Angular 11: Directives & Pipes
| Beginner
- 10 videos | 37m 44s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) and is a technology that is highly in demand among experienced developers who want to move into full-stack development. Use this course to gain a better understanding of directives and pipes in Angular 11. Examine the use of conditional operators, array iteration through complex objects, and the concept of pagination. This course will also help you discover the functionality of sorting data, the use of built-in pipes and custom pipes, and how to filter a list of data as per user search input. Upon completing this course, you'll have the skills to implement directives and pipes using Angular for full-stack development.
Discover the key concepts covered in this courseUse conditional operators in components and render html contentIterate a list of arrays and display array items in the user interface (ui)Perform iteration on complex objects and render employee details from an employee arrayDefine pagination, render data on the front-end, and implementing pagination in the application
Sort data in a given list and display an updated sorted list of dataExplain the concept of pipes in angular and the use of built-in pipesCreate and implement custom pipes in angularPerform higher-order functions, filter data from a list, and update listed data based on user inputSummarize the key concepts covered in this course
1m 11sHere, you’ll learn about your instructor and this course. In this course, you’ll learn about ngIf, ng4, and other conditional operators. You’ll also explore iterating over data in an array and other complex objects. You'll consider pagination, sorting, and pipes. You’ll also take a look at building a custom pipe. Finally, you’ll look at filtering data in Angular. FREE ACCESS
2m 25sHere, you'll take a look at adding logic to your components. You'll be looking at ngIf and ngFor. Angular offers two kinds of built-in directives, attribute directives and structural directives. Both ngIf and ngFor are structural directives. They allow you to perform conditional rendering of templates. They also evaluate the condition to decide whether that HTML component is part of the structure or not. FREE ACCESS
3m 20sHere, you’ll watch a demo. In this demonstration, you’ll iterate over a collection, an array in this case. On your screen, you’ll see a boilerplate application using ng new. You’ll now switch over to Visual Studio Code to look at the product component. This is the only component that's inside of this boilerplate application at the moment. First, you’ll insert an array. FREE ACCESS
3m 28sIn this demo, you’ll build a complex object. Then, you'll iterate over that object to display the values that are part of that object. Onscreen, you’ll see a boilerplate application using ng new. You’ll then switch over to the Visual Studio code that shows the component with its selector template. Next, you’ll create a complex object. FREE ACCESS
8m 23sIn this demonstration, you’ll learn more about the topic of pagination. Onscreen, you’ll see the boilerplate application you’ve been using throughout the series. You’ll switch over to Visual Studio Code. Now in Visual Studio Code, you’ll see the component file opened. This is a file with a template, a selector, and just one line of code. FREE ACCESS
4m 14sIn this demonstration, you’ll learn more about sorting in Angular. Onscreen, you’ll see the boilerplate application you’ve been using throughout this series. You’ll notice these numbers are not in any kind of order. You’ll click on the Visual Studio Code icon to go into Visual Studio Code. You’ll see the typescript file product.component.ts. You’ll see an external JavaScript file on the left side of Visual Studio Code. FREE ACCESS
2m 39sHere, you’ll learn about pipes in Angular. Pipes are functions, they accept data and they return data. But all of that data is transformed in some way. Pipes can be thought of as your formatting for currency, dates, and other types of data you need to transform in some way. They can be used throughout the application once you declare them. You’ll declare them in one place and use them in any component. FREE ACCESS
5m 25sIn this demonstration, you’ll build a custom pipe and implement it into your application. Onscreen, you’ll see an application using ng new. You’ll see there’s now an external JavaScript file that generates 100 random numbers. You also see a component called product component onscreen now. Now, you’ll switch over to Visual Studio. FREE ACCESS
4m 46sIn this demonstration, you’ll learn about filtering data using a higher-order function. Onscreen, you’ll see an application created using ng new. What you're looking at on the screen right now is the pagination of100 numbers. You’ll move from one page to another, and see ten numbers at a time. They're all randomly generated. Now you’ll add a filter to those numbers. FREE ACCESS
1m 53sHere, you’ll summarize what you’ve learned in this course. You learned more about Angular components. You started by looking at nglf and ngFor. You also iterated through a complex object. A complex object is like a JavaScript object, it does have a name and a value. You also learned about implementing pagination in Angular. For that, you installed an external package called ngx-pagination. FREE ACCESS
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