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.
Discover the key concepts covered in this courseDescribe the setup, terminology, components, and features involved in using aws identity and access management (iam)List various aws identities and recall their components and featuresSummarize how policies and permissions work in aws access managementDescribe the security and monitoring features incorporated into the aws identity and access management serviceSummarize how to work with and manage amazon cognito user pools, referencing the main features of this serviceDescribe the types, features, activities, and concepts involved in using amazon cognito identity pools
Summarize the key concepts, tasks, and requirements involved in using aws directory serviceDetail the activities, concepts and object types involved in amazon cloud directoryOutline the tasks you can perform with aws resource access manager and recognize the benefits of theseDefine what's meant by resource groups and tags and summarize how to work with these features of aws resource groups and tag editorDescribe the core features and functionality of aws single sign-on and outline how to work with this serviceOutline how aws audit manager works, referencing the activities, terms, features, and services involvedSummarize the key concepts covered in this course
1m 47s
11m 55sDuring this video, you will discover the setup, terminology, components, and features involved in using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). FREE ACCESS
9m 36sIn this video, you will learn how to list various AWS Identities and recall their components and features. FREE ACCESS
8m 18sDiscover how to summarize policies and permissions in AWS Access Management. FREE ACCESS
9m 42sIn this video, you will discover the security and monitoring features incorporated into the AWS Identity and Access Management service. FREE ACCESS
7m 49sAfter completing this video, you will be able to summarize how to work with and manage Amazon Cognito user pools, referencing the main features of this service. FREE ACCESS
7m 3sIn this video, you will learn how to describe the types, features, activities, and concepts involved in using Amazon Cognito identity pools. FREE ACCESS
10m 1sUpon completion of this video, you will be able to summarize the key concepts, tasks, and requirements involved in using AWS Directory Service. FREE ACCESS
7m 12sDuring this video, you will learn how to detail the activities, concepts, and object types involved in Amazon Cloud Directory. FREE ACCESS
6m 20sFind out how to outline the tasks you can perform with AWS Resource Access Manager and recognize the benefits of these. FREE ACCESS
8m 43sLearn how to define what resource groups and tags are, and how to work with them using the AWS Resource Groups and Tag Editor. FREE ACCESS
6m 53sIn this video, you will learn how to describe the core features and functionality of AWS Single Sign-On and how to work with this service. FREE ACCESS
7m 31sDuring this video, you will discover how AWS Audit Manager works, referencing the activities, terms, features, and services involved. FREE ACCESS
50sIn this video, we will summarize the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS
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