Information Systems Audit and Control Association Books
Browse our extensive library of books and Book Summaries.
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, Fourth EditionDesigned to help you pass the CISA exam with ease, this comprehensive guide also serves as an essential on-the-job reference for new and established IS auditors.
By Peter H. Gregory
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Practice ExamsDesigned to help you pass the test with greater confidence, this highly effective self-study guide is filled with discussions, details, and real-life examples throughout the CISA domains and the world of professional auditing.
By Peter H. Gregory
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide, Fourth EditionIncluding chapter summary highlights and review questions to help you gauge your understanding of the material, this complete resource provides guidance toward all content areas, tasks, and knowledge areas of the exam and is illustrated with real-world examples.
By Allen Keele, Brian T. O'Hara, David Cannon