Engineering Books
Browse our extensive library of books and Book Summaries.
Ablative Thermal Protection Systems ModelingExplaining the history of ablative materials and the future of its design process, this book aims to develop physical skills in the key scientific areas applied to the modeling of thermal protection.
By Georges Duffa
Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and VibrationsIllustrated with numerous concrete examples linked to solid and fluid continua, this didactic book proposes a selection of applications encountered in the three fields, whether in room acoustics, transport, energy production systems or environmental problems.
By Fabien Anselmet, Pierre-Olivier Mattei
Adhesives Technology Handbook, Third EditionCovering a wide range of industrial applications across sectors including medical applications, automotive/aerospace, packaging, electronics, and consumer goods, this book provides a complete guide to the selection of adhesives, methods of use, industrial applications, and the fundamentals of adhesion.
By Arthur H. Landrock, Sina Ebnesajjad
Advanced Driver Intention InferenceThis book describes one of the most important function for future ADAS, namely, the driver intention inference.
By Chen Lv, Dongpu Cao, Yang Xing
Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling: A Practical HandbookProviding a complete explanation of estimation theory and application, modeling approaches, and model evaluation, this practical guide explains all important aspects of Kalman filtering and least-squares theory and application.
By Bruce P. Gibbs
Advanced Mechanics of MaterialsWritten for undergraduate or postgraduate students in mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering programs, this text is concerned with the development of analytical methods for solving problems in mechanics of materials.
By R. Jay. Conant, Roman Solecki
Advanced Seat Suspension Control System Design for Heavy Duty VehiclesThis book provides systematic knowledge of the advanced seat suspension design and control for heavy duty vehicles.
By Donghong Ning, Haiping Du, Shuaishuai Sun, Weihua Li
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Second EditionIncluding worked examples in most of the chapters, followed by exercises with solutions, this invaluable resource introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and applies them to a wide range of technologies.
By Desmond E. Winterbone
Advanced Thermodynamics: Fundamentals - Mathematics - ApplicationsDesigned for a course in thermodynamics or for use as a reference for practicing engineers, this book includes the theoretical underpinnings and derivations necessary for advanced study.
By Mehrzad Tabatabaian, R.K. Rajput
Advances in Collaborative Civil Aeronautical Multidisciplinary Design OptimizationInspired and verified by real industrial use cases, the innovative methods and infrastructure solutions contained in this book present a radical step forward toward the advancement, industrialization, and standardization of the MDO concept.
By E. Kesseler, Marin D. Guenov
Advances in Heat Transfer, 54, First EditionAdvances in Heat Transfer, Volume 54 in this comprehensive series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapter written by an international board of authors.
By John M. Gorman, John Patrick Abraham, Wolodymyr J. Minkowycz
Advances in Nanofluid Heat TransferAdvances in Nanofluid Heat Transfer covers the broad definitions, brief history, preparation techniques, thermophysical properties, heat transfer characteristics, and emerging applications of hybrid nanofluids.
By Hafiz Ali
Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Sixth EditionA leading course text on aerodynamics, this book includes the latest developments in compressible flow, computational fluid dynamics, and contemporary applications and offers additional examples and end of chapter exercises provide more problem-solving practice for students.
By Daniel T. Valentine, E.L. Houghton, P.W. Carpenter, Steven H. Collicott
Aerospace Actuators 1: Needs, Reliability and Hydraulic Power SolutionsProviding general information on actuators and their reliability, this book focuses on hydraulically supplied actuators, emphasizing hydraulic power actuators as a technology which are used extensively for all aircraft, including newer aircraft.
By Jean-Charles Maré (ed)
Aircraft Basic Science, Eighth EditionWith revised examples and figures to more accurately reflect the state of the industry, this book is a valuable resource for students of aviation technology that provides updated information needed to prepare for an FAA airframe and powerplant maintenance certification.
By James R. Rardon, Michael J. Kroes, Michael S. Nolan
Aircraft DesignIncluding example exercises from the author's industrial experience dealing with a typical aircraft design, this book explores fixed winged aircraft design at the conceptual phase of a project.
By Ajoy Kundu
Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering ApproachPresenting the methodologies behind aircraft design in one single volume, this book covers the components and issues affected by design procedures, and explains the design process in a holistic manner to emphasize the integration of the individual components into the overall design.
By Mohammad H. Sadraey
Aircraft Fuel SystemsIncluding fuel handling, quantity gauging and management functions for both commercial (civil) and military applications, this book integrates all aspects of fuel products and systems.
By Chuck Clark, Lonnie Richards, Martin Hewitt, Roy Langton
Aircraft Propulsion, Second EditionProviding comprehensive treatment of the subjects in airbreathing propulsion, from the basic principles to more advanced treatments in engine components and system integration, this text features expanded design guidelines in aircraft engine components that make it friendly to use for engine designers.
By Saeed Farokhi
Aircraft System Safety: Assessments for Initial Airworthiness CertificationShowing readers how to bring safety assessment together in a logical and efficient manner, this practical guide covers the effect of design, manufacturing, and maintenance errors and the effects of common component errors, while evaluating the malfunctioning of multiple aircraft components and the interaction various aircraft systems have on the aircraft's ability to continue safe flight and landing.
By Duane Kritzinger
Aircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched WeaponsAircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched Weapons introduces the various aspects of weapons integration, primarily from the aircraft systems integration viewpoint, but also considers key parts of the weapon and the desired interactions with the aircraft required for successful target engagement.
By Keith Rigby
Aircraft Systems: Instruments, Communications, Navigation, and ControlWritten by a noted authority in the field, this authoritative text includes in-depth descriptions of traditional systems, reviews the latest developments, and gives information on the technologies that are likely to emerge in the future.
By Chris Binns
Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration, Third EditionAn essential reference tool for aerospace industry researchers and practitioners, this guide presents an in-depth study of the general systems of an aircraft that transform an aircraft shell into a living, functioning and communicating flying machine.
By Allan Seabridge, Lan Moir
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicle Technologies for Improved Environmental Performance: Towards Zero Carbon Transportation, Second EditionAlternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicle Technologies for Improved Environmental Performance: Towards Zero Carbon Transportation, Second Edition provides a comprehensive view of key developments in advanced fuels and vehicle technologies to improve the energy efficiency and environmental impact of the automotive sector.
By Richard Folkson, Steve Sapsford
An Introduction to Passive RadarDeveloped by recognized experts, this one-of-a-kind resource introduces the basic principles of passive radar technology and provides an overview of recent developments in this field and existing real passive radar systems.
By Christopher J. Baker, Hugh D. Griffiths
Applied Optimal EstimationWith numerous illustrative examples, many based on actual applications, throughout, this book on the optimal estimation that places its major emphasis on practical applications, treats the subject more from an engineering than a mathematical orientation.
By Arthur Gelb (ed)
ASHRAE Pocket Guide for Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration, 9th EditionDeveloped to serve as a ready, offline reference for engineers without easy access to complete ASHRAE Handbook volumes, this book includes updates from current editions of the ASHRAE Handbook series as well as from various ASHRAE standards.
Assistive Technology for the ElderlyThis book lays out the technology that is already available and covers user needs and state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies.
By Nagender Kumar Suryadevara
Automobile EngineeringFilled with easy-to-follow diagrams to facilitate learning, this book explains the different aspects and latest developments in automobile engineering in a straightforward manner.
By Sudhir Kumar Saxena
Automotive Control SystemsIncluding problems and examples, as well as an extensive list of references, this comprehensive book is designed to introduce advanced control systems for vehicles, including advanced automotive concepts and the next generation of vehicles for ITS.
By A. Galip Ulsoy, Huei Peng, Melih Çakmakci
Automotive Tire Noise and VibrationsThe book focuses not only on tire/road noise issues from the tire/road structures, materials and dynamics, but also from a whole vehicle system.
By Yingxu Wang (ed)
Aviation Maintenance Management, Second EditionThoroughly revised for the latest aviation industry changes and FAA regulations, this comprehensive reference explains how to establish and run an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective aircraft maintenance program.
By Harry A. Kinnison, Tariq Siddiqui
Aviation Risk and Safety ManagementThe International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) decision to require aviation organizations to adopt Safety Management Systems poses a major problem especially for small and medium sized aviation companies. This book shows the implementation of such a new system with pragmatic effort in order to gain a gradation for smaller operators.
By Andreas Wittmer, Christopher Drax, Roland Müller
Basic MATLAB, Simulink, and StateflowDesigned to be modular and thus flexible for use in a variety of teaching and time formats, or for self-study, this book takes a practical, hands-on approach to programming in MATLAB and modeling in Simulink and Stateflow.
By Richard Colgren
Bayesian Multiple Target Tracking, Second EditionProviding numerous examples that involve the use of particle filters, this book views multiple target tracking as a Bayesian inference problem and within this framework it develops the theory of single target tracking, multiple target tracking, and likelihood ratio detection and tracking.
By Kristine L. Bell, Lawrence D. Stone, Roy L. Streit, Thomas L. Corwin
Boundary Layer Analysis, Revised EditionSpanning the entire range of viscous fluid flows of engineering interest--from low-speed to hypersonic flows--this volume introduces and analyzes laminar, transitional, and turbulent flows; the physics of turbulent shear flows; and turbulence models.
By Joseph A. Schetz
Communications, Radar and Electronic WarfareA practical guide on the topic of radio communications and propagation, this book introduces the basic theory of radio prediction before providing a step-by-step explanation of how this theory can be translated into real-life applications.
By Adrian Graham
Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach, Second EditionCombining an appropriate level of mathematical background, worked examples, screen shots, and step-by-step processes, this book walks the reader through modeling and computing, as well as interpreting CFD results.
By Chaoqun Liu, Guan-Heng Yeoh, Jiyuan Tu
Computational Intelligent Techniques in MechatronicsThis book, set against the backdrop of huge advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning within mechatronic systems, serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the intricacies of mechatronics and harnessing its transformative potential.
By Ivan C. K. Tam, Kolla Bhanu Prakash, Satish Kumar Peddapelli, Vishal Jain, Wai Lok Woo
Computer Modeling in the Aerospace IndustryDevoted to advances in the field of computer simulation of aerospace equipment, this study is the most up-to-date coverage of the state-of-the-art on coastal and passenger aircraft, drones, and other recent developments in this constantly changing field.
By Iftikhar B. Abbasov
Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea, and AirFocusing on computer vision as on-board technology, this essential resource brings together fields of research where computer vision is progressively penetrating the automotive sector, unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles.
By Antonio M. López, Atsushi Imiya, Jose M. Álvarez, Tomas Pajdla
Consensus Tracking of Multiagent Systems with Switching TopologiesThis book takes an advanced look at the development of multi-agent systems with continuously switching topologies and relay tracking systems with switching of agents.
By Lijing Dong, Sing Kiong Nguang
Coupled CFD-DEM Modeling: Formulation, Implementation and Applications to Multiphase FlowsDiscussing the CFD-DEM method of modeling which combines both the Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid Dynamics to simulate fluid-particle interactions, this book deals with both theoretical and practical concepts of CFD-DEM, its numerical implementation - accompanied by a hands-on numerical code in FORTRAN, and gives examples of industrial applications.
By Hamid Reza Norouzi, Navid Mostoufi, Rahmat Sotudeh-Gharebagh, Reza Zarghami
Cubesat HandbookThis book covers topics such as standard interfaces, on-board & ground software, industry standards in terms of control algorithms and sub-systems, systems engineering, standards for AITV (assembly, integration, testing and validation) activities, and launch regulations.
By Benjamin Malphrus, Chantal Cappelletti, Simone Battistini
Decision-Making Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles, First EditionDecision-Making Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles provides a general overview of control and decision-making tools that could be used in autonomous vehicles. Motion prediction and planning tools are presented, along with the use of machine learning and adaptability to improve performance of algorithms in real scenarios.
By Felipe Jimenez, Jorge Villagra
Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar, Second EditionSupported by 360 task-clarifying illustrations, the book offers radar engineers expert guidance on the design of LPI emitter and intercept receivers and the development of digital signal processing techniques for detecting and classifying LPI modulations.
By Philip E. Pace
Digital Twin Driven Smart DesignThis book is the ideal guide for anyone interested in digital manufacturing or computer-aided design.
By A.Y.C. Nee, Ang Liu, Fei Tao, Tianliang Hu
Dimensioning and Tolerancing HandbookIncluding many new techniques, methodologies, and examples, this book offers high level information and expertise to a broad spectrum of readers, while providing detailed information for those needing specific information.
By Paul J. Drake
Drones to Go: A Crash Course for Scientists and MakersWith step-by-step instructions to learn the five key skills needed to develop quadcopters, this book provides a crash course on drone development for beginners and can also serve as a comprehensive reference for those who want a detailed guide for future projects.
By Carlos Fernando Aguilar-Ibañez, Julio Alberto Mendoza-Mendoza, Leonardo Fonseca-Ruiz, Victor Javier Gonzalez-Villela
Dynamics and Advanced Motion Control of Off-Road UGVsThis book details both theoretical concepts such as planning and perception when working with UGVs, as well as more practical, hands-on aspects such as torque vectoring control. The book also covers related technologies such as intelligent and electrification of ground vehicles.
By Yu Mae
Electric Motor HandbookWritten for professionals who work in electric motors, this covers updated traction applications, the latest on solid-state motor-drive controllers, electrical and mechanical parameters, specifications, shapes, performance, protection, and more.
By H. Wayne Beaty, James L.Kirtley, Jr.
Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications, Fifth EditionWith diagrams and worked examples throughout, this book helps users acquire knowledge and understanding of the capabilities and limitations of motors and drives without struggling through unnecessary math and theory.
By Austin Hughes, Bill Drury
Electric Vehicle Design: Design, Simulation, and Applications NEW!This book will serve as a definitive guide to conceptual and practical knowledge about the design of hybrid electrical vehicles (HEV), battery electrical vehicles (BEV), fuel cell electrical vehicles (FCEV), plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles (PHEV), and efficient EV charging techniques with advanced tools and methodologies for students, engineers, and academics alike.
By Himanshu Sharma, Krishan Arora, Suman Lata Tripathi
Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Second EditionIncluding practical examples and case studies throughout, this book presents clear and comprehensive coverage of the major aspects of electric vehicle development and offers an engineering-based evaluation of electric motor scooters, cars, buses and trains.
By James Larminie, John Lowry
Engineering Analysis with ANSYS SoftwareWith its detailed, step-by-step explanations, and extensive worked examples and sample problems, this book will develop readers' understanding of FEA and their ability to use ANSYS' software tools to solve their own analysis problems.
By Tadeusz Stolarski
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB/SimulinkProviding a broad overview of The MathWorks' MATLAB/Simulink/GUIDE development and modeling environment, this textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications.
By Oleg Yakimenko
Engineering Mechanics, Volume 1: Statics, Fifth EditionModernized with new problems and a more accessible presentation, this volume provides detailed coverage of two- and three-dimensional force systems, trusses under concentrated loads, distributed forces, friction, work, and more.
By J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige
Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed SimulationThrough methods from the fields of operations research, computer science, and engineering, this book guides readers through the history, current training practices, and modern methodology related to combat modeling and distributed simulation systems.
By Andreas Tolk (ed)
Essential Computational Fluid DynamicsWith expert guidance and a wealth of useful techniques, this book offers a clear, concise, and accessible account of the essentials needed to conduct and interpret a CFD analysis.
By Oleg Zikanov
Essentials of the Finite Element Method: For Mechanical and Structural EngineersFundamental coverage, analytic mathematics, and up-to-date software applications are hard to find in a single text on the finite element method (FEM). This book provides a comprehensive but concise guide for those new to FEM, or just in need of a refresher on the essentials.
By Dimitrios G. Pavlou
EW 101: A First Course in Electronic WarfareEW 101 has been a popular column in the Journal of Electronic Defense for a number of years. This compilation of tutorial articles from JED provides introductory level electronic warfare instruction for students of the discipline.
By David Adamy (ed)
EW 104: Electronic Warfare Against a New Generation of ThreatsPresenting a series of highly informative and easy-to-comprehend tutorials, along with insightful introductory and connective material that helps you understand how each aspect fits together, this reference reviews legacy threats and discusses new threats which have arisen since Y2K in communications, radar, and IR threats.
By David Adamy
Failure of Material in Mechanical Design: Analysis, Prediction, Prevention, Second EditionCovering the basic principles of failure of metallic and non-metallic materials in mechanical design applications, this book emphasizes the potential for mechanical failure from stresses, strains and energy transfers in machine parts.
By Jack A. Collins
Finite Element Analysis: A PrimerIncluding over 35 solved problems using software applications such as MATLAB, COMSOL, and ANSYS, this book presents a comparison of solutions to the problems obtained by the analytical method, FEM hand calculations, and the software method.
By A. V. Kulkarni, S. M. Musa, V. K. Havanur
Flight Dynamics Principles: A Linear Systems Approach to Aircraft Stability and Control, Second EditionEnhanced by detailed worked examples and case studies, this text provides a secure foundation from which to move on to more advanced topics such a non-linear flight dynamics, simulation and advanced flight control.
By Michael V. Cook
Flight Science: Mathematics, Techniques, SensibilityIncluding aviation-related case studies, equations, and diagrams, this book introduces certain aspects of mathematics and sciences in general, as they relate to the subject of aviation, from the wheels-up to the wheels-down, and the time in between.
By Layla S. Mayboudi
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Sixth EditionProviding example questions and answers throughout, this comprehensive text has applications for professionals and students in many subsets of the mechanical engineering discipline, including fluid mechanics, combustion and heat transfer; and much more.
By C.A. Hall, S.L. Dixon
Fluid Mechanics, Fourth EditionGuiding students from the fundamentals to the analysis and application of fluid mechanics, this text covers compressible flow and such diverse applications as hydraulics and aerodynamics.
By Ira M. Cohen, Pijush K. Kundu
FMCW Radar DesignUsing a consistent set of notations while avoiding excessive mathematics, this groundbreaking resource offers engineers expert guidance in designing narrowband FMCW radars for surveillance, navigation, and missile seeking.
By M. Jankiraman
Forsthoffer's Best Practice Handbook for Rotating MachineryHelping you improve efficiency, safety, reliability and cost, this unique resource offers best practices derived from lessons learned in the engineering, operation and maintenance of a wide array of rotating equipment.
By W.E. Forsthoffer
Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Flow ControlFlow control technologies have been used in the past century to control fluid flows. This text presents the current state of the art in emerging modern flow control technologies and highlights the application of these technologies to aerospace platforms.
By Daniel N. Miller, Ronald D. Joslin
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Eighth EditionWith real-world applications that emphasize the relevance of thermodynamics principles to some of the most critical problems and issues of today, this book includes a wealth of coverage of topics related to energy and the environment, biomedical/bioengineering, and emerging technologies.
By Daisie D. Boettner, Howard N. Shapiro, Margaret B. Bailey, Michael J. Moran
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Eighth EditionIncluding an abundance of examples and problems, this book makes heat and mass transfer more approachable by giving additional emphasis to fundamental concepts, while highlighting the relevance of two of today's most critical issues: energy and the environment.
By Adrienne S. Lavine, Theodore L. Bergman
Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach, Fourth EditionA practical guide to building Kalman filters that shows how the filtering equations can be applied to real-life problems, this thorough guide presents numerous examples in detail, showing the many ways in which Kalman filters can be designed.
By Howard Musoff, Paul Zarchan
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Fifth EditionFilled with solved examples, problems, and handy tables, this guide will help you gain a a solid understanding of the fundamentals of component design so you can apply your knowledge, skills, and imagination to professional engineering problems.
By Kurt M. Marshek, Robert C. Juvinall
Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, Second EditionCovering structural dynamics fundamentals, finite-element-based computational methods, and dynamic testing methods, this book includes numerous examples to help engineers apply the techniques and methods to challenges they face in the real world.
By Andrew J. Kurdila, Roy R. Craig, Jr.
Gas Turbine EmissionsWith chapters authored by some of the world's experts in their respective fields, this authoritative book compiles the key scientific and technological knowledge associated with gas turbine emissions into a single authoritative source.
By Timothy C. Lieuwen, Vigor Yang
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing For Mechanical Design, Second EditionWritten in accordance with the latest revision of the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) standard, ASME Y14.5-2009, this easy-to-understand text will help you ensure the proper assembly of parts, improve quality, and reduce costs.
By Gene R. Cogorno
Gradient-Enhanced Continuum PlasticityThis book provides an expansive review of gradient-enhanced continuum plasticity from the initial stage to current research trends in experimental, theoretical, computational and numerical investigations.
By George Z. Voyiadjis, Yooseob Song
Guide to Automotive Connectivity and Cybersecurity: Trends, Technologies, Innovations and ApplicationsDescribing the challenges of the global automotive market, this comprehensive reference provides an ideal framework for understanding the complexity of automotive connectivity and cybersecurity.
By Dietmar P. F. Möller, Roland E. Haas
Handbook of Defence Electronics and Optronics: Fundamentals, Technologies and SystemsAmply illustrated with diagrams, photographs and tables, this book provides a complete account of defence electronics and optronics covering fundamentals, operational aspects, involved technologies and application potential of a large cross-section of military systems.
By Anil K. Maini
Handbook of Noise and Vibration ControlWith contributions from leading practitioners and researchers, this book provides an expert snapshot of the broad field of noise and vibration, including the science, the latest research and practical applications, best practices and future directions.
By Malcolm J. Crocker (ed)
Handbook of Radar Scattering Statistics for TerrainBased on the most comprehensive database of radar measurements ever assembled, this book examines the statistical behavior of speckle and provides ready access to statistical summaries and plots of radar backscatter from terrain.
By Fawwaz T. Ulaby, M. Craig Dobson
Harris' Shock and Vibration HandbookWritten by outstanding authorities in a variety of fields, this thorough text covers basic theories of shock and vibration measurement; testing, design, and control methodologies; and practical applications of theory.
By Allan G. Piersol, Cyril M. Harris
Heat Conduction, Third EditionWith an emphasis on the mathematics and underlying physics, this thorough guide has considerable depth and analytical rigor, providing a systematic framework for each solution scheme with attention to boundary conditions and energy conservation.
By David W. Hahn, M. Necati Özisik
Heat Transfer Applications for the Practicing EngineerApproaching heat transfer from a strictly pragmatic point of view, this text introduces topics required when solving most engineering problems, explains heat transfer principles, addresses heat transfer equipment design procedures and applications, and examines ABET-related topics.
By Louis Theodore
Heat Transfer in Aerospace ApplicationsProviding an overall description of heat transfer issues of relevance for aerospace applications, this book discusses why thermal problems arise and introduces the various heat transfer modes.
By Bengt Sundén, Juan Fu
High Frequency Over the Horizon Radar: Fundamental Principles, Signal Processing, and Practical ApplicationsWritten by a leading global expert on the topic, this authoritative text provides in-depth coverage of the signal processing models and techniques that have significantly advanced OTH radar technology.
By Giuseppe Aureliano Fabrizio
High Speed Off-Road Vehicles: Suspensions, Tracks, Wheels and DynamicsWritten from both historical and analytical perspectives, this concise reference is an excellent, in-depth review of vehicle performance in off-road conditions with a focus on key elements of the running gear systems of vehicles.
By Bruce Maclaurin
Human-Machine Interaction for Automated Vehicles: Driver Status Monitoring and the Takeover ProcessHuman-Machine Interaction for Automated Vehicles: Driver Status Monitoring and the Takeover Process explains how to design an intelligent human-machine interface by characterizing driver behavior before and during the takeover process.
By Chen Lv, Lichao Yang, Yifan Zhao
Hybrid Nanofluids for Convection Heat TransferThis book discusses how to maximize heat transfer rates with the addition of nanoparticles into conventional heat transfer fluids.
By Hafiz Muhammad Ali
Hydraulic Design HandbookProviding current, best practice methods, tips, guidelines, and examples to help you handle any hydraulic design challenge, this all-inclusive, authoritative text will save you hours of searching through journals and fine-print government publications.
By Larry W. Mays (ed)
Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Fluids Technology (Second Edition)This book gives engineers a critical guide on selecting better products to boost productions while strengthening environmental enhancement and consideration.
By Johannes Fink
Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Second EditionDesigned as an effective classroom text and a viable, professional working tool, this book is packed with chapter previews, design examples, and roadmaps to guide the reader through learning about hypersonic flow and high-temperature gas dynamics.
By John D. Anderson, Jr.
Industrial Automation and RoboticsPresenting an introduction to the multidisciplinary field of automation and robotics for industrial applications, this book initially covers the important concepts of hydraulics and pneumatics and how they are used for automation in an industrial setting before moving to a discussion of circuits and using them in hydraulic, pneumatic, and fluidic design.
By A.K. Gupta, Jean Riescher Westcott, S.K. Arora
Industrial System Engineering for Drones: A Guide with Best Practices for DesigningExplore a complex mechanical system where electronics and mechanical engineers work together as a cross-functional team. Using a working example, this book is a practical "how to" guide to designing a drone system.
By Neeraj Kumar Singh, Porselvan Muthukrishnan, Satyanarayana Sanpini
Intelligent Autonomy of UAVs: Advanced Missions and Future UseIntroducing the basics of civilian missions for small drones, this book provides an approach to the formulation of the fundamental task typical to any mission and presents guidelines on how this task can be solved by different generic robotic problems.
By Yasmina Bestaoui Sebbane
Internal Flow: Concepts and ApplicationsProviding students and practicing engineers with a range of analytical tools, this book describes the analysis and behavior of internal flows encountered in propulsion systems, fluid machinery, and ducts.
By C. S. Tan, E. M. Greitzer, M. B. Graf
Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Third EditionDeductively organized, this book is a complete on-the-job reference that provides a thorough understanding to the complex ASME Y14.5-2009 "Dimensioning and the Tolerancing" standard.
By Daniel E. Puncochar, Ken Evans
Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective, Second EditionComplete with examples, case studies, and corresponding problems to solve, this textbook provides the resources that students need to understand the methods and thought processes involved in designing aircraft.
By John J. Bertin, Randall J. Stiles, Ray Whitford, Steven A. Brandt
Introduction to Aerospace MaterialsWith its comprehensive coverage of the main issues surrounding structural aerospace materials, this authoritative resource is essential reading for undergraduate students studying aerospace and aeronautical engineering.
By Adrian P. Mouritz
Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Classical Feedback ControlBased on a successful 15-year approach to teaching aircraft flight mechanics at the U.S. Air Force Academy, this informative book clearly explains all the concepts and derivations of equations for aircraft flight mechanics.
By Thomas R. Yechout, et al.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2: Wave-Corpuscle, Quantization & Schrodinger's EquationA study of Schrödinger's equation and its applications in the study of wells, steps and potential barriers, this book examines the properties of orthonormal bases in the space of square-summable wave functions and Dirac notations in the space of states.
By Ibrahima Sakho
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering: With MATLAB Exercises, Fourth EditionIncluding a wide range of new application examples, this book covers innovations in the Kalman filter algorithm and the proliferation of Kalman filtering applications from the past decade.
By Patrick Y. C. Hwang, Robert Grover Brown
Introduction to Space SystemsAnalyzing the process of space system design in an abstract way, this book then focuses on concrete aspects of the space system design process, concentrates on interactions between design decisions and uses past design examples to illustrate these interactions.
By Miguel A. Aguirre
Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat TransferWritten by four of the leading authors in the field, this highly accessible text surveys the fields of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer, and identifies the critical subject areas needed to analyze thermal systems.
By Bruce R. Munson, David P. Dewitt, Howard N. Shapiro, Michael J. Moran
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB AlgorithmsProviding a full representation of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) imagery, which is a popular and important radar signal processing tool, this book offers a fair amount of signal processing techniques and radar basics before introducing the inverse problem of ISAR and the forward problem of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).
By Caner Özdemir
IoT and Spacecraft InformaticsIoT and Spacecraft Informatics provides the theory and applications of IoT systems in the design, development and operation of spacecraft. Sections present a high-level overview of IoT and introduce key concepts needed to successfully design IoT solutions, key technologies, protocols, and technical building blocks that combine into complete IoT solutions.
By Andrew W. H. IP, Fatos Xhafa, K.K. Tseng, K.L. Yung
Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers: Aspects of Modeling, Analysis, and DesignWith chapters prepared by world-renowned experts in their subject areas, each one focuses on a specific aspect of liquid-propellant combustion and thrust chamber dynamics, and is incorporated into the volume in a well-organized, cohesive manner.
By James Hulka, Michael Popp, Mohammed Habiballah, Vigor Yang
Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural MaterialsFocusing on the manufacturing technology necessary to fabricate and assemble metallic and composite materials into useful and effective structural components, this book offers detailed chapters dedicated to each key metal or alloy used in the industry.
By F. C. Campbell
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical EngineeringWith more than 3,000 illustrations and 900 tables that clarify every important mathematical and engineering principle, this book will help you answer any analytical, design and application question quickly and easily.
By Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore Baumeister (eds)
Materials Kinetics Fundamentals: Principles, Processes, and ApplicationsDesigned for the undergraduate student, this accessible and interesting introduction avoids intense mathematics to present the theory and application of kinetics in a clear, reader-friendly way.
By Ryan O'Hayre
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Fourth EditionFeaturing full-color material property charts, this innovative resource describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available.
By Michael F. Ashby
Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and ApplicationWith an integrated use of LabVIEW examples and problems, this book introduces undergraduate engineering students to the measurement principles and the range of sensors and instruments that are used for measuring physical variables.
By Alan S Morris, Reza Langari
Measurement Data Modeling and Parameter EstimationPresenting the first-hand insights and experiences of the authors and their research group, this book summarizes cutting-edge research to facilitate the application of mathematical theory in measurement and control engineering.
By Defeng Gu, Dongyun Yi, Jing Yao, Xiaojun Duan, Zhengming Wang
Mechanical Alloying (Third Edition)This book is a detailed introduction to mechanical alloying that offers guidelines on the necessary equipment and facilities needed to carry out the process, also giving a fundamental background to the reactions taking place.
By M. Sherif El-Eskandarany
Mechanical Assemblies: Their Design, Manufacture, and Role in Product DevelopmentThis book develops a systematic approach to modeling and design of assemblies, and covers assembly analysis techniques such as predicting variation, Design for Assembly and generating assembly sequences.
By Daniel E. Whitney
Mechanical Design Engineering HandbookWith step-by-step procedures, fully worked design scenarios, component images and cross-sectional line drawings, this book is a straight-talking and forward-thinking reference covering the design, specification, selection, use and integration of machine elements fundamental to a wide range of engineering applications.
By Peter R.N. Childs
Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics HandbookThis handbook covers basic concepts in mechanical engineering and mechatronics, including stress and strain, mechanics of solids, internal combustion engines, refrigeration, fluid mechanics, control systems, actuation, robotics, electro-mechanical systems, hydraulics, and more.
By D. Kumar PhD
Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Instrumentation, Systems, Controls, and MEMS, Third Edition, Book 2Going beyond straight data, formulas, and calculations, this thorough handbook covers instrumentation, control systems and devices, as well as neural networks, mechatronics, and MEMS.
By Myer Kutz (ed)
Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics, Third EditionWith coherent and uniform notation, this book presents the theory of vibrations in the context of structural analysis and covers applications in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
By Daniel J. Rixen, Michel Géradin
Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLABWritten specifically for students in engineering and materials science, this text places emphasis on learning the composite material mechanics computations and on understanding the underlying concepts.
By George Z. Voyiadjis, Peter I. Kattan
Mechanics of Fluid FlowAuthored by some of the world's best-known and respected petroleum engineers, this groundbreaking book covers the concepts, theories, and applications of the mechanics of fluid flow for the veteran engineer working in the field and the student, alike.
By George V. Chilingar, Kaplan S. Basniev, Nikolay M. Dmitriev
Mechanics of MaterialsWith strong practical examples and real-life engineering problems, this pedagogical text provides the skills and principles that students need to organize, integrate, and make sense of the flood of information emerging in the world of modern engineering.
By Madhukar Vable
MechatronicsUsing extensive in-text, solved examples and computer simulations, this book presents self-explanatory block diagrams, examples, and numerous illustrations to help the reader develop systems with motors, circuits, microprocessors, and controls.
By G. Hegde
Microwave Engineering: Land & Space RadiocommunicationsFor students and practicing engineers in wireless telecommunications, this book introduces the main propagation phenomena that are encountered and that must be considered in the design and planning for any given system type and frequency of operation.
By Gérard Barué
Missile Guidance and Control SystemsFocusing on the mathematics of guided flight, this text presents the fundamental concepts of guided missiles, both tactical, and strategic and the guidance, control, and instrumentation needed to acquire a target.
By George M. Siouris
Modeling and Control of Engines and DrivelinesOffering an introduction to the subject of modeling, analysis, and control of engines and drivelines, this essential book aims to provide a set of standard models and serve as a reference material for engineers in the field.
By Lars Eriksson, Lars Nielsen
Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics, Second EditionUnifying all aspects of flight dynamics for the efficient development of aerospace vehicle simulations, this book provides readers with a complete set of tools to build, program, and execute simulation.
By Peter H. Zipfel
Newtonian Mechanics: A Modelling Approach, Second EditionThis book gives equal prominence to all three missions. It therefore includes some advanced material as well as the customary introductory topics and is designed to be studied over an extended time-frame.
By Derek Raine PhD
Non-Line-of-Sight RadarBringing together the essential underpinnings and techniques required to develop and field a viable NLOS radar, this book presents many examples, including electromagnetic radiation propagation in urban NLOS environments, predictive ray-tracing techniques, and more.
By Brian C. Watson, Joseph R. Guerci
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Elasticity-PlasticityThis book empowers readers to fully understand the constitutive equation of finite strain, an essential piece in assessing the deformation/strength of materials and safety of structures.
By Koichi Hashiguchi
Optical Payloads for Space MissionsWith contributions from leading international rocket-scientists and instrument builders, this book provides information on the principles of the optical spacecraft payloads, missions' background, motivation and challenges, as well as the scientific returns, benefits and applications.
By Shen-En Qian (ed)
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Second EditionFilled with examples, homework problems, and Matlab algorithms, this text provides coverage of perturbations, Lambert's problem, attitude dynamics, and techniques for numerically integrating orbits.
By Howard Curtis
Performance of the Jet Transport Airplane: Analysis Methods, Flight Operations, and RegulationsPresenting a detailed and comprehensive treatment of performance analysis techniques for jet transport airplanes, this unique book describes key operational and regulatory procedures and constraints that directly impact the performance of commercial airliners.
By Trevor M. Young
Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors, Third EditionPresenting stress concentration factors both graphically and with formulas, this book explains how to optimize shape to circumvent stress concentration problems and how to achieve a well-balanced design of structures and machines.
By Deborah F. Pilkey, Walter D. Pilkey
Pipe Flow: A Practical and Comprehensive GuideDrawing together and reviewing the growing body of experimental and theoretical research, this book provides the information required to design and analyze the piping systems needed to support a broad range of industrial operations, distribution systems, and power plants.
By Donald C. Rennels, Hobart M. Hudson
Practical Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive MaintenanceHighlighting the latest approaches and equipment used together with the latest techniques in vibration analysis, this text examines the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in rotating and reciprocating machinery using vibration analysis.
By Cornelius Scheffer, Paresh Girdhar
Precision Aerial Delivery Systems: Modeling, Dynamics, and ControlCo-authored by eleven subject matter experts, this book provides an overview of the recent developments in precision aerial cargo delivery from the standpoint of developing guidance, navigation and control (GNC) algorithms for the self-guided parafoil and parachute-based aerial delivery systems (PADS).
By Oleg A. Yakimenko (ed)
Pressure Vessel DesignTaking a rigorously scientific aproach with a complete theoretical development of the topics treated, this book offers concrete and precise calculation criteria that can be immediately applied to actual designs.
By Donatello Annaratone
Primer on Automotive Lightweighting TechnologiesThis book introduces basic ideas and principles of designing and engineering automotive components with aluminum.
By Raghu Echempati
Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second EditionProviding solutions to common integration problems, this book offers you a current and comprehensive understanding of satellite navigation, inertial navigation, terrestrial radio navigation, dead reckoning, and environmental feature matching.
By Paul D. Groves
Principles of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 7th EditionIncluding numerous examples and practice problems, this authoritative resource contains the most current ASHRAE procedures and definitive, yet easy to understand, treatment of building HVAC systems, from basic principles through design and operation.
By Harry J. Sauer, Jr., Ronald H. Howell, William J. Coad
Principles of Modern Radar: Radar ApplicationsCommunity reviewed by experts from around the world, this self-contained reference provides concise descriptions of the purposes, principal issues, and methods found in a wide variety of current radar types with military, commercial and civilian uses.
By James A. Scheer (eds), William L. Melvin
Probabilistic Finite Element Model Updating Using Bayesian Statistics: Applications to Aeronautical and Mechanical EngineeringEssential reading for researchers, practitioners and students in mechanical and aerospace engineering, this book covers probabilistic finite element model updating, achieved using Bayesian statistics.
By Ilyes Boulkaibet, Sondipon Adhikari, Tshilidzi Marwala
Pumping Machinery Theory and PracticeAn introductory reference covering the theoretical foundation and applications of various types of pumping machinery, this in-depth guide presents the fundamental concepts underlying the flow processes in these machines and the transformation of mechanical energy into fluid power.
By Hassan M. Badr, Wael H. Ahmed
Radar Handbook, Second EditionWritten to reflect the advances made in radar over the past two decades, this text provides coverage of such dynamic topics as over-the-horizon radar, space-based radar, technology such as solid-state transmitters, antenna technology, and much, much more.
By Merrill I. Skolnik (ed)
Radar RF Circuit DesignWith an emphasis on current and emerging technologies, this authoritative new resource presents practical techniques for optimizing RF and microwave circuits for applications in radar systems design.
By J. R. Guerci, Nickolas Kingsley
Radar Systems and Radio Aids to NavigationExplaining the many processes needed for creating radar systems and navigation aids, this comprehensive reference covers topics including antennas, radar targets, Doppler radar, atmospheric probing, mathematical preliminaries, hyperbolic navigation, and more.
By A. B. Bhattacharya, A. K. Sen
Radiative Heat Transfer, Third EditionDescribing the basic physics of radiation heat transfer, this book provides models, methodologies, and calculations essential in solving research problems in a variety of industries, including solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology, biomedical, and environmental.
By Michael F. Modest
Remote Sensing ImageryDedicated to remote sensing images, from their acquisition to their use in various applications, this book covers the global lifecycle of images, including sensors and acquisition systems, applications such as movement monitoring or data assimilation, and image and data processing.
By Florence Tupin, Jean-Marie Nicolas, Jordi Inglada
Remote Sensing with Polarimetric RadarWith problems ranging in complexity from introductory to challenging, this book presents the principles central to understanding polarized wave transmission, scattering, and reception in communication systems and polarimetric and non-polarimetric radar.
By Harold Mott
Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, Seventh EditionActing as the be-all, end-all resource for designers, engineers, and analysts working with calculations of loads and stress, this renowned, authoritative guide is a reference you'll turn to project after project, year after year.
By Richard G. Budynas, Warren C. Young
Robot Operating System (ROS) for Absolute Beginners: Robotics Programming Made Easy, 2nd EditionYou'll learn the basic foundation of Ubuntu Linux. Begin with the fundamentals. Installation and useful commands will give you the basic tools you need while programming a robot.
By Aleena Johny, Lentin Joseph
Robot Systems for Rail Transit ApplicationsThis book presents the latest advances in robotics and artificial intelligence for railway systems, giving foundational principles and running through special problems in robot systems for rail transit.
By Hui Liu
Robotics Simplified: An Illustrative Guide to Learn Fundamentals of Robotics, Including Kinematics, Motion Control, and Trajectory PlanningIt helps you to understand key elements of robotic systems, including various actuators, sensors, and different vision systems.
By Jisu Elsa Jacob, Manjunath N
Rocket Propulsion Elements, Ninth EditionCombining fundamental concepts with industry applications, this unique book provides a practical introduction to rocket propulsion principles, mechanisms, and design as applied to guided missiles, space flight, satellite flight, and more.
By George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz
Rotorcraft AeromechanicsPresenting what engineers need to know about modeling rotorcraft aeromechanics, this comprehensive, in-depth book focuses on analysis, and presents calculated results to illustrate analysis characteristics and rotor behavior.
By Wayne Johnson
Safety Management Systems for Aviation Practitioners: Real-World LessonsIncluding real-life examples, best practices, case studies and exercises, this unique book is an easy-to-follow manual on the Safety Management Systems (SMS) principles that are now required by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
By Kent Hollinger
ScramjetsThis book discusses how fuel mixing efficiency and the advantage of injection systems can enhance the performance of the scramjets. The book begins with the introduction of the supersonic combustion chamber and explains the main parameters on the mixing rate.
By Mostafa Barzegar Gerdroodbary
Segregation in Vibrated Granular SystemsThis book explains the individual mechanisms that influence the segregation of granular media under vibration, along with their interactions.
By Anthony D. Rosato, Christopher Windows-Yule
Sense and Avoid in UAS: Research and ApplicationsIncluding contributions from leading engineers and researchers in the field, this invaluable resource covers the problem of detect, sense and avoid in UAS and combines the theoretical and application results by leading academics and researchers from industry and academia.
By Plamen Angelov (ed)
Ship and Mobile Offshore Unit Automation: A Practical GuidePacked with the critical procedures necessary for each phase of the project, this book gives engineers a much-needed reference on relevant standards and codes, along with practical case studies on how to use these standards on actual projects and plans.
By Henryk Pepliński
Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps, Third EditionDiscussing the behaviors of various sorts of slurry flow, this unique text deals with the behavior of centrifugal pumps handling slurries, and with how pumps and pipelines interact as a system.
By A. Sellgren, G. R. Addie, K. C. Wilson, R. Clift
Solving Statics Problems with MATLABIf MATLAB is the operating system you need for your engineering calculations and problem solving, this reference will be a valuable tutorial for your studies. Written for engineering students in statics courses, this text will aid in problem solving.
By Brian D. Harper
Space Flight DynamicsWith practical, real-world examples illustrating key concepts throughout, this concise resource provides thorough coverage of space flight topics with self-contained chapters serving a variety of courses in orbital mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, and astronautics.
By Craig A. Kluever
Spacecraft Collision Avoidance TechnologyThis book presents an outline of spacecraft collision warning strategy, elaborate on the basics of orbital calculation for collision avoidance, consider space object detection technology, detail space environment and object orbit, give a method for spacecraft collision warning orbit calculation, and finally, demonstrate a strategy for spacecraft collision warning and avoidance.
By Yang Kaizhong, Zhang Rongzhi
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An IntroductionPresenting the fundamentals of classical control in the context of spacecraft attitude control, this essential guide provides an accessible, practical aid for teaching and self-study with a layout enabling a fundamental understanding of the subject.
By Anton H.J. de Ruiter, Christopher J. Damaren, James R. Forbes
Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Fourth EditionProviding a valuable resource for practitioners in a wide spectrum of disciplines, this text addresses front-end system-level issues such as environment, mission analysis and system engineering, but also offers a detailed examination of subsystem elements which represents the core of spacecraft design.
By Graham Swinerd, John Stark (eds), Peter Fortescue
Spacecraft Thermal ControlBeginning with an overview of space missions and a description of the space environment, followed by coverage of the heat transfer processes relevant to the field, this book also describes thermal control technologies, and reviews design, analysis and testing techniques.
By Angel Sanz-Andrés, Isabel Pérez-Grande, José Meseguer
Stabilization and Dynamic of Premixed Swirling FlamesThis book focuses on swirling flames in various premixed modes (stratified, partially, fully, prevaporized) for the combustor, and development and design of current and future swirl-stabilized combustion systems.
By Paul Palies
Standard Aircraft Handbook for Mechanics and Technicians, Seventh EditionFeaturing photos, diagrams, tables, and schematics, this trusted resource provides clear, step-by-step procedures for all essential aircraft tasks including cutting-edge nondestructive testing, and detection equipment and procedures.
By Larry Reithmaier, Ronald Sterkenburg (eds)
Standard Handbook of Machine Design, 3rd EditionKnown as the professionals' bible, this expansive, definitive reference provides engineers with the formulas, solutions, and reference material they need on both basic design considerations and the design of specific machine elements.
By Charles R. Mischke, Joseph E. Shigley, Thomas H. Brown, Jr. (eds)
Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach, Second EditionStressing the use of free-body diagrams and the equations of equilibrium, this clear, comprehensive text explains the forces that act on a static structure, and the mechanics of how the material deforms or reacts.
By Don H. Morris, Leroy D. Sturges, William F. Riley
Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows, Second EditionProviding a comprehensive grounding in the subject of turbulence, this authoritative guide develops both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to understand turbulent flow.
By B. A. Pettersson-Reif, P. A. Durbin
Stress, Vibration, and Wave Analysis in Aerospace Composites: For SHM and NDE ApplicationsStress, Vibration, and Wave Analysis in Aerospace Composites: SHM and NDE Applications presents a unified approach to studying and understanding stress, vibrations and waves in composite materials used in aerospace applications.
By Victor Giurgiutiu
Sustainable Alternatives for Aviation Fuels, First EditionSustainable Alternatives for Aviation Fuels presents a technical and economic guide on the development of sustainable aviation fuels from renewable sources.
By Abu Yousuf, Cristina Gonzalez-Fernandez
Tactical Wireless Communications and Networks: Design Concepts and ChallengesProviding a complete description of modern tactical military communications and networks technology, this book presents background on the architectural approach used for the analysis, and details tactical wireless communications and networking technologies and techniques.
By George F. Elmasry
The Electric Car: Development and Future of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel-Cell CarsThis book covers the development of electric cars and the very latest technological issues faced by automotive engineers working on electric cars, as well as the key business factors vital for the successful transfer of electric cars into the mass market.
By Michael H. Westbrook
The Future of the Automotive Industry: The Disruptive Forces of AI, Data Analytics, and DigitizationFrom transportation to solving people's problems, this book is less about the technology itself, but more about the outcomes of technology in the future, and the transformative power it has over a much beloved item: cars.
By Inma Martínez
The IGBT Device: Physics, Design and Applications of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, Second EditionThe IGBT Device: Physics, Design and Applications of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, Second Edition provides the essential information needed by applications engineers to design new products using the device in sectors including consumer, industrial, lighting, transportation, medical and renewable energy.
By B. Jayant Baliga
The Mechanisms of Metallurgical FailureThis book looks at the origin of metal defects, their related mechanisms of failure, and the modification of casting procedures to eliminate these defects, clearly connecting the strength and durability of metals with their fabrication process.
By John Campbell
The Micro-Doppler Effect in Radar, Second EditionWritten by a prominent expert in the field, this book includes the most recent breakthroughs in vital sign and gender recognition via micro-radar, as well as covering basic principles of Doppler effect and micro-Doppler effect and describing basic applications of micro-Doppler signatures in radar.
By Victor C. Chen
The Science of Armour MaterialsCovering the range of armour materials from steels and light alloys, through glasses and ceramics, to fibres, textiles and protective apparel, this book is written from an international perspective, and includes reviews of the current, global literature, and incorporates case studies that focus upon real life applications, research outcomes and lessons learned.
By Ian G. Crouch (ed)
The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and TechnologyBy comparing and contrasting the world-class product development process of Toyota with that of a U.S. competitor, this book analyzes the effective product development methodology that has made Toyota the most forward-thinking company in the industry.
By James M. Morgan, Jeffrey K. Liker
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Third EditionUsing both analytical and graphic tools, this book provides the foundation for the study of displacements, velocities, accelerations, and static and dynamic forces required for the proper design of mechanical linkages, cams, and geared systems.
By Gordon R. Pennock, John J. Uicker, Jr., Joseph E. Shigley
Thermodynamics: Fundamentals for ApplicationsWith a specific focus on macroscopic thermodynamics, this in-depth text discusses modeling and molecular situations, but also reminds readers that while thermodynamics describes natural phenomena, they are the products of creative, systematic minds.
By J. M. Haile, J. P. O’Connell
Tooling for Composite Aerospace StructuresThis book offers a comprehensive discussion on the design, analysis, manufacturing and operation of tooling that is used in the lamination of composite materials and assembly.
By Zeaid Hasan
Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice, and Modeling, Second EditionTransportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and Modeling, Second Edition presents comprehensive information related to traffic engineering and control, transportation planning and evaluation of transportation alternatives.
By Dusan Teodorovic, Milan Janić
Trends in Development of Accelerated Testing for Automotive and Aerospace EngineeringThis book guides you through Trends in Development Accelerated Testing for Automotive and Aerospace Engineering provides a completely updated analysis of the current status of accelerated testing, including the basic general directions of testing (methods and equipment) development, how one needs to study real world conditions for their accurate simulation and successful accelerated testing.
By Lev M. Klyatis
Tribology of Natural Fiber Polymer Composites (Second Edition)This book covers the availability and processing of natural fiber polymer composites and their structural, thermal, mechanical and tribological properties and performance.
By Mohammed Fahim, Navin Chand
Ultra-High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage, Transfer and ConversionThis book provides a comprehensive and multidisciplinary guide to engineers and researchers in a variety of fields including energy conversion, storage, cogeneration, thermodynamics, numerical methods, CSP, and materials engineering.
By Alejandro Datas
Understanding PhysicsEnabling students to gain a full appreciation of physics both as a discipline and as a body of knowledge, this text incorporates the most recent advances in understanding how students learn physics and where they encounter difficulties.
By David Cassidy, Gerald Holton, James Rutherford
Underwater Acoustics: Analysis, Design and Performance of SonarOffering complete and comprehensive coverage of modern sonar spectrum system analysis, this book compares and contrasts different techniques for sonar design, analysis and performance prediction and includes key experimental and theoretical results.
By Richard P. Hodges
Unmanned Aerial VehiclesThis book provides an overview of the basic concepts and components of UAVs, the various sensors used, architecture of autonomous UAVs, communication tools and devices.
By P. K. Garg
Unmanned Aircraft SystemsCovering the design, development, operation and mission profiles of unmanned aircraft systems, this single, comprehensive volume forms a complete, stand-alone reference on the topic.
By Antonios Tsourdos, Aníbal Ollero, Ella Atkins, Richard Blockley, Wei Shyy (eds)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Their Design, Development and DeploymentTaking an integrated approach to UAV System technology, this guide examines the way in which various engineering disciplines affect the design, development and deployment of UAS, and assesses future challenges and opportunities.
By Reg Austin
Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications: A Technical ApproachFocusing on the most critical technical aspects of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, this book covers the smart city concept and architecture and explains how V2V and V2I fit into it.
By Fei Hu (ed)
Vehicular Networking for Road SafetyCrucial for both the academic community and industry, this book provides valuable guidance on the deployment and implementation of V2X-enabled road-safety applications.
By Feng Lyu, Minglu Li, Xuemin Shen
Vibration Fatigue by Spectral MethodsThis book covers all the underlying theory in structural dynamics, signal processing, uniaxial & multiaxial fatigue; including non-Gaussianity and non-stationarity.
By Jaka Javh, Janko Slavič, Martin Cesnik, Matjaz Mrsnik, Miha Boltezar
Welding and Joining of Aerospace MaterialsPresenting a source of the latest information about the issues related to the joining of various aerospace materials, and the latest developments and future trends in addressing these issues, this book discusses the important issue of heat affected zone cracking in welded superalloys, and covers many joining techniques, including riveting, composite-to-metal bonding and diffusion bonding.
By M. C. Chaturvedi (ed)
3D Printing in Medicine and SurgeryThis is an advanced book on surgical and enhanced medical applications that can be achieved with 3D printing. It is an essential handbook for medical practitioners, giving access to a range of practical methods, while also focusing on applied knowledge.
By Daniel J. Thomas, Deepti Singh
A Dxa Primer for the Practicing Clinician: A Case-Based Manual for Understanding and Interpreting Bone DensitometryThis practical, easy-to-read text captures many of the common challenges of DXA interpretation that clinicians often encounter.
By Angelo A. Licata, Susan E. Williams
A Guide to Hazard Identification Methods (Second Edition)This book provides a description and examples of the most common techniques leading to a safer and more reliable chemical process industry.
By Frank Crawley
A Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Delivery, First EditionA Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Delivery explores the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in drug delivery strategies.
By Aliasgar Shahiwala, Anil K. Philip, Mamoon Rashid, Md Faiyazuddin
Active Above-Knee ProsthesisThe book gives insights into the problem of stair ascent for people with above-knee amputation and offers a solution in the form of a physical prototype of an active above-knee prosthesis with an actuated ankle.
By Haris Dindo, Remzo Dedic, Zlata Jelacic
Advanced Biosensors for Health Care ApplicationsDescribing advanced nanomaterials for biosensor applications, this book outlines the need of novel strategies for developing new systems to retrieve health information of patients in real time.
By Abdullah M. Asiri (eds), Ali Mohammad, Inamuddin, Raju Khan
Advanced Practice and Leadership in Radiology NursingThe textbook is subdivided into five sections that address advanced practice and leadership roles, clinical patient care topics, safety topics, including legal considerations, e.g. infection prevention and equipment.
By Kathleen A. Gross
Advanced Process Control: Beyond Single Loop-ControlStressing the economic aspects of the application of the various advanced control technologies, this book fills the gap between basic control configurations (Practical Process Control) and model predictive control (MPC).
By Cecil Smith
Advances in Computational Techniques for Biomedical Image AnalysisThis book discusses the archiving and transfer of images, presents a selection of techniques for the enhancement of contrast and edges, for noise reduction and for edge-preserving smoothing.
By Deepika Koundal, Savita Gupta
Advances in Medical and Surgical EngineeringThis book can be of interest to policymakers, research funding agencies, and libraries, that are contributing to development of medical technologies.
By C.P. Charalambous, David Phoenix, Mark Jackson, Waqar Ahmed
An Applied Guide to Process and Plant DesignIncluding a comprehensive set of selection tables, this book explains how to deliver a process design that meets both business and safety criteria, this book covers plant layout and the use of spreadsheet programs and key drawings as aids to design.
By Seán Moran
Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, Second EditionWith plenty of worked examples and homework problems, this step-by-step resource is recommended for all students in chemical engineering as well as professional chemical engineers who want to improve their ability to use mathematics to solve common on-the-job problems.
By Duong D. Do, Richard G. Rice
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications and Management, First EditionArtificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications and Management introduces application domains of various AI algorithms across healthcare management.
By Boris Galitsky, Saveli Goldberg
Artificial Intelligence for Neurological DisordersArtificial Intelligence for Neurological Disorders provides a comprehensive resource of state-of-the-art approaches for AI, big data analytics and machine learning-based neurological research.
By Ajith Abraham, Laura García-Hernández, Subhendu Kumar Pani, Sujata Dash
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: How AI Technologies Impact Medical Research and ClinicsArtificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: How AI Technologies Impact Medical Research and Clinics compiles current research on Artificial Intelligence within medical subspecialties, helping practitioners with diagnosis, clinical decision-making, disease prediction, prevention, and the facilitation of precision medicine.
By Chayakrit Krittanawong
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and COVID-19Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and COVID-19 showcases theoretical concepts and implementational and research perspectives surrounding AI.
By Massimo Esposito, Parag Chatterjee
Artificial Intelligence-Based Brain-Computer InterfaceArtificial Intelligence-Based Brain Computer Interface provides concepts of AI for the modeling of non-invasive modalities of medical signals such as EEG, MRI and FMRI. These modalities and their AI-based analysis are employed in BCI and related applications.
By G. R. Sinha, Varun Bajaj
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Precision Medicine in Liver Diseases: Concept, Technology, Application and PerspectivesArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Precision Medicine and Liver Diseases: Concept, Technology, Application, and Perspectives combines four major applications of artificial intelligence (AI) within the field of clinical medicine specific to liver diseases: radiology imaging, electronic health records, pathology, and multiomics.
By Jia-Horng Kao, Tung-Hung Su
Automated Drug Delivery in AnesthesiaThe book takes an interdisciplinary approach, pulling information about tools developed in other disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology and system engineering and applying them to drug delivery.
By Dana Copot
Bio-Engineering Approaches to Cancer Diagnosis and TreatmentThis book is written for an audience of senior undergraduate students and graduate students in mechanical, electrical and biomedical engineering fields and other professionals in medicine.
By Azadeh Shahidian, Javad Mohammadi, Majid Ghassemi, Mohadeseh Hashemi
Biological Network AnalysisThis book considers three major biological networks, including Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN), Protein-Protein Interaction Networks (PPIN), and Human Brain Connectomes.
By Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Swarup Roy
Biomass, Biofuels, BiochemicalsThis book intends to provide the basic structural and functional descriptions, and classification of enzymes. The scientific information related to the recombinant enzyme modifications, discovery of novel enzymes and development of synthetic enzymes are also presented.
By Ashok Pandey, Christian Larroche, Reeta Rani Singhania, Sudhir P. Singh, Zhi Li
Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Third EditionProviding a balanced, insightful approach to both the learning of the science and technology of biomaterials, this text serves as a key reference for practitioners who are involved in the applications of materials in medicine.
By Allan S. Hoffman, Buddy D. Ratner, Frederick J. Schoen, Jack E. Lemons (eds)
Biomechanics and Gait AnalysisThe book covers the most up-to-date acquisition and computational methods and advances in the field. Key topics include muscle mechanics and modeling, motor control and coordination, and measurements and assessments.
By Nicholas Stergiou
Biomedical Defense Principles to Counter DNA Deep HackingThe book covers the use of tools such as CRISPR for malicious purposes, which has led agencies such as the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence to add gene editing to its annual list of threats posed by "weapons of mass destruction and proliferation."
By Rocky Termanini
Biomedical Sensors Data Acquisition with LabVIEW: Effective Way to Integrate Arduino with LabVIEWEntirely based on the practical experience of the authors while undergoing projects with students and industries, this book provides reference material that begins with essential knowledge and gradually progresses towards the advanced level of comprehension.
By Anita Gehlot, Anshuman Prakash, Lovi Raj Gupta, Rajesh Singh, Rydhm Beri
Biomedical Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence in HealthcareThis book covers different aspects of signals, from the use of hardware and software, and making use of artificial intelligence in problem solving.
By Walid A. Zgallai
Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products from Agriculture, Second EditionEssential reading for students, researchers, and industry personnel working in the world's emerging bioeconomy, this thorough resource provides a timely, comprehensive overview of the field that incorporates significant advances made in the field over the last decade.
By Robert C. Brown, Tristan R. Brown
Breast Imaging: The Requisites, 3rd EditionNow in its 3rd Edition, this bestselling volume in the popular Requisites series, by Drs. Debra M. Ikeda and Kanae K. Miyake, thoroughly covers the fast-changing field of breast imaging.
By Debra Ikeda, Kanae Kawai Miyake,
Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, Volume 1, Seventh EditionOffering a wide, current selection of information to students, chemists, safety officers and others concerned with the safe handling and use of reactive chemicals, this volume assesses the potential for reaction of chemical compounds or reaction systems.
By P.G. Urben (ed)
Business Chemistry: Practical Magic for Crafting Powerful Work RelationshipsProviding a simple yet powerful way to identify meaningful differences between people's working styles, this practical book will help you grasp where others are coming from, appreciate the value they bring, and determine what they need in order to excel.
By Kim Christfort, Suzanne Vickberg
Cardiac CT Made Easy: An Introduction to Cardiovascular Multidetector Computed Tomography, Third EditionThe current third edition of the book covers the entire spectrum of cardiovascular computed tomography, but the text and number of images have been reduced to focus on the essential material.
By Frank Dong, Paul Schoenhagen
CBRN Protection: Managing the Threat of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear WeaponsA must-read for Health Officers, Public Health Agencies, and Military Authorities, this introductory text on NBC Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Weapons (CBRN) weapons and agents leads the reader from the scientific basics to the current threats and strategies to prepare against them.
By Andre Richardt, Bernd Niemeyer, Birgit Hülseweh, Frank Sabath
Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design, Second EditionProviding detailed worked examples and end of chapter exercises, this complete guide discusses the basics of unit operations and the latest aspects of process design, equipment selection, plant and operating economics, and safety and loss prevention.
By Gavin Towler, Ray Sinnott
Chemical Engineering Process Simulation, Second EditionChemical Engineering Process Simulation, Second Edition guides users through chemical processes and unit operations using the main simulation software used in the industrial sector.
By Dominic Foo
Chemistry of Food Additives and PreservativesWritten in an accessible style and covering a broad range of food additives and preservatives, this book offers an in-depth analysis of the chemical interactions of food additives and preservatives with the natural composition of the foods to which they are added.
By Titus A. M. Msagati
Compressive Sensing in HealthcareThe focus of the book is on healthcare applications for this technology.
By Carlos Agusto Duque, Mahdi Khosravy, Nilanjan Dey
Computation in BioInformatics: Multidisciplinary ApplicationsThis book covers a broad spectrum of the bioinformatics field, starting with the basic principles, concepts, and application areas.
By Anand T. Krishnan, Balakumar Chandrasekaran, Boomi Pandi, Dinesh Goyal, Dr. S. Balamurugan
Computational Intelligence and Healthcare InformaticsThis book starts with the fundamentals of computer intelligence and the techniques and procedures associated with it.
By Ahmed A. Elngar, Alok Ranjan Tripathy, Om Prakash Jena, Zdzislaw Polkowski
Computational Intelligence and Its Applications in HealthcareThis book presents rapidly growing applications of computational intelligence for healthcare systems, including intelligent synthetic characters, man-machine interface, menu generators, user acceptance analysis, pictures archiving, and communication systems.
By Jitendra Kumar Verma, Prashant Johri, Sudip Paul
Computational Modeling in Biomedical Engineering and Medical PhysicsThis book presents a number of engineering for medicine problems that may be encountered in medical physics, procedures, diagnosis and monitoring techniques, including electrical activity of the heart, hemodynamic activity monitoring, magnetic drug targeting, bioheat models and thermography, RF and microwave hyperthermia, ablation, EMF dosimetry, and bioimpedance methods.
By Alexandru Morega, Alin Dobre, Mihaela Morega
Computed Tomography: Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications, 3rd EditionIntended for all those who work daily, regularly or even only occasionally with computed tomography (CT), this book offers a comprehensive and user-oriented description of the theoretical and technical system fundamentals of CT.
By Willi A. Kalender
Control Theory in Biomedical EngineeringThis book highlights the importance of control theory and feedback control in our lives and explains how this theory is central to future medical developments.
By Olfa Boubaker
Core Radiology: A Visual Approach to Diagnostic Imaging, Second EditionThis edition is more manageable whilst remaining comprehensive in its coverage of topics, including expanded pediatric cardiac surgery descriptions, updated brain tumor classifications, and non-invasive vascular imaging.
By Ellen X. Sun, Jacob C. Mandell, Junzi Shi
Corrosion Science and TechnologyThis book refer about Corrosion Science and Technology.
By David E.J. Talbot, James D.R. Talbot
Deep Learning for Data AnalyticsThis book provides readers with a focused approach for the design and implementation of deep learning concepts using data analytics techniques in large scale environments.
By Chattaranjan Pradhan, Himansu Das (eds), Nilanjan Dey
Deep Learning for Medical Applications with Unique DataDeep Learning for Medical Applications with Unique Data informs readers about the most recent deep learning-based medical applications in which only unique data gathered in real cases are used.
By Ashish Khanna, Deepak Gupta, Utku Kose, Valentina Emilia Balas
Deep Learning in Bioinformatics: Techniques and Applications in PracticeDeep Learning in Bioinformatics: Techniques and Applications in Practice introduces the topic in an easy-to-understand way, exploring how it can be utilized for addressing important problems in bioinformatics, including drug discovery, de novo molecular design, sequence analysis, protein structure prediction, gene expression regulation, protein classification, biomedical image processing and diagnosis, biomolecule interaction prediction, and in systems biology.
By Habib Izadkhah
Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications, First EditionDeep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications covers a range of MIC tasks and discusses design principles of these tasks for deep learning approaches in medicine.
By Haofu Liao, Jiebo Luo, S. Kevin Zhou
Emergency Radiology: The Requisites, 2nd EditionGet the essential tools you need to make an accurate diagnosis in the emergency department! Part of the popular Requisites series, Emergency Radiology: The Requisites delivers the conceptual, factual, and interpretive information you need for effective clinical practice in emergency radiology, as well certification and recertification review.
By Brian C Lucey, Jorge A Soto
Emerging Technologies in Environmental BioremediationThis book introduces emerging bioremediation technologies for the treatment and management of industrial wastes and other environmental pollutants for the sake of environmental sustainability.
By Maulin Shah, S Sevinc Sengor, Susana Rodriguez-Couto
Engineering Principles in BiotechnologyWritten for practitioners in biotechnology and bioengineering, this book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products.
By Wei-Shou Hu
Environmental Technology and SustainabilityThis book provides a dependable source of information on the fundamental scientific evidence involved in environmental protection and sustainable development.
By Basanta Kumara Behera, Ram Prasad
Essentials of MRI SafetyEssentials of MRI Safety is a comprehensive guide that enables practitioners to recognise and assess safety risks and follow appropriate and effective safety procedures in clinical practice. The text covers all the vital aspects of clinical MRI safety, including the bio-effects of MRI, magnet safety, occupational exposure, scanning passive and active implants, MRI suite design, institutional governance, and more.
By Donald W. McRobbie
Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide, Third EditionWhether as a text for students or as a reference for chemical professionals in industry, academia, or government, this step-by-step guide provides a valuable resource for using the scientific calculating power of Excel to manage a variety of chemical calculations.
By E. Joseph Billo
Exploring Mathematical Modeling in Biology Through Case Studies and Experimental ActivitiesThis book provides supporting materials for courses taken by students majoring in mathematics, computer science or in the life sciences.
By Rebecca Sanft, Susanne Walter
Extended Reality for Healthcare Systems: Recent Advances in Contemporary ResearchThe book includes case studies that break down the ways in which this technology has and can be used, while also taking readers through evidence, best practices and obstacles. Sections emphasize evidence, research-based practices and work.
By Dr. Mansaf Alam, Mohammed Shaukat Usta, Ms. Samiya Khan, Shoaib Amin Banday
Failure Analysis of Paints and Coatings, Revised EditionBeginning with a basic review of coatings technology and the chemistry of commonly encountered coatings types, this book provides the reader with an understanding of how to investigate and solve the premature failures of industrial coatings.
By Dwight G. Weldon
Filters and Filtration Handbook, Fifth EditionA practical guide to products and their applications, this well-established title is an essential book for the engineer working in a plant situation who requires guidance and information on what is available and whether it is suitable for the job at hand.
By Ken Sutherland
Fluid Catalytic Cracking Handbook (Fourth Edition)This book enables readers to maximize the profitability and reliability of fluid catalytic cracking operations by covering all stages of FCC, including their design, operation, troubleshooting and optimization.
By Reza Sadeghbeigi
Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, Third EditionProviding the most complete and current coverage of this cutting-edge field, this book shows how to take advantage of the performance benefits of microfluidics and serves as an instant reference for state-of-the-art microfluidics technology and applications.
By Nam-Trung Nguyen, Seyed Ali Mousavi Shaegh, Steven Wereley
Fundamentals of Body CT, 5th EditionFrom recent advances in helical CT techniques to new developments in lung cancer screening to optimized CT techniques in musculoskeletal diagnosis, Fundamentals of Body CT, 5th Edition, covers the essential information you need to know to effectively perform and interpret CT scans.
By Nancy M. Major, MD, W Richard Webb, MD, Wiliam E. Brant, MD, FACR
Fundamentals of Oncologic PET/CTFundamentals of Oncologic PET/CT, by Dr. Gary A. Ulaner, offers an organized, systematic introduction to reading and interpreting PET/CT studies, ideal for radiology and nuclear medicine residents, practicing radiologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists.
By Gary A. Ulaner
Glucose Monitoring DevicesThis book provides a comprehensive treatment on glucose monitoring devices not otherwise found in a single manuscript.
By Boris P. Kovatchev, Chiara Fabris
Guidelines for Engineering Design for Process Safety, Second EditionFocusing on process safety issues in the design of processing facilities, this book discusses how to select designs that can prevent or mitigate the release of flammable or toxic materials, which could lead to a fire, explosion, or environmental damage.
By Center for Chemical Process Safety
Guidelines for Initiating Events and Independent Protection Layers in Layer of Protection AnalysisOffering a guide for Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) practitioners, this book explains the onion skin model and in particular, how it relates to the use of LOPA and the need for non-safety instrumented independent protection layers.
By Center for Chemical Process Safety
Guidelines for Process Safety Knowledge Management NEW!This book provides a set of comprehensive guidelines for implementing a Process Safety Knowledge Management (PSKM) system, which will help an organization improve its process safety performance.
By CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
Handbook of Data Science Approaches for Biomedical EngineeringProviding in-depth information about biomedical engineering with Big Data and Internet of Things, this book includes technical approaches for solving real-time healthcare problems and practical solutions through case studies in in the field of medical science.
By Manju Khari (eds), Raghvendra Kumar, Valentina Emilia Balas, Vijender Kumar Solanki
Handbook of Loss Prevention EngineeringA one-stop source for loss prevention principles, policies, practices, programs and methodology, this reference allows professionals in charge of safety concerns to find the information needed to complete their analysis, project, process, or design.
By Joel M. Haight
Handbook of MRI Technique, Fifth EditionDistinguished educator Catherine Westbrook delivers a comprehensive and intuitive resource for radiologic technologists in this newly revised Fifth Edition of the Handbook of MRI Technique. With a heavy emphasis on protocol optimisation and patient care, the book guides the uninitiated through scanning techniques and assists more experienced technologists with image quality improvement.
By Catherine Westbrook
Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Volume 1 and Volume 2, Third EditionPresenting basic concepts, current research, and future applications, this comprehensive resource provides an unparalleled contemporary assessment of hydrocarbon chemistry.
By G. K. Surya Prakash, George A. Olah, Árpád Molnár
Implementation of Smart Healthcare Systems using AI, IoT, and BlockchainImplementation of Smart Healthcare Systems using AI, IoT, and Blockchain provides imperative research on the development of data fusion and analytics for healthcare and their implementation into current issues in a real-time environment.
By Chinmay Chakraborty, Mohd Abdul Ahad, Qin Xin, Subhendukumar Pani
Industrial Enzymes for Biofuels ProductionThe book covers detailed discussions on market scenario of industrial enzymes used in biofuels production processes and compares them on both lab and industrial scale.
By Neha Srivastava, P. K Mishra, S. N. Upadhyay
Industrial Process Plant Construction Estimating and Man-Hour AnalysisFocusing on industrial process plants, this book enables the estimator to apply statistical applications, estimate data tables, and estimate sheets to use methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting, and analyzing historical man-hour data.
By Kenneth Storm
Internet of Things in Biomedical EngineeringPresenting the most current research in Internet of Things (IoT) applications for clinical patient monitoring and treatment, this book takes a systems-level approach for both human-factors and the technical aspects of networking, databases and privacy.
By Le Hoang Son, Manju Khari, Raghvendra Kumar (eds), Sudan Jha, Valentina E. Balas
Intravascular UltrasoundThis book covers topics of the whole imaging pipeline, ranging from the definition of the clinical problem and image acquisition systems to image processing and analysis, including the assisted clinical-decision making procedures and treatment planning.
By Simone Balocco
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Third EditionOffering authority, clarity and encyclopedic coverage in a single volume, this book provides a historical look at the major developments across biomedical domains and covers the fundamental principles underlying biomedical engineering analysis, modeling, and design.
By John D. Enderle, Joseph D. Bronzino
Introduction to Genetic AlgorithmsIncluding numerous hands-on problems and solutions, this comprehensive book is a helpful guide and a valuable source of information about Genetic Algorithm concepts for their several practical applications.
By S.N. Deepa, S.N. Sivanandam
Introduction to Instrumentation, Sensors, and Process ControlCovering a range of technologies and techniques, this clear, easy-to-comprehend resource provides in-depth discussions on analog digital circuits and controllers, and details microelectromechanical devices and smart sensors.
By William C. Dunn
Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Second EditionEmphasizing the modern concepts of surface chemistry and catalysis, this book provides updated tables of experimental data and serves as a reference source for data and concepts related to properties of surfaces and interfaces.
By Gabor A. Somorjai, Yimin Li
LignocellulosicsThis book explains how utilizing biomaterials as a raw material allows ambitious reconstruction of smart materials that are green and multifunctional.
By Ilari Filpponen, Maria Peresin, Tiina Nypelo
Machine Learning in Chemistry Data-Driven Algorithms, Learning Systems, and PredictionsThis book presents groundbreaking work in this field to facilitate researcher engagement and to serve as a solid base from which new researchers can break into this exciting and rapidly transforming field.
By Edward O. Pyzer-Knapp, Teodoro Laino
Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting: Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants, Volume 2, Fourth EditionIncluding numerous photographs of failed parts as well as documented case studies, this trusted reference provides detailed, complete and accurate information on anticipating risk of component failure and avoiding equipment downtime.
By Fred K. Geitner, Heinz P. Bloch
MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists, Second EditionMATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition provides an easy-to-learn introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming in MATLAB.
By Andrew P. King, Paul Aljabar
Measuring Capacity to Care Using Nursing DataThe book discusses topics such as dynamic health care environments, health care operational inefficiencies and costly events, how to measure nursing care demand, nursing models of care, data quality and governance, and big data.
By Cherrie Lowe RN RM Dip Teaching, Evelyn Hovenga, PG Dip Hospital Admin AFACHM MACN
Medical Data Sharing, Harmonization and AnalyticsIncluding future trends in medical data sharing, this book serves as the basis for understanding the rapidly evolving field of medical data harmonization combined with the latest cloud infrastructures for storing the harmonized (shared) data.
By Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Themis P. Exarchos, Vasileios C. Pezoulas
Medical Device Design: Innovation from Concept to MarketProviding the bridge between engineering design and medical devices development, this thorough guide shows the essential methodologies medical designers must understand to ensure their products meet requirements.
By Peter J. Ogrodnik
Medical Image Recognition, Segmentation and Parsing: Machine Learning and Multiple Object ApproachesWritten by top experts in Medical Imaging, this book is ideal for university researchers and industry practitioners in medical imaging who want a complete reference on key methods, algorithms and applications in medical image recognition, segmentation and parsing of multiple objects.
By S. Kevin Zhou
Medical-Grade Software Development: How to Build Medical-Device Products That Meet the Requirements of IEC 62304 and ISO 13485 NEW!This book is a practical guide to meeting IEC 62304 software-development requirements within the context of an ISO 13485 quality management system (QMS).
By Ilkka Juuso, Ilpo Pöyhönen
Microbial Services in Restoration EcologyThis book describes the role of microbial resources and their beneficial services in soil fertility and restoration of degraded ecosystems.
By Jay Shankar Singh, Shobhit Raj Vimal
Modern Nuclear Chemistry, Second EditionWritten by established experts in the field, this book features in-depth discussions of proven scientific principles, current trends, and applications of nuclear chemistry to the sciences and engineering.
By David J. Morrissey, Glenn T. Seaborg, Walter D. Loveland
MRI from Picture to Proton, Third EditionMR is a powerful modality. At its most advanced, it can be used not just to image anatomy and pathology, but to investigate organ function, to probe in vivo chemistry, and even to visualise the brain thinking.
By Donald W. McRobbie, Elizabeth A. Moore, Martin J. Graves, Martin R. Prince
MRI Physics: Tech to Tech ExplanationsMRI Physics: Tech to Tech Explanations is a must-have resource for the experienced and training MRI technologist, medical students, and radiology residency rotations.
By Stephen J. Powers
Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach, 8th EditionFor clinical professionals or students who are learning anatomy, participating in a dissection lab, sharing anatomy knowledge with patients, or refreshing their anatomy knowledge, the Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in clear, brilliant detail from a clinician's perspective.
By Frank H. Netter
Neuroradiology: The Requisites, 4th EditionNow in its 4th Edition, this bestselling volume in the popular Requisites series, by Drs. Rohini Nadgir and David M. Yousem, thoroughly covers the extensive field of neuroradiology in an efficient and practical manner.
By David M. Yousem, Rohini Nadgir
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and BioengineeringThis book provides a comprehensive overview of recent development and applied aspects of fungi and its metabolites in environmental and industrial settings.
By Joginder Singh, Praveen Gehlot
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging: The Requisites, Fifth EditionNow in its 5th Edition, this outstanding volume in the popular Requisites series thoroughly covers the fast-changing field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
By Harvey A. Ziessman, Janis P. O'Malley
ODE/PDE Analysis of Antibiotic/Antimicrobial ResistanceThis book presents mathematical models for antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance based on ordinary and partial differential equations (ODE/PDEs).
By William E. Schiesser
Organic Coatings: Science and Technology, Third EditionWith troubleshooting guidance, precise definitions, extensive references and hundreds of figures, this guide offers a unique approach to the topic that correlates the empirical technology of coatings with the underlying science.
By Douglas A. Wicks, Frank N. Jones, S. Peter Pappas, Zeno W. Wicks, Jr.
Pan-genomics: Applications, Challenges, and Future ProspectsThe book discusses bioinformatics tools and their applications and focuses on bacterial comparative genomics in order to leverage the development of precise drugs and treatments for specific organisms.
By Debmalya Barh, Sandeep Tiwari, Siomar C. Soares, Vasco Azevedo
Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites, Fourth EditionPediatric Radiology: The Requisites focuses on new and emerging trends in pediatric imaging, with expanded content in all core clinical areas. The authors are prominent pediatric radiologists with extensive clinical experience in each of the subspecialty areas covered.
By Michele Walters, Richard L. Robertson
Personalized Computational HemodynamicsThis book offers practices and advances surrounding the multiscale modeling of hemodynamics and their personalization with conventional clinical data.
By Alexander Danilov, Andrey Kolobov, Maxim Olshanskii, Sergey Simakov, Yuri Vassilevsky
Pharmaceutical Microbiological Quality Assurance and Control: Practical Guide for Non-Sterile ManufacturingRelying on practical examples from the authors' experience, this comprehensive book provides a thorough and modern approach to controlling and monitoring microbial contaminations during the manufacturing of non-sterile pharmaceuticals.
By David Roesti, Marcel Goverde
Plant Hazard Analysis and Safety Instrumentation SystemsHelping the reader identify which hazard analysis method is the most appropriate, this book provides tactics on how to implement standards and presents information on how to conduct safety analysis and realization in control systems and safety instrumentation.
By Swapan Basu
Polymer Coatings: A Guide to Chemistry, Characterization, and Selected ApplicationsWritten for chemists in industry, materials scientists, polymer chemists, and physical chemists, this comprehensive resource offers a text that contains the information needed to gain an understanding of the characterization and applications of polymer coatings.
By Gijsbertus de With
Powered ProsthesesThis book presents the state-of-the-art in design, control and application of assistive technologies used in rehabilitation, including powered prostheses used in lower and upper extremity amputees and orthosis used in the rehabilitation of various joint disorders.
By Emel Demircan, Houman Dallali, Mo Rastgaar
Principles of Chemical Engineering PracticeIntegrating scientific principles with practical engineering experience, this text enables readers to master the fundamentals of chemical processing and apply their knowledge of such topics as material and energy balances, transport phenomena, reactor design, and separations across a broad range of chemical industries.
By George Delancey
Process Control: A First Course with MATLABWritten from the perspective of a student, this text emphasizes the importance of computers in the modern age of teaching and practicing process control.
By Pao Chau
Process Control: A Practical ApproachPresenting all you need to know to design and maintain process control applications, this groundbreaking guide uses a practical approach that addresses the needs of the process industry, and will improve the working practices of many control engineers.
By Myke King
Process Industry Economics (Second Edition)This book explores the fundamentals of market evaluation, capital and operating cost estimation, and profitability evaluation, along with their implications for process technology evaluation, project development and investment decisions.
By David Brennan
Process Plant Equipment: Operation, Control, and ReliabilityFeaturing numerous photos and diagrams to illustrate the operation and control of key process equipment, this book presents the information and practical guidelines needed to select, operate, maintain, control, and troubleshoot process plant equipment so that it is efficient, cost-effective, and reliable.
By Chikezie Nwaoha, Michael D. Holloway, Oliver A. Onyewuenyi (eds)
Process Plant Layout, Second EditionBased on interviews with over 200 professional process plant designers, this book explains the methodologies used by professional designers to layout process equipment and pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding environmental features in a safe, economical way.
By Seán Moran
Programming for Chemical Engineers Using C, C++, and MATLABDesigned to help merge knowledge of computer programming and chemical engineering principles, this book explains each program in detail to better understand the flow and the functions of the different commands.
By Raul Raymond Kapuno Jr.
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, Fourth EditionIncluding questions and answers to test your understanding of the topics, this text introduces and explains the theory and background of the physics and chemistry behind nuclear processes and radioactive decay, examines the origin of the elements in the universe and investigates the key applications.
By Christian Ekberg, Gregory Choppin, Jan Rydberg, Jan-Olov Liljenzin
Recent Advances in Bioconversion of Lignocellulose to Biofuels and Value-Added Chemicals within the Biorefinery ConceptThis book covers the latest developments on biorefineries, along with their potential use for the transformation of residues into a broad range of more valuable products.
By Cristiane Sanchez Farinas, Edivaldo Ximenes Ferreira Filho, Eduardo de Aquino Ximenes, Leonora Rios de Souza Moreira
Recent Developments in Bioenergy ResearchThe book consolidates the most recent research on the (bio)technologies, concepts and commercial developments that are currently in progress on different types of widely-used biofuels and integrated biorefineries across biochemistry, biotechnology, biochemical engineering and microbiology.
By Helen Treichel, Ramesh Chander Kuhad, Susana Rodriguez-Couto, Vijai G. Gupta
Rehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High-, Low-, and Middle-Income Countries: Current Practice, Barriers, and Future DirectionsRehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High, Low, and Middle Income Countries: Current Practice, Barriers, and Future Directions describes the state-of-art research of stroke rehabilitation using robot systems in selected High Income Countries (HICs) and Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), along with potential solutions that enable these technologies to be available to clinicians worldwide, regardless of country and economic status.
By Michelle Jillian Johnson, Rochelle J. Mendonca
Roadmap to Successful Digital Health Ecosystems: A Global PerspectiveRoadmap to Successful Digital Health Ecosystems: A Global Perspective presents evidence-based solutions found on adopting open platforms, standard information models, technology neutral data repositories, and computable clinical data and knowledge (ontologies, terminologies, content models, process models, and guidelines), resulting in improved patient, organizational, and global health outcomes.
By Evelyn Hovenga, Heather Grain
Security and Privacy Issues in Internet of Medical ThingsSecurity and Privacy Issues in Internet of Medical Things addresses the security challenges faced by healthcare providers and patients. As IoMT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks, and a security breach through IoMT devices may act as a pathway for hackers to enter hospital networks, the book covers a very timely topic.
By Guojun Wang, Muhammad Imran Tariq, Radu Prodan, Rajkumar Buyya, Valentina Emilia Balas
Semantic Models in IoT and eHealth Applications, First EditionSemantic Models in IoT and eHealth Applications explores the key role of semantic web modeling in eHealth technologies, including remote monitoring, mobile health, cloud data and biomedical ontologies.
By Fernando Ortiz Rodriguez, M.A. Jabbar, Sanju Tiwari
Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology, Second EditionSmart Clothes and Wearable Technology, Second Edition focuses on the design process, material selection, garment construction, and new production techniques for smart clothing.
By David Bryson, Jane McCann
Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Second EditionIncluding numerous worked examples, problems, further reading and additional notes, this resource is a comprehensive and modern introduction which focuses on those essential principles and concepts needed for a thorough understanding of the subject.
By Malcolm H. Levitt
Statistical Process Monitoring Using Advanced Data-Driven and Deep Learning ApproachesThe book proceeds with merging the desirable properties of shallow learning approaches - such as a one-class support vector machine and k-nearest neighbours and unsupervised deep learning approaches - to develop more sophisticated and efficient monitoring techniques.
By Amanda S. Hering, Fouzi Harrou, Muddu Madakyaru, Ying Sun, abdelkader Dairi
Statistics for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists: How to Visualize and Analyze DataWith numerous practical examples and exercises throughout, this book provides an intuitive understanding of the concepts of basic statistics, with a focus on solving biomedical problems.
By Andrew P. King, Robert J. Eckersley
Sustainability in Agriculture: Issues in Environmental Science and TechnologyPresenting an authoritative and balanced overview of many of the key factors that impact upon world agricultural practices, this timely book discusses many hotly debated issues such as free trade, GM crops, pesticides, and much more.
By Ronald E. Hester, Roy M. Harrison (eds)
Sustainable Production Innovations: Bioremediation and Other BiotechnologiesThe book, Sustainable Production Innovations, addresses several bioprocesses that are integral to our daily lives, tackling important topics such as biofuel production, energy and food security, and wastewater management.
By Alok Kumar Patel, Amit Kumar Sharma
Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen PlusStructured to emulate a workshop classroom environment, this book emphasizes important points through hands-on learning techniques that direct learners toward achievement in creating dynamic designs and effective control structures fluidly and with confidence.
By Ralph Schefflan
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and ApplicationsThe Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications focuses on the role of artificial intelligence, the internet of medical things, and telemedicine as well as the advantages and challenges that can occur from the integration of these technologies.
By Agnivesh Pandey, Amrit Gupta, Rajiv Pandey
The Neuroscience of Autism, First EditionThe Neuroscience of Autism provides a comprehensive accounting of autism spectrum disorders by integrating scientific findings from behavioral, cognitive and neurobiological research.
By Rajesh K. Kana
The Physics of Clinical MR Taught Through Images, Fifth EditionThe book is highly recommended for radiologists, physicists, and technologists interested in the background of image acquisition used in standard as well as specialized clinical settings.
By Johannes T. Heverhagen, Val M. Runge
The Safety Critical Systems Handbook-A Straightforward Guide to Functional Safety, IEC 61508 (2010 Edition) and Related Standards, Third EditionExplaining the process required to apply safety critical systems standards, this comprehensive guide offers a real world approach that will help users to interpret the standard, with case studies and best practice design examples throughout
By David J. Smith, Kenneth G. L. Simpson
Thoracic Imaging The Requisites, Third EditionNow in its 3rd Edition, this outstanding volume by Dr. Jo-Anne O. Shepard in the popular Requisites series thoroughly covers the fast-changing field of chest imaging. Ideal for residency, clinical practice, and board certification, it covers the full range of basic and advanced modalities used in thoracic imaging including digital radiography, chest fluoroscopy, CT, PET, and MRI.
By Jo-Anne O Shepard
Towards Sustainable Chemical ProcessesThis book describes a comprehensive framework for sustainability assessment, design and the processes optimization of chemical engineering.
By Chang He, Jingzheng Ren, Yufei Wang
Transcultural Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Health and Social CareTranscultural Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Health and Social Care provides healthcare professionals with a deeper understanding of the incredible opportunities brought by the emerging field of AI robotics.
By Antonio Sgorbissa, Chris Papadopoulos, Christina Koulouglioti, Irena Papadopoulos
Ultrasound: The Requisites, Third EditionThis bestselling volume in The Requisites(tm) Series provides a comprehensive introduction to timely ultrasound concepts, ensuring quick access to all the essential tools for the effective practice of ultrasonography.
By Barbara S. Hertzberg, William D. Middleton
Visualization, Visual Analytics and Virtual Reality in Medicine: State-of-the-art Techniques and ApplicationsVisualization, Visual Analytics and Virtual Reality in Medicine: State-of-the-art Techniques and Applications describes important techniques and applications that show an understanding of actual user needs as well as technological possibilities.
By Bernhard Preim, Kai Lawonn, Noeska Smit, Renata Raidou
Wearable Telemedicine Technology for the Healthcare Industry: Product Design and DevelopmentWearable Telemedicine Technology for the Healthcare Industry: Product Design and Development focuses on recent advances and benefits of wearable telemedicine techniques for remote health monitoring and prevention of chronic conditions, providing real time feedback and help with rehabilitation and biomedical applications.
By Aditya Khamparia, Ashish Khanna, D. Jude Hemanth, Deepak Gupta
Working Guide to Process Equipment, Third EditionFilled with worked-out calculations, chemical engineers and plant operators can rely on this updated classic for diagnostic tips, practical examples, and detailed illustrations for pinpointing trouble and correcting problems in chemical process equipment.
By Norman P. Lieberman
A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying, and Civil Engineering 2/eThis book is the most up-to-date dictionary of its kind. In more than 8,000 entries it covers the key areas of civil and construction engineering, construction technology and practice, construction management techniques and processes, as well as legal aspects such as contracts and procurement.
By Christopher Gorse, David Johnston, Martin Pritchard
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Effluent Treatment PlantsThis book provides a complete overview of the recent advances made in oxidation-based water treatment processes, including their limitations, challenges and potential applications in removing environmental pollutants.
By Maulin P. Shah
An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, Third EditionFeaturing numerical problems with answers illustrating the quantitative applications of the concepts presented, this up-to-date text provides the scientific background necessary for the development of fire safety engineering as a professional discipline.
By Dougal Drysdale
Architect's Essentials of Cost ManagementWritten by a cost-control expert with more than thirty years of design and building expertise, this volume offers practical, user-friendly guidance on how to better manage costs through all phases of a project.
By Michael D. Dell'Isola
Artificially Intelligent Nanomaterials for Environmental EngineeringClear and concise from beginning to end, this book focuses on the design and application of artificially intelligent nanomaterials, which help in solving many tangible environmental problems - especially water and air pollution.
By Jian Chang, Lianbin Zhang, Peng Wang
BACnet: The Global Standard for Building Automation and Control NetworksExplaining how BACnet works with all major control systems--including those of Honeywell, Siemens and Johnson Controls, this book discusses how the BACnet protocol manages all basic building functions in a seamless, integrated way.
By H. Michael Newman
BIM for Building Owners and Developers: Making a Business Case for Using BIM on ProjectsDesigned to help you use BIM to increase transparency and create a more integrated design and construction process, this guide will also show you how BIM can help improve your strategic planning, maximize ROI, support the decision-making processes, and fine-tune GAP analysis.
By K. Pramod Reddy
BIM for LandscapeThis book looks at the organisational, technological and professional practice implications of BIM adoption. It discusses in detail the standards, structures and information processes that form BIM Level 2-compliant workflows, highlighting the role of the landscape professional within the new ways of working that BIM entails. It also looks in depth at the digital tools used in BIM projects, emphasising the ‘information' in Building Information Modelling, and the possibilities that data-rich models offer in landscape design, maintenance and management. BIM for Landscape will be an essential companion to the landscape professional at any stage of their BIM journey.
By Landscape Institute
BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors, Second EditionProviding an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, this thorough guide discusses the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound advantages that effective use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team.
By Chuck Eastman, Kathleen Liston, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks
Bio-Based Materials and Biotechnologies for Eco-Efficient ConstructionThe book will be an essential reference resource for academic researchers, civil engineers, contractors working in construction works, postgraduate students and other professionals.
By Daniel C.W. Tsang, Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Volodymyr Ivanov
Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products from Agriculture, Second EditionEssential reading for students, researchers, and industry personnel working in the world's emerging bioeconomy, this thorough resource provides a timely, comprehensive overview of the field that incorporates significant advances made in the field over the last decade.
By Robert C. Brown, Tristan R. Brown
Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2012 International Building Code, Fourth EditionHighlighting the portions of the building code that are most relevant for architects, this user-friendly, visual guide provides an easy-to-understand interpretation in both words and illustrations to aid in quicker comprehension.
By Francis D.K. Ching, Steven R. Winkel
Building Construction Handbook, Sixth EditionPresenting its information in a highly illustrated and unique visual style, this vital learning resource provides extensive coverage of building construction practice, processes and techniques.
By Roger Greeno, Roy Chudley
Claims, Disputes and Litigation Involving BIMThis timely and unique book provides crucial new methods for analyzing construction disputes in this emerging AEC technological landscape. It explains how BIM & VDC has significantly altered the production and delivery of construction drawings, quantity surveys, and schedules, and how these changes might impact construction disputes.
By Jason Dougherty
Construction 4.0: Advanced Technology, Tools and Materials for the Digital Transformation of the Construction IndustryDevelopments in data acquisition technologies, digital information and analysis, automated construction processes, and advanced materials and products have finally started to move the construction industry - traditionally reluctant to innovation and slow in adopting new technologies - toward a new era.
By Marco Casini
Construction Engineering Design Calculations and Rules of ThumbProviding design examples with step-by-step solutions, along with a generous amount of tables, schematics, and calculations to facilitate more accurate solutions through all phases of a project, from planning, through construction and completion, this resource is a brief, but rigorous introduction to the mathematics behind the equations for all aspects of construction engineering.
By Ruwan Rajapakse
Construction Extension to the PMBOK(r) GuideProviding generalized project management guidance applicable to most projects most of the time, this book includes discussion of emerging trends and developments in the construction industry that affect the application of project management to construction projects.
By Project Management Institute
Construction Extension to the PMBOK(r) Guide, Third EditionProviding materials directly related to the construction industry, such as safety, environmental, financial and claim management, this guide identifies the generally accepted practices within the realm of construction project management.
By Project Management Institute
Construction Management JumpStart: The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management, Second EditionWritten by an expert with over 20 years of experience as a licensed contractor, this guide shows how today's hot issues such as sustainability and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are impacting the industry.
By Barbara J. Jackson
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide for Building and Electrical ContractorsPresenting construction project management concepts in a clear and understandable manner, this concise guide covers major industry issues such as the impact of change orders, safety, tools and material control, and contract risk management.
By Eddy M. Rojas (ed)
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management, 5th EditionThorough and hands-on, this guide combines a solid foundation in the principles and fundamentals of the Critical Path Method (CPM) with particular emphasis on project planning, demonstrated through an example project.
By Glenn A. Sears, Richard H. Clough, S. Keoki Sears
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management, Sixth EditionProviding a solid foundation of the principles and fundamentals of project management, with a particular emphasis on project planning demonstrated through an example project, this guide gives readers access to hands-on project management experience in the context of real-world project management problems.
By Glenn A. Sears, Jerald L. Rounds, Richard H. Clough, Robert O. Segner Jr., S. Keoki Sears
Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Second EditionBy combining basic fundamentals with advanced techniques alongside the robust analysis of theory, this easy-to-follow guide details all the steps to devise a technologically advanced schedule geared toward streamlining the construction process.
By Saleh Mubarak
Cost Estimating Manual for Water Treatment FacilitiesIdentifying 43 treatment processes, nine types of water treatment plants, plus five types of advanced water treatment plants, this guide shows you how to arrive at a dependable estimate quickly with a minimum of information and supporting data.
By Susumu Kawamura, William McGivney
Design-Build: Planning Through DevelopmentStudded with illustrative case histories, this authoritative, up-to-date manual provides across-the-board, real-world answers for timely, glitch-free, and cost-effective projects by explaining legal, technical, and administrative aspects of Design-Build.
By Edward C. Wundram, Jeffrey L. Beard, Michael C. Loulakis Sr.
DeWALT Construction Professional Reference: Residential and Light Commercial, Master EditionThis title will be removed from the Skillsoft library on May 24, 2024.
By William Spence
Disaster Management and Environmental SustainabilityThis volume's analysis relies on case studies, examples, and the results of questionnaires and interviews of practitioners and organizations operating in the environment, disaster, and development domains.
By Gowhar Meraj, M. S. Nathawat, Majid Farooq, Sanjay Kumar, Shruti Kanga, Suraj Kumar Singh
Electrical Safety Code Manual: A Plain Language Guide to National Electrical Code, OSHA and NFPA 70EIncluding step-by-step guidelines, best-practice methods and training program how-to's, this practical and essential guide will tie together the various regulations and practices for electrical safety and translate these complicated standards into easy to understand terms.
By Kimberley Keller
Engineering Analysis with ANSYS SoftwareWith its detailed, step-by-step explanations, and extensive worked examples and sample problems, this book will develop readers' understanding of FEA and their ability to use ANSYS' software tools to solve their own analysis problems.
By Tadeusz Stolarski
Environmentally Responsible Design: Green and Sustainable Design for Interior DesignersCovering everything from theory to current practices, this practical guide will help students and professional interior designers make sound decisions that incorporate the principles of sustainability with aesthetics and functional requirements.
By Louise Jones
Essentials of the Finite Element Method: For Mechanical and Structural EngineersFundamental coverage, analytic mathematics, and up-to-date software applications are hard to find in a single text on the finite element method (FEM). This book provides a comprehensive but concise guide for those new to FEM, or just in need of a refresher on the essentials.
By Dimitrios G. Pavlou
Finite Element Analysis: A PrimerIncluding over 35 solved problems using software applications such as MATLAB, COMSOL, and ANSYS, this book presents a comparison of solutions to the problems obtained by the analytical method, FEM hand calculations, and the software method.
By A. V. Kulkarni, S. M. Musa, V. K. Havanur
Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, Sixth EditionNow in its sixth edition, this bestselling reference focuses on the basic materials and methods used in building construction.
By Edward Allen, Joseph Iano
Global Sustainable Communities HandbookClearly explaining the most cutting edge green technologies, this is a guide for understanding and complying with the various international codes, methods, and legal hurdles surrounding the creation of sustainable communities all over the world.
By Woodrow W. Clark II (ed)
Green Building Illustrated, Second EditionIn the tradition of Building Construction Illustrated, Francis D.K. Ching and Ian M. Shapiro offer a fully illustrated guide to the theory and practice of sustainable design. This guide provides architects, designers, and builders in the green design professional community a framework and detailed strategies for designing substantively green buildings.
By Francis D. K. Ching, Ian M. Shapiro
Guide to the LEED Green Associate ExamServing as a valuable resource for anyone looking for the challenging LEED Green Associate credential, this accessible guide breaks down difficult concepts in sustainable design and engineering in a clearly organized, straightforward manner.
By Michelle Cottrell
Hydraulic Control SystemsComplete with insightful industry examples, illustrative case studies, and exercise problems, this unique resource is a powerful tool for developing a solid understanding of hydraulic control systems that will serve the practicing engineer in the field.
By Noah Manring
Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician and Engineer's Guide, Third EditionKeeping mathematics and theory to a minimum, this practical guide serves as a day-to-day reference to the successful operation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems for all engineers and technicians working with them.
By Andrew Parr
Hydrodynamic Stability, Second EditionContaining a large number of problems that provide exercises as well as solutions, this book offers a clear and unparalleled explanation of the fundamentals of hydrodynamic stability.
By P. G. Drazin, W. H. Reid
Implementing Virtual Design and Construction using BIM: Current and Future PracticesImplementing Virtual Design and Construction using BIM outlines the team structure, software and production ecosystem needed for an effective Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) process through current real world case studies of projects both in development and under construction. It provides the reader with a better understanding of the successful implementation of VDC and Building Information Modeling (BIM), and the benefits to the project team throughout the design and construction process. For readers already familiar with VDC, the book will provide invaluable examples of best practices and real world solutions.
By Cheryle Cranbourne, Kyla Farrell, Lennart Andersson, Oleg Moshkovich
Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and ReuseProviding an accessible reference to assist you when handling wastewater treatment and recycling, this practical resource features an instructive compilation of methodologies, including advanced physico-chemical methods and biological methods of treatment.
By Vinay M. Bhandari, Vivek V. Ranade
Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS: A Workbook Approach to Learning GIS, Third EditionUpdated for the latest ArcGIS releases, this complete, user-friendly book introduces the central concepts of GIS and topics needed to understand spatial information analysis and provides a considerable ability to operate important tools in ArcGIS.
By Michael Kennedy
LEED v4 Practices, Certification, and Accreditation Handbook, Second EditionWith annotated tables, checklists, charts, and references, this thorough book provides users with a practical user-friendly roadmap that presents the guidelines for selecting the LEED v4 rating system to better fit a particular project.
By Sam Kubba
Life Cycle Assessment Handbook: A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable ProductsIllustrated by real-world examples and case studies, this concise handbook offers a look at the role that life cycle information - in the hands of companies, governments, and consumers - may have in improving the environmental performance of products and technologies.
By Mary Ann Curran (ed)
Management of Construction ProjectsWith a strong emphasis on the practical nature of the subject, this highly illustrated series of case studies based on seven live construction management projects details on site management procedures and identifies a predominantly functional approach to managing projects.
By Brian Cooke
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, Thirteenth EditionThe definitive guide to the design of environmental control systems for buildings-now updated in its 13th Edition
By Alison G. Kwok, Walter T. Grondzik
MIT Sloan Management Review Article on When Waste Management Companies Pick Up AI ToolsWaste management companies are addressing safety, efficiency, and maintenance challenges with artificial intelligence technologies.
By Ganes Kesari
MWH's Water Treatment: Principles and Design, Third EditionAuthored by some of the foremost experts in the field of public water supply, this resource addresses new regulatory requirements, ongoing environmental concerns, and the emergence of pharmacological agents and other new chemical constituents in water.
By John C. Crittenden, et al.
Natural Gas Hydrates (Fourth Edition)This book provides a critical reference for engineers who are new to the field. Covering the fundamental properties, thermodynamics and behavior of hydrates in multiphase systems, this reference explains the basics before advancing to more practical applications, the latest developments and models.
By John Carroll
Next Generation Compliance: Environmental Regulation for the Modern EraIn Next Generation Compliance, Cynthia Giles shows that well-designed regulations deploying creative strategies to make compliance the default can achieve excellent implementation outcomes.
By Cynthia Giles
Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package DesignA comprehensive guide to thinking outside the box to create practical, cost-effective, and eco-responsible packaging, this book gives you all the tools for maximizing a product's shelf impact-while minimizing its ecological footprint.
By Wendy Jedlicka
Practical Project Management for Building and ConstructionCovering the 14 knowledge areas of project management that are essential for successful projects, this pioneering reference will help you control the WHAT, HOW, and WHEN to do things as well as WHO is responsible for doing them, which will lead to successful project management.
By Hans Ottosson
Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards, Seventh EditionDiscussing the principles and techniques you need to successfully manage an engineering or technical project from start to finish, this thorough guide offers clear and detailed coverage of planning, scheduling and control, which can pose particular challenges in engineering environments.
By Albert Lester
Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction, and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM, and BSI Standards, Sixth EditionDiscussing the principles and techniques you need to successfully manage an engineering or technical project from start to finish, this thorough guide offers clear and detailed coverage of planning, scheduling and control, which can pose particular challenges in engineering environments.
By Albert Lester
Remote Sensing: Theory and ApplicationsThis book explores the world of remote sensing technology, offering comprehensive insights into its principles, data acquisition methods, advanced processing techniques, and diverse applications.
By P. K. Garg
Risk Evaluation and Climate Change Adaptation of Civil Engineering Infrastructures and Buildings: Project RI-ADAPTCLIMFollowing an integrated, interdisciplinary and multi-physics approach, this book proposes decision support tools that would increase the resilience of structures and buildings against the impact of hazards due to climate change.
By Panagiotis Kotronis
Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, Seventh EditionActing as the be-all, end-all resource for designers, engineers, and analysts working with calculations of loads and stress, this renowned, authoritative guide is a reference you'll turn to project after project, year after year.
By Richard G. Budynas, Warren C. Young
Rotating FlowTaking readers through fundamental equations, vorticity and vortices, rotating disc flow, flow around rotating cylinders and flow in rotating cavities, this text illustrates the differences between flows where rotation is significant and highlights the non-intuitive nature of rotating flow fields.
By Peter R.N. Childs
Sensor Technologies for Civil Infrastructures: Volume 1: Sensing Hardware and Data Collection Methods for Performance Assessment, Second EditionSensor Technologies for Civil Infrastructure, Volume 1: Sensing Hardware and Data Collection Methods for Performance Assessment, Second Edition, provides an overview of sensor hardware and its use in data collection.
By Hoon Sohn, Jerome Lynch, Ming Wang
Site Engineering for Landscape Architects, Sixth EditionThe Leading Guide To Site Design And Engineering- Revised And Updated
By Jake Woland, Kurt Nathan, Steven Strom
Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps, Third EditionDiscussing the behaviors of various sorts of slurry flow, this unique text deals with the behavior of centrifugal pumps handling slurries, and with how pumps and pipelines interact as a system.
By A. Sellgren, G. R. Addie, K. C. Wilson, R. Clift
Smith, Currie & Hancock's Common Sense Construction Law: A Practical Guide for the Construction Professional, 4th EditionOffering industry professionals the knowledge they need to avoid legal surprises and gain a competitive advantage, this book translates the sometimes-confusing theories, principles, and established rules that regulate the business into plain English.
By O. Scott Walters, Thomas J. Kelleher Jr.
Start-Up Creation (Second Edition)This book provides a state-of-the-art review on high-technology applications and explains how these can be applied to improve the eco-efficiency of the built environment.
By Arturas Kaklauskas, Claes G. Granqvist, Erik Stavnsager Rasmussen, F Pacheco-Torgal, Stephen Makonin, Volodymyr Ivanov
Stormwater Collection Systems Design HandbookProviding expert, detailed, professional guidance, this authoritative and inclusive book brings you comprehensive, state-of-the-art coverage of the latest design methods and tools for analyzing stormwater collection systems.
By Larry W. Mays (ed)
Structural Dynamics of Earthquake Engineering: Theory and Application Using MATHEMATICA and MATLABIncluding worked examples in Mathematica and Matlab, this resource provides civil and structural engineers and students with an understanding of the dynamic response of structures to earthquakes and the common analysis techniques employed to evaluate these responses.
By S. Rajasekaran
Sun, Wind & Light: Architectural Design Strategies, Second EditionDeveloped for rapid use during schematic design, this book clarifies relationships between form and energy and gives designers tools for designing sustainably.
By G.Z. Brown, Mark DeKay
Surveying, Sixth EditionProviding a basic overview to help readers understand and communicate with surveyors, this text presents students with helpful fundamental approaches to data collection methods, field techniques and analytical procedures.
By Jack McCormac, Wayne Sarasua, William J. Davis
Sustainability in Agriculture: Issues in Environmental Science and TechnologyPresenting an authoritative and balanced overview of many of the key factors that impact upon world agricultural practices, this timely book discusses many hotly debated issues such as free trade, GM crops, pesticides, and much more.
By Ronald E. Hester, Roy M. Harrison (eds)
Sustainable Energy Conversion for Electricity and Coproducts: Principles, Technologies, and EquipmentSustainable energy conversion is an extremely active field of research at this time. This book provides a unified, comprehensive and a fundamental approach to the study of sustainable fuel conversion in order to generate electricity and optionally coproduce synthetic fuels and chemicals.
By Ashok Rao
Sustainable Water Resource Development Using Coastal ReservoirsThis book provides an expert resource to the design, construction and use of coastal reservoirs.
By Brian Jones, Lim Sinpoh, Muttucumaru Sivakumar, Roger Falconer, Shu-Qing Yang, Sreevalsa Kolathayar, T.G. Sitharam
Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Sustainability: Systems Design, Assessment and ApplicationsProviding tables, illustrations, and comparative case studies, this authoritative guide is a broad-based overview describing the state-of-the-art in latent, sensible, and thermo-chemical energy storage systems and their applications across industries.
By R. Parameshwaran, S. Kalaiselvam
Ugly's Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E, 2015 EditionDesigned for electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, inspectors, instructors, and students, this invaluable resource provides fast access to the most commonly referenced sections of the latest NFPA 70E and related safety standards.
By Charles R. Miller
Zero Waste EngineeringUsing methods that have been developed in various areas for sustainability purposes, this exciting book probes the principles of zero waste engineering and how it can be applied to construction, energy production, and many other areas of engineering.
By M. M. Khan, M. R. Islam
5G Technology: 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced, Second Edition5G brings new technology solutions to the 5G mobile networks, including new spectrum options, antenna structures, physical layer and protocols designs, and network architectures. 5G Technology: 3GPP Evolution to 5G-Advanced is an accessible and comprehensive resource that offers explanations of 5G specifications and performance evaluations, aspects of device design, practical deployment considerations and illustrative examples from field experiences.
By Antti Toskala, Harri Holma, Takehiro Nakamura
A First Course in Digital CommunicationsFocusing on the most basic ideas, this carefully paced, logically structured textbook is packed with insights and illustrative examples, making this an ideal introduction to modern digital communication.
By Ed Shwedyk, Ha H. Nguyen
A Foundation in Digital CommunicationFeaturing over 300 exercises, this insightful book derives the core results of digital communication from first principles, and is ideal for anyone asking 'why' and not just 'how.'
By Amos Lapidoth
ABCs of Electronics: An Easy Guide to Electronics EngineeringLearn the fundamental principles of electronic components in a simple, easy-to-follow text. This book is a must-have for anyone seeking to master the basics of electronic engineering.
By Farzin Asadi
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Array and Statistical Signal Processing, Volume 3Offering reference content on core principles, technologies, algorithms and applications, this authoritative resource gives a review of the principles, methods and techniques of important and emerging research topics and technologies in array and statistical signal processing.
By Rama Chellappa, Sergios Theodoridis (eds)
Adhesives Technology Handbook, Third EditionCovering a wide range of industrial applications across sectors including medical applications, automotive/aerospace, packaging, electronics, and consumer goods, this book provides a complete guide to the selection of adhesives, methods of use, industrial applications, and the fundamentals of adhesion.
By Arthur H. Landrock, Sina Ebnesajjad
Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Second EditionCovering the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetics need to know, this book focuses on the topic as it relates to the fast-moving, continually evolving, and rapidly expanding field of wireless communications.
By Constantine A. Balanis
Advanced Fiber Access Networks, First EditionAdvanced Fiber Access Networks takes a holistic view of broadband access networks-from architecture to network technologies and network economies.
By Cedric Lam, Shuang Yin, Tao Zhang
Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling: A Practical HandbookProviding a complete explanation of estimation theory and application, modeling approaches, and model evaluation, this practical guide explains all important aspects of Kalman filtering and least-squares theory and application.
By Bruce P. Gibbs
Advances in Computers: Energy Efficiency in Data Centers and Clouds, Volume One HundredWritten by renowned authors and researchers in the field, this invaluable resource presents detailed coverage of recent innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design, and applications.
By Ali Hurson, Hamid Sarbazi Azad (eds)
Advances in Computers: Power-Efficient Network-on-Chips: Design and Evaluation, Volume One Hundred Twenty Four, First EditionAdvances in Computers, Volume 124 presents updates on innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design and applications, with this updated volume including new chapters on Traffic-Load-Aware Virtual Channel Power-gating in Network-on-Chips, An Efficient DVS Scheme for On-chip Networks, A Power-Performance Balanced Network-on-Chip for Mixed CPU-GPU Systems, Routerless Networks-on-Chip, Routing Algorithm Design for Power- and Temperature-Aware NoCs, Approximate Communication for Energy-Efficient Network-on-Chip, Power-Efficient NoC Design by Partial Topology Reconfiguration, The Design of a Deflection-based Energy-efficient On-chip Network, and Power-Gating in Networks-on-Chip.
By Suyel Namasudra
Advances in Non-Volatile Memory and Storage Technology, Second EditionNew solutions are needed for future scaling down of nonvolatile memory. This valuable resource provides an overview of developing technologies and explores their strengths and weaknesses.
By Blanka Magyari-Köpe, Yoshio Nishi
Analog and Digital Communication: Visualize and Analyze the CommunicationIn today's tech-driven world, communication systems play a crucial role in sharing information effectively. The book, Analog and Digital Communication helps you grasp the fundamental principles of these systems, enabling you to analyze and visualize information flow.
By Rajarshi Mahapatra
Analog Circuit Design: Design Note Collection, Volume 3Presented in a concise format, making it easy to read and assimilate, this authoritative book is a comprehensive volume of applied circuit design solutions, providing elegant and practical design techniques.
By Bob Dobkin, John Hamburger
Antenna Theory and ApplicationsOffering an in-depth coverage of fundamental antenna theory and how to apply it in practice, this book provides ample examples of employing the derived theory and contains chapter-end problems, giving you the opportunity to test your acquired knowledge.
By Hubregt J. Visser
Antenna Theory and Design, 3rd EditionIncluding modern material to make the text exciting and relevant to practicing engineers, this book takes a pedagogical approach with a emphasis on computational methods to cover antennas from three perspectives: antenna fundamentals, antenna techniques, and the design of popular antennas.
By Gary A. Thiele, Warren L. Stutzman
Antennas for Small Mobile TerminalsThis forward-looking volume offers professionals current and comprehensive coverage of the design, development, and implementation of small, compact, and lightweight antennas in mobile communication terminals.
By Koichi Ito, Kyohei Fujimoto
Applications of Modern RF PhotonicsProviding insight into how a variety of systems work together, this unique new resource presents applications of modern RF photonic systems that use RF photonic components for commonly used signal processing systems.
By Preetpaul Singh Devgan
Applied Electromagnetics Using Quickfield & MATLABIntended as a text for electromagnetics or a reference for engineers, this book presents application-based examples that include the calculation of currents in biological tissue under electrical stimulation, superconducting magnetic shielding, and more.
By J. R. Claycomb
ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System SoftwareProviding a comprehensive description of the operation of the ARM core from a developer's perspective, this text demonstrates not only how to write efficient ARM software in C and assembly but also how to optimize code.
By Andrew N. Sloss, Chris Wright, Dominic Symes
Ascend AI Processor Architecture and ProgrammingThe book demonstrates internal software and hardware design principles, system tools and programming techniques for the processor. It also lays out those elements of AI programming technology needed by researchers developing AI applications.
By Liang Xiaoyao
BACnet: The Global Standard for Building Automation and Control NetworksExplaining how BACnet works with all major control systems--including those of Honeywell, Siemens and Johnson Controls, this book discusses how the BACnet protocol manages all basic building functions in a seamless, integrated way.
By H. Michael Newman
Basic Electronics: Theory and Practice, Fourth EditionDesigned for both the student and hobbyist, this updated revision is an introduction to the theory and practice of electronics including advances in microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless communication.
By Jean Riescher Westcott, Sean Westcott
Basic Electronics: Theory and Practice, Third EditionAn introduction to the theory and practice of electronics, this resource provides theoretical concepts in a conversational tone, followed by hands-on labs that will engage readers by presenting practical applications.
By Jean Riescher Westcott, Sean Westcott
Basic Radar TrackingDetailed closed-loop bandwidth and transient response approach is a subject rarely found in current literature. This innovative resource offers practical explanations of closed-loop radar tracking techniques in range, Doppler and angle tracking.
By Mervin C. Budge, Jr., Shawn R. German
Bayesian Signal Processing: Classical, Modern, and Particle Filtering Methods, Second EditionWith an expansion of case studies that detail Bayesian solutions for a variety of applications, this comprehensive resource presents the Bayesian approach to statistical signal processing for a variety of useful model sets.
By James V. Candy
Beginning e-Textile Development: Prototyping e-Textiles with Wearic Smart Textiles Kit and the BBC micro:bitPresenting the essential skills required to get started developing e-textiles, this book will enable you to apply and sew electronics to wearables, garments, and fabrics in this emerging technology.
By Pradeeka Seneviratne
Channels, Propagation and Antennas for Mobile CommunicationsThis exceptional text introduces the reader to the theory and basis of antennas and propagation in the rapidly developing field of mobile communications. Topics covered include basic multipath mechanisms and propagation, propagation modeling, and more.
By Jorgen Bach Andersen, Rodney Vaughan
Circuit Design and Simulation Quick Start Guide: Create Schematics and Layout Electronic ComponentsOpen up the exciting world of electronics with 3D circuit designing tools and create your own fresh new projects. With this quick guide you'll use high-quality graphical programs to create, modify, and update circuits in an interactive, virtual environment that can also be used in the real world.
By Ashraf Said Ahmad AlMadhoun
Circuit Design: Know It AllIncluding all the essential information on circuit design, as well as techniques and tricks of the trade, this hard-working reference will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb.
By Darren Ashby
Communications Receivers: DSP, Software Radios, and Design, 3rd EditionFrom reception basics to cutting-edge software radio design, this one-stop resource provides ready-to-use insights on the theory and design of all types of communications receivers--including shortwave, military, broadcast, and direction-finding.
By Jerry C. Whitaker, Ulrich L. Rohde
Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System ArchitectureWritten by an experienced electrical engineer and networking hardware designer, this book helps you understand and navigate the interlocking components, architectures, and practices necessary to design and implement digital systems.
By Mark Balch
Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB EditorShowing the reader how to design a PCB using OrCAD Capture and OrCAD Editor, this book is written for students engineers who need in-depth instruction on how to use the software, and who need background knowledge of the PCB design process.
By Kraig Mitzner
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Fourth EditionIncluding examples highlighting the latest processor designs, benchmarking standards, languages and tools, this book focuses on the revolutionary change taking place in industry today: the switch from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors.
By David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea, and AirFocusing on computer vision as on-board technology, this essential resource brings together fields of research where computer vision is progressively penetrating the automotive sector, unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles.
By Antonio M. López, Atsushi Imiya, Jose M. Álvarez, Tomas Pajdla
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Third EditionPresenting essential knowledge on embedded systems technology and techniques, this book has been updated for today's embedded systems design methods, and features new examples including digital signal processing, multimedia, and cyber-physical systems.
By Marilyn Wolf
Contamination and ESD Control in High Technology ManufacturingFilled with case studies that illustrate key principles and the benefits of contamination and ESD control, this practical, how-to guide conveys a working knowledge of contamination and ESD control strategies and techniques.
By Carl E. Newberg, R. Nagarajan, Roger W. Welker
Control Systems Engineering, Sixth EditionWith emphasis on more new problems and computer-aided design, this widely adopted text is highly regarded for its accessible writing and practical case studies, and is essential for students pursuing degrees in electrical, mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, or chemical engineering.
By Norman S. Nise
Critical Systems Thinking: A Practitioner's GuideUnderstand the full range of systems approaches and how to use them with this innovative overview.
By Michael C. Jackson
Debugging Embedded and Real-Time SystemsThis book presents best practice strategies for debugging real-time systems, through real-life case studies and coverage of specialized tools such as logic analysis, JTAG debuggers and performance analyzers.
By Arnold S. Berger
Design Recipes for FPGAs: Using Verilog and VHDL, Second EditionWritten in an informal and easy to grasp style, this invaluable resource provides a rich toolbox of design techniques and templates to solve practical, every-day problems using FPGAs.
By Peter Wilson
Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and ApplicationsPacked with helpful examples and illustrations, this hands-on book offers an in-depth treatment of microcontroller design, programming in both assembly language and C, and features advanced topics such as networking and real-time operating systems.
By Tim Wilmshurst
Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined RadioFor a senior-level undergraduate course on digital communications, this unique resource provides you with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts you need to know for your work in the field.
By Alexander M. Wyglinski, Di Pu
Digital CommunicationsThrough the use of figures, tables, examples and problem sets, this resource provides a simple and thorough access to a wide range of topics and is an essential reference for all students and practitioners in the electrical engineering field.
By Mehmet Şafak
Digital Convergence in Antenna Design: Applications for Real-Time Solutions NEW!The latest addition to this series presents high-quality original research contributions on analytical and practical models and ideas in the field of antennas, including a thorough look at RF techniques like antennas, RFID, and filters with special emphasis on real-time applications like e-health, RADAR, and mobile and satellite communications.
By Anitha Peram, Ashish Singh, P. Srividya, S. Ramya
Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second EditionCombining an engaging and humorous writing style with an updated and hands-on approach to digital design, this unique and modern book will enable readers to build their own microprocessor with a top-to-bottom understanding of how it works.
By David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris
Digital Electronics with Arduino: Learn How to Work with Digital Electronics and MicrocontrollersA great way for technicians to learn about digital techniques and computers, this book provides an understanding of the nuts and bolts of digital devices and implementing hardware operations by coding a microcontroller.
By Bob Dukish
Digital Logic DesignUsing solved numerical examples and marked diagrams for easy understanding, this book covers the basic fundamentals and concepts of Digital Logic Design.
By Sonali Singh
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLABBy using MATLAB as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics and solve problems, this book greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in signal processing courses.
By André Quinquis
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and ResearchersFeaturing an active, hands-on learning approach, this text enables readers to master the underlying principles of digital signal processing and its many applications in industries such as digital television, mobile and broadband communications, and medical/scientific devices.
By John W. Leis
Digital Signal Processing with Python ProgrammingAddressing the fundamental bases of statistical inferences, this book includes several computational problems and exercises, along with detailed solutions.
By Maurice Charbit
Digital VLSI Design and Simulation with VerilogThe book provides foundational knowledge that is crucial for beginners to grasp, along with more advanced coverage suitable for research students working in the area of VLSI design.
By Govind S. Patel, Sanjeet K. Sinha, Sobhit Saxena, Suman Lata Tripathi
Dimensions of Uncertainty in Communication Engineering, First EditionDimensions of Uncertainty in Communication Engineering is a comprehensive and self-contained introduction to the problems of nonaleatory uncertainty and the mathematical tools needed to solve them.
By Ezio Biglieri
Electric Circuits FundamentalsDesigned for a first course or sequence in circuits in electrical engineering, the exciting new text teaches the foundations of electric circuits and develops a thinking style and a problem-solving methodology that is based on physical insight.
By Sergio Franco
Electric Circuits: A PrimerClearly explaining the models, the limitations of models, and the examples presented, this hands-on resource provides a comprehensive and concise introduction of the underpinnings and fundamentals of electrical circuits.
By JC Olivier
Electrical EngineeringFeaturing exhaustive theory content with special stress on methods of problem solving, this lucid, easy to understand text targets the needs of students, teachers and professionals who desire to acquire a firm foundation in electrical engineering.
By R. K. Rajput
Electromagnetic Compatibility EngineeringComplemented with over 250 problems with answers, this book reflects the most recent developments in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and noise reduction and their practical applications to the design of analog and digital circuits.
By Henry W. Ott
Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications: The Engineering ApproachBased on composite right/left-handed transmission line metamaterials, this book presents an original generalized transmission line approach associated with non-resonant structures that exhibit larger bandwidths, lower loss, and higher design flexibility.
By Christophe Caloz, Tatsuo Itoh
Electronic Circuits: Fundamentals and Applications, Third EditionOffering a unique combination of a comprehensive reference text and a practical electronics handbook in one volume, this book provides all the essential information required to get to grips with the fundamentals of electronics.
By Mike Tooley
Electronic Warfare Signal ProcessingWritten by a prominent expert in the field, this authoritative resource provides a comprehensive introduction to modern electronic warfare (EW) in an era of information warfare (IW).
By James Genova
Electronics for Beginners: A Practical Introduction to Schematics, Circuits, and MicrocontrollersJump start your journey with electronics! If you've thought about getting into electronics, but don't know where to start, this book gives you the information you need.
By Jonathan Bartlett
Electronics in Easy StepsThis book is ideal for anyone who has always wanted to know how electricity works and what electronic components do - from simple theory through to actually building, testing and troubleshooting useful and interesting circuits.
By Bill Mantovani
Electronics Projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32: Building Web Pages, Applications, and WiFi Enabled DevicesDiscover the powerful ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers and their Wi-Fi communication. This book emphasizes practical projects and readers are guided through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication, mobile app design and build, ESP-NOW and LoRa communication, and signal generation.
By Neil Cameron
Electronics Technology HandbookThis text offers concise, accurate explanations of hundreds of topics over the full spectrum of modern electronics and provides useful information on subjects from basic components and building block circuits to products, systems, and more.
By Neil Sclater
Embedded Systems and Software ValidationOffering validation techniques for the entire life cycle of embedded systems design, this book guides readers through a host of debugging and verification methods critical to providing reliable software and systems applications.
By Abhik Roychoudhury
Embedded Systems Security: Practical Methods for Safe and Secure Software and Systems DevelopmentContaining nuggets of practical and simple advice on critical issues, this indispensible guide offers a broad understanding of security principles, concerns, and technologies, as well as proven techniques for the efficient development of safe and secure embedded software.
By David Kleidermacher, Mike Kleidermacher
EMC for Product Designers, Fourth EditionShowing how to incorporate EMC principles into the product design process, this book will help you avoid cost and performance penalties, and meet the needs of specific standards that will result in a better overall product.
By Tim Williams
Emerging Technologies for 3D Video: Creation, Coding, Transmission and RenderingWith contributions from leading researchers, this book deals with all aspects of 3D video systems and services, including content acquisition and creation, data representation and coding, transmission, view synthesis, rendering, display technologies, human perception of depth and quality assessment.
By Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Frédéric Dufaux
Emitter Detection and Geolocation for Electronic WarfarePacked with problem sets and examples, this comprehensive resource provides theoretical formulation for detecting and geolocating non-cooperative emitters.
By Nicholas A. O'Donoughue
Enabling Technologies for High Spectral-Efficiency Coherent Optical Communication NetworksExamining key technology advances in high spectral-efficiency fiber-optic communication systems and networks, enabled by the use of coherent detection and digital signal processing (DSP), this book describes how capacity-approaching coding schemes based on low-density parity check (LDPC) and spatially coupled LDPC codes can be constructed by combining iterative demodulation and decoding.
By Chongjin Xie, Xiang Zhou
Enterprise Architecture Planning: Developing a Blueprint for Data, Applications, and TechnologyThe emphasis of this book is on the interpersonal skills and techniques for organizing and directing an EAP project, obtaining management commitment, presenting the plan to management, and leading the transition from planning to implementation.
By Steven C. Hill, Steven H. Spewak
ESD Basics: From Semiconductor Manufacturing to Product UseAn essential reference with useful insight, this comprehensive guide provides an illuminating look into the integration of ESD protection networks followed by examples in specific technologies, circuits, and chips.
By Steven H. Voldman
ESD Testing: From Components to SystemsCovering the trends and directions of ESD testing discipline, this book updates the reader in the new tests, test models, and techniques in the characterization of semiconductor components for ESD, EOS, and latchup.
By Steven H. Voldman
Essentials of LTE and LTE-AContaining everything you need to know about the theory and technology behind the standards - as well as numerous examples, and extensive system and link results, this practical, one-stop guide will quickly bring you up to speed on LTE and LTE-Advanced.
By Amitabha Ghosh, Rapeepat Ratasuk
F# for ScientistsWritten in a clear and concise style with practical and enlightening examples, this accessible book will help you understand both the functional aspects of F# and the object-oriented task-based features that make F# so useful in practice.
By Jon Harrop
Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design: Applying the ARM mbed, Second EditionOffering a fast-moving introduction to embedded systems design, applying the innovative ARM mbed and its web-based development environment, this book covers the basics, then quickly progresses to some "hot" embedded issues - intelligent instrumentation, wireless and networked systems, digital audio and digital signal processing.
By Rob Toulson, Tim Wilmshurst
Fast Satellite Attitude Maneuver and Control, First EditionFast Satellite Attitude Maneuver and Control introduces the concept of agile satellites and corresponding fast maneuver attitude control systems, systematically and comprehensively presenting recent research results of fast maneuver attitude control for agile satellites by using advanced nonlinear control techniques.
By Dong Ye, Yan Xiao, You Li
Feature Extraction & Image Processing for Computer Vision, Third EditionAn essential guide to the implementation of image processing and computer vision techniques, with tutorial introductions and sample code in Matlab, this book presents and explains numerous algorithms to enable complete understanding of the methods and techniques demonstrated.
By Alberto S. Aguado, Mark S. Nixon
Fiber Optics Installer and Technician GuideFor those working in fiber optics or for the person who wants to start learning about fiber optics, this comprehensive resource is designed to prepare you for the two leading fiber optics certifications, Fiber Optics Installer and Fiber Optics Technician.
By Bill Woodward, Emile B. Husson
Foundations of Electromagnetic Compatibility with Practical ApplicationsIntended as a reference and a refresher for both the practicing professionals and the new EMC engineers entering the field, this book focuses on the fundamentals of mathematics, electric circuits, and electromagnetics specifically needed for the study of EMC.
By Bogdan Adamczyk
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: From Photons to Quantum ComputersTaking the reader into the fascinating world of quantum mechanics, this accessible text continues on an in-depth study of quantum information and quantum computing, including an entire chapter on the future of quantum technology.
By Reinhold Blümel
Fourier Transforms: Principles and ApplicationsFeaturing chapter end summaries of key results, over two hundred examples and four hundred homework problems, , this class-tested manual explains transform methods and their applications to electrical systems from circuits, antennas, and signal processors.
By Eric W. Hansen
FPGA-Based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems, Second EditionProviding a wealth of practical insights, along with illustrative case studies and timely real-world examples, this book is an important working resource for engineers and researchers involved in the design, development, and implementation of signal processing systems.
By Gaye Lightbody, John McAllister, Roger Woods, Ying Yi
From Engineer to Manager: Mastering the Transition, Second EditionProviding clear, expert guidance to help engineers make a smooth transition to the management team, this must-read book is written with a practical style that integrates important foundational concepts with measures that can be applied immediately.
By B. Michael Aucoin
Fundamentals of Electrical EngineeringProviding several examples and numerical problems, this book is a compendium of the basics and fundamentals of electrical engineering.
By Mandhir Verma, Yaduvir Singh
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 3rd EditionThis book would prove to be an asset for the students and would become a life-long companion of not only for electrical engineers but also for students of other branches of engineering.
By Dr. Yaduvir Singh, Mandir Verma
Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB, Second EditionOffering a structural framework of principles, key equations, illustrations, and problems, this text equips you for your journey into learning the theory behind and the application of electromagnetic fields and waves.
By Karl E. Lonngren, Randy J. Jost, Sava V. Savov
Fundamentals of GPS Receivers: A Hardware ApproachSummarizing the basic principles and using as little mathematics as possible, this authoritative reference details the necessary specifications and circuits for constructing a GPS receiver that is accurate to within 300 meters.
By Dan Doberstein
Fundamentals of Infrared and Visible Detector Operation and Testing, Second EditionDiscussing how to use and test infrared and visible detectors, this book provides a convenient reference for those entering the field of IR detector design, test or use, those who work in the peripheral areas, and those who teach and train others in the field.
By Greg Pierce, John David Vincent, John Vampola, Mark Stegall, Steven E. Hodges
Fundamentals of Microsystems PackagingWritten by Rao Tummala, the field's leading author, this rigorous, thorough introduction to electronic packaging technologies provides a solid grounding in microelectronics, photonics, RF, packaging design, assembly, reliability, testing, and much more.
By Rao R. Tummala
Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides, Second EditionAn essential resource for any researcher, professional or student involved in optics and communications engineering, this clear, concise text offers a thorough understanding of the principles of lightwave propagation.
By Katsunari Okamoto
Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Transistor AmplifiersWith an emphasis on theory, design, and everyday applications, this book provides state-of-the-art coverage of RF and microwave transistor amplifiers, including low-noise, narrowband, broadband, linear, high-power, high-efficiency, and high-voltage.
By Inder J. Bahl
Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Designed to Provide an Insight into the Software Engineering ConceptsWith a crystal clear approach, and a straightforward presentation, this book contains real-time executed examples along with case studies and provides a practical handbook to understanding the hidden language of computer hardware and software.
By Amiya Kumar Rath, Hitesh Mohapatra
GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion, Second EditionAcknowledging that gallium nitride (GaN) transistors are not one-to-one replacements for the current MOSFET technology, this book serves as a practical guide for understanding basic GaN transistor construction, characteristics, and applications.
By Alex Lidow, David Reusch, Johan Strydom, Michael de Rooij
Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications, Volume IIWritten to accelerate the understanding of the GPS system and encourage new and innovative applications, this fundamental volume focuses on augmentations to GPS and detailed descriptions of applications.
By Bradford W. Parkinson (ed), et al.
GPS/GNSS AntennasTaking into account the requirements of modernized systems and recent and developing applications, this practical resource offers you the newest and most comprehensive treatment available of GPS/GNSS antennas.
By B. Rama Rao, K. McDonald, R. Fante, W. Kunysz
Handbook of Antennas for EMC, Second EditionOffering a thorough understanding of the practical aspects and underpinnings of antennas in EMC systems, this invaluable resource provides the knowledge needed to determine the right antenna for specific applications and offers guidance in conducting EMC testing.
By John McAuley, Thereza M. Macnamara
Handbook of Fiber Optic Data Communication: A Practical Guide to Optical Networking, Third EditionWritten by experts in the industry from major companies such as IBM, Cisco and Nortel, this handbook is a key reference for optical fiber technology, networking, protocols, applications, manufacturing, and future directions.
By Casimer DeCusatis (ed)
Handbook of Image and Video ProcessingWith numerous algorithm illustrations as well as tutorial chapters, this guide contains a comprehensive presentation of all essential mathematics, techniques, and algorithms for every type of image and video processing used by scientists and engineers.
By Alan C. Bovik (ed)
Handbook of MEMS for Wireless and Mobile ApplicationsWith its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this book provides a comprehensive overview of radio frequency (RF) MEMS technologies and explores the use of these technologies over a wide range of application areas.
By Deepak Uttamchandani
Handbook of Optical Systems, Volume 5, Metrology of Optical Components and SystemsProviding a comprehensive introduction to the principles and the practice of calculation, layout, and understanding of optical systems and lens design, this state-of-the-art full-colored handbook introduces readers to the basic properties of optical systems, aberration theory, classification and characterization of systems, advanced simulation models, measuring of system quality and manufacturing issues.
By Bernd Dörband, Henriette Müller, Herbert Gross
Handbook of Optics: Classical Optics, Vision Optics, X-Ray Optics, Vol III, Second EditionContaining an index of all four volumes, extensive chapter glossaries, and a wealth of references, this volume includes the information you need to start solving problems in optics, from design of optical systems to day-to-day laboratory R&D.
By Michael Bass (ed)
Hardware Description Language Demystified: Explore Digital System Design Using Verilog HDL and VLSI Design ToolsThis book is a comprehensive guide about the digital system and its design using various VLSI design tools as well as Verilog HDL. The step-wise procedure to use various VLSI tools.
By Dr. Cherry Bhargava, Dr. Rajkumar Sarma
Hardware Verification with C++: A Practitioner's HandbookAuthored by two verification engineers, this handbook goes beyond hype and theoretical discussions to offer a four-part tour of how to perform object-oriented techniques.
By Mike Mintz, Robert Ekendahl
Hardware Verification with SystemVerilog: An Object-Oriented FrameworkShowing how to manage complexity by using layers of abstraction and base classes, this learning tool and reference book contains hundreds of real-world code snippets and three professional verification-system examples.
By Mike Mintz, Robert Ekendahl
HDL Programming Fundamentals: VHDL and VerilogThis title will be removed from the Skillsoft library on May 24, 2024.
By Nazeih M. Botros
HDL with Digital Design: VHDL and VerilogIntroducing the latest version of hardware description languages and explaining how the languages can be implemented in the design of the digital logic components, this book covers both Verilog and VHDL side by side so students as well as professionals can learn both the theoretical and practical concepts of digital design.
By Nazeih Botros
High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave EngineeringIncluding in-text exercises to emphasize a practical approach, this hands-on reference provides engineers with a comprehensive guide to Radio Frequency (RF) circuit analysis and wave propagation in order to be able to design new systems.
By Joseph F. White
High Performance Silicon Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications of CMOS and CCD Sensors, Second EditionReflecting the latest state-of-the art developments in the field, this book covers the fundamentals of silicon image sensors, addressing existing performance issues and current and emerging solutions. Silicon imaging is a fast-growing area of the semiconductor industry.
By Daniel Durini
High Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design PracticesTechniques for designing digital circuits, including computer boards and buses, which can operate at very high clock rates.
By Garrett W. Hall, James A. McCall, Stephen H. Hall
IEC 61850 DemystifiedA comprehensive overview of 61850 standard/protocol, this thorough resource focuses on implementation, taking the reader through the development and concepts of IEC 61850.
By Herbert Falk
Industry Overview: Consumer ElectronicsIn this Industry Overview on consumer electronics, we examine current trends within the industry, as well as the history of consumer electronics from the early days of radio to the latest advancements in smartphone and wearable device technology. We also explore challenges faced by the industry and key developments industry leaders are leveraging in the face of an increasingly competitive marketplace.
By Skillsoft
Infrared System EngineeringBeginning with a history of the development of the infrared portion of the spectrum, this text contains an in-depth treatment of the applications of infrared techniques to the solution of military, industrial, medical, and scientific problems.
By Richard D. Hudson, Jr.
Infrared Thermal Imaging: Fundamentals, Research and ApplicationsFollowing a look at the fundamentals of IR thermal imaging, properties of the imaging systems, as well as basic and advanced methods, this richly illustrated hands-on guide goes on to discuss IR imaging applications in teaching, research and industry.
By Klaus-Peter Möllmann, Michael Vollmer
Infrared Thermal Imaging: Fundamentals, Research and Applications, Second EditionCovering basic and advanced methods and applications in infrared imaging, this book provides real-life examples, case studies taken from science and industry, numerous images which include graphic visualizations, and more than 300 infrared thermography figures.
By Klaus-Peter Möllmann, Michael Vollmer
Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial DevicesContaining schematic diagrams and source codes with detailed descriptions, this volume features 15 original applications working on the PIC microcontroller, including lighting diodes, communication with RS232, working with PWM module and others.
By Bohdan Borowik (ed)
Introduction to 4G Mobile CommunicationsConcentrating on 4G systems, also known as LTE-Advanced, this resource provides telecommunications engineers and students with a history of these systems, along with an overview of a mobile telecommunications system.
By Juha Korhonen
Introduction to Audio Analysis: A MATLAB ApproachIncluding reproducible MATLAB examples accompanied by theoretical descriptions, this illustrative guide enables the reader to delve into the realm of audio signals and develop real-world audio applications in various domains.
By Aggelos Pikrakis, Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Introduction to Electronic Defense Systems, Third EditionOver the past decade, new cutting-edge technologies have drastically changed the way radar and electronic warfare systems are implemented. This extensively revised and expanded edition delivers the most up-to-date overview of electronic defense systems.
By Filippo Neri
Introduction to Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems, Second EditionOffering a complete introduction to the analysis and design of Electro-Optical (EO) imaging systems, this practical resource provides coverage of today's most important areas, including the integrated spatial frequency approach and a focus on the weapons of terrorists as objects of interest.
By Jonathan Nichols, Melvin H. Friedman, Ronald G. Driggers
Introduction to Laser Technology, Third EditionAn accessible introduction to lasers--how they work and what they can do--for anyone working with or studying them.
By Breck Hitz, J.J. Ewing, Jeff Hecht
Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, Second EditionFrom critical discussions on design, operation, and process fabrication of devices and systems, to a thorough explanation of MEMS packaging, this easy-to-understand book clearly explains the basics of MEMS engineering.
By Kirt Williams, Nadim Maluf
Introduction to Modern EW Systems, Second EditionSupported with over 280 illustrations and more than 560 equations, this unique book offers you deeper insight into electronic warfare (EW) systems principles of operation and their mathematical descriptions, arming you with better knowledge for your specific design applications.
By Andrea De Martino
Introduction to Modern Power Electronics, Second EditionConcise and user-friendly, this streamlined guide provides comprehensive coverage of everything from the basic principles and methods of electronic power conversion to the latest developments in the field.
By Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski
Introduction to Python for Engineers and Scientists: Open Source Solutions for Numerical ComputationFamiliarize yourself with the basics of Python for engineering and scientific computations using this concise, practical tutorial that is focused on writing code to learn concepts.
By Sandeep Nagar
Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering: With MATLAB Exercises, Fourth EditionIncluding a wide range of new application examples, this book covers innovations in the Kalman filter algorithm and the proliferation of Kalman filtering applications from the past decade.
By Patrick Y. C. Hwang, Robert Grover Brown
Intuitive Analog Circuit Design, Second EditionIntroducing analog circuit design with a minimum of mathematics, this in-depth book uses numerous real-world examples to help you make the transition to analog design and is an ideal introductory text for anyone new to the area of analog circuit design.
By Marc Thompson
Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, Third EditionIncluding real-world problems in practice as illustrative examples, this text provides readers with a solid introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of Kalman filtering, and considers the arithmetic needed to preserve the accuracy of results.
By Angus P. Andrews, Mohinder S. Grewal
Laser PhysicsIncorporating many intuitive explanations and practical examples, this comprehensive book introduces basic principles, and provides concise discussions of specific lasers, laser resonators, and numerous applications, including nonlinear optics.
By Joseph H. Eberly, Peter W. Milonni
Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi: Physical Computing with Circuits, Sensors, Outputs, and Projects, Second EditionRaspberry Pi is everywhere, it's inexpensive, and it's a wonderful tool for teaching about electronics and programming. This book demonstrates how to make a variety of cool projects using the Pi with programming languages like Scratch and Python, with no experience necessary.
By Stewart Watkiss
Linear and Nonlinear System ModelingWritten and edited by a team of experts in the field, this exciting new volume presents the cutting-edge techniques, latest trends, and state-of-the-art practical applications in linear and nonlinear system modeling.
By Souvik Ganguli, Suman Lata Tripathi, Tamal Roy
Linear Circuit Transfer Functions: An Introduction to Fast Analytical TechniquesAn ideal reference for electronics or electrical engineering professionals as well as BSEE and MSEE students, this book teaches readers how to determine transfer functions of linear passive and active circuits by applying Fast Analytical Circuits Techniques.
By Christophe P. Basso
Linear Systems and Signals Second EditionIncorporating new problems and examples, as well as MATLAB material, this second edition gives clear descriptions of linear systems and uses mathematics not only to prove axiomatic theory, but also to enhance physical and intuitive understanding.
By B.P. Lathi
Lithium-Ion Battery Failures in Consumer ElectronicsIncluding technical details of all state-of-the-art Li-on energy storage subsystems and their requirements, this book provides a system designer a single resource detailing all of the common issues navigated when using Li-ion batteries to reduce the risk of field failures.
By Ashish Arora, Noshirwan Medora, Shukri Souri, Sneha Arun Lele
LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M ApplicationsThis book is intended to provide a one-stop solution for study of LPWAN technologies as it covers a broad range of topics and multidisciplinary aspects of LPWAN and IoT.
By Bharat S. Chaudhari, Marco Zennaro
Machine Learning Applications In Software EngineeringProviding an overview of machine learning, this text summarizes the state-of-the-practice in this niche area, gives a classification of the existing work, and offers application guidelines.
By Du Zhang, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai (eds)
Machine Vision Inspection Systems: Image Processing, Concepts, Methodologies, and ApplicationsThis edited book brings together leading researchers, academic scientists and research scholars to put forward and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of an inspection system for detection analysis for various machine vision applications.
By Muthukumaran Malarvel, Nittaya Muangnak, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Soumya Ranjan Nayak, Surya Narayan Panda
Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsIllustrated with over 600 figures, helpful tables and easily digestible data sheets, this invaluable, authoritative resource covers basic physical concepts, experimental methods, and applications of the fascinating science of magnetism.
By J. M. D. Coey
Mastering Digital Electronics: An Ultimate Guide to Logic Circuits and Advanced CircuitryDiscover the essential knowledge and practical skills to excel in the dynamic field of digital electronics with "Mastering Digital Electronics." From the fundamentals of diode resistor logic to unraveling the intricacies of TTL and CMOS logic gates, this book takes you on a journey through the evolution of digital electronics.
By Hubert Henry Ward
MechatronicsUsing extensive in-text, solved examples and computer simulations, this book presents self-explanatory block diagrams, examples, and numerous illustrations to help the reader develop systems with motors, circuits, microprocessors, and controls.
By G. Hegde
MEMS and Microsystems: Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale Engineering, Second EditionSupported by numerous examples, case studies, and applied problems to facilitate understanding and real-world application, this book covers both the electrical and the mechanical aspects of Microelectromechanical Systems.
By Tai-Ran Hsu
Microwave and RF Wireless SystemsGoing beyond theory, this book provides a practical introduction to designing hardware for a wide variety of wireless systems.
By David M. Pozar
Microwave Engineering, Fourth EditionComplete with practical applications and clear design procedures, this book, based on fundamental principles of electrical engineering, shows that microwave circuits and devices can be explained through the use of circuit theory, Maxwell's equations, and related concepts.
By David M. Pozar
Microwave Engineering: Land & Space RadiocommunicationsFor students and practicing engineers in wireless telecommunications, this book introduces the main propagation phenomena that are encountered and that must be considered in the design and planning for any given system type and frequency of operation.
By Gérard Barué
Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsIncluding information on the most relevant applications in industry, this comprehensive book presents a key reference for materials scientists, engineers and professionals working in R&D in the area of semiconductors and optoelectronics.
By Eric Tournié (eds), Laurent Cerutti
Militrary Communications in the Future BattlefieldTaking an applications-oriented view, this unique volume offers military and security technology practitioners insights into the key issues related to long-term development within the battlefield communications area.
By Marko Suojanen
MIMO Radar: Theory and ApplicationIncluding discussions on areas for future research, this comprehensive resource provides in-depth and timely coverage of the underpinnings and latest advances of MIMO radar.
By Jamie Bergin, Joseph R. Guerci
Mobile Displays: Technology and ApplicationsRanging from an in-depth analysis of the requirements that the displays must meet, through current devices, to emerging technologies, this book explains the latest developments in information display technology at a professional level.
By Achintya K. Bhowmik, Philip J. Bos (eds), Zili Li
Mobile Satellite Communications Handbook, Second EditionProviding updated information on historic, current, and planned commercial and military satellite systems, this book introduces satellite communications and goes on to provide an overview of the technologies involved in mobile satellite communications, providing basic introductions to RF Issues, power Issues, link issues and system issues.
By Roger Cochetti
Mobile Wireless CommunicationsBy illustrating theoretical underpinnings, this text provides coverage of propagation phenomena, channel allocation, coding techniques, GSM and IS-95 systems as well as 2.5G and 3G packet-switched systems, and more.
By Mischa Schwartz
Model and Design of Improved Current Mode Logic Gates: Differential and Single-EndedDetailing the improved designs of CML gates that are suited to mixed-signal environments, this book provides an in-depth analysis and step-by-step design procedure will help the researcher to design a gate for given constraints.
By Kirti Gupta, Maneesha Gupta, Neeta Pandey
Modem Theory: An Introduction to TelecommunicationsFeaturing numerous end-of-chapter exercises to test readers' understanding throughout, this insightful book introduces the theory of digital modulation and coding that underpins the design of digital telecommunications systems.
By Richard E. Blahut
Modern Embedded Computing: Designing Connected, Pervasive, Media-Rich SystemsOffering a comprehensive view of developing a framework for embedded systems-on-chips, this authoritative book provides a thorough understanding of the platform architecture of modern embedded computing systems that drive mobile devices.
By Patrick Crowley, Peter Barry
Modern Optical Engineering: The Design of Optical Systems, Fourth EditionContaining cutting-edge information on optical engineering theory, design, and practice, this state-of-the-art guide provides unsurpassed coverage of image formation, basic optical devices, image evaluation, fabrication and testing methods, and more.
By Warren J. Smith
Modern RF and Microwave Measurement TechniquesA comprehensive, hands-on review of the most up-to-date techniques in RF and microwave measurement, this book provides practical advice, microwave circuit theory and metrology, and an in-depth analysis of advanced modern instrumentation, methods and systems.
By Andrea Ferrero, Andrea Ferrero (eds), Valeria Teppati
Modern Signal ProcessingThe book systematically introduces theories of frequently-used modern signal processing methods and technologies, and focuses discussions on stochastic signal, parameter estimation, modern spectral estimation, adaptive filter, high-order signal analysis and non-linear transformation in time-domain signal analysis.
By Xian-Da Zhang
Modern Software Engineering Guidebook: Practical Solutions to Efficient and Economical Software ManagementThe Modern Software Engineering Guidebook makes an effort to explain how one may pursue a noteworthy career in emerging technologies.
By Dr. Shakti Kundu
Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and CodingOffering a concise introduction to both image and video processing, this book provides a balance between theory, applications and standards, and features coverage of new approaches such as super-resolution methods, non-local processing, and directional transforms.
By John W. Woods
Nanodevices for Integrated Circuit DesignThis groundbreaking new book will, among other things, aid developing countries in updating their semiconductor industries in terms of IC design and manufacturing to avoid dependency on other countries.
By Abhishek Kumar, K. Srinivasa Rao, Prasantha R. Mudimela, Suman Lata Tripathi
Nature-Inspired Algorithms and ApplicationsThe purpose of designing this book is to portray certain practical applications of nature-inspired computation in machine learning for the better understanding of the world around us.
By Dr. Anupriya Jain, Dr. Dinesh Goyal, Dr. S. Balamurugan, Dr. Sonia Duggal, Mr. Sachin Sharma, Seema Sharma
Nature-Inspired Computation and Swarm IntelligenceThis book reviews and documents the new developments, focusing on nature-inspired algorithms and their theoretical analysis, as well as providing a guide to their implementation.
By Xin-She Yang
Network Analysis & CircuitsIntended as a textbook for electronic circuit analysis or a reference for practicing engineers, this book uses a self-study format with hundreds of worked examples to master difficult mathematical topics and circuit design issues.
By M. Arshad
Network and Communication: Research on the Development of Electronic Information Engineering Technology in ChinaSummarizing the development of network communication, both globally and in China, this book looks at its future prospects from the perspectives of academia, technology and industry.
By Chinese Academy of Engineering
Network Routing: Fundamentals, Applications and Emerging TechnologiesA single point of reference for both advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying network routing, this thorough resource covers both the fundamental and more moderately advanced concepts of routing in traditional data networks.
By Sudip Misra, Sumit Goswami
NG-RAN and 5G-NR: 5G Radio Access Network and Radio InterfaceThis book describes the architecture of the NG radio access network and the 5G-NR radio interface according to the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) specifications.
By Frederic Launay
Nonlinear Optics, Third EditionIncluding comprehensively updated material on the latest developments in the field, this authoritative book introduces the entire field of optical physics and specifically the area of nonlinear optics.
By Robert W. Boyd
Nonvolatile Memory Technologies with Emphasis on Flash: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Using Flash Memory DevicesWhile providing a detailed view of state-of-the-art mainline technologies that are currently being produced in high volume, this all-inclusive book also explores less-exposed and alternate technologies that may emerge in the future.
By Joe Brewer, Manzur Gill (eds)
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, Second EditionIntended for engineering students and as a reference for practicing engineers interested in exploring Python, this book features 18 exercises, robust computer codes, the addition of rational function interpolation, Ridder's method, and much more.
By Jaan Kiusalaas
Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic ComponentsOpen Circuits is a photographic exploration of the beautiful design inside everyday electronics. Its stunning cross-section photography unlocks a hidden world full of elegance, subtle complexity, and wonder.
By Eric Schlaepfer, Windell Oskay
Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Systems Architecture and DesignOpen Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Systems Architecture and Design gives a jump-start to engineers developing O-RAN hardware and software systems, providing a top-down approach to O-RAN systems design.
By Wim Rouwet
Optical Communications in the 5G EraOptical Communications in the 5G Era provides an up-to-date overview of the emerging optical communication technologies for 5G next-generation wireless networks. It outlines the emerging applications of optical networks in future wireless networks, state-of-the-art optical communication technologies, and explores new R&D opportunities in the field of converged fixed-mobile networks.
By Xiang Liu
Optical Design Using Excel: Practical Calculations for Laser Optical SystemsContaining fully worked-out examples while avoiding complex mathematical methods, this book provides a practical introductory guide to optical design covering geometrical optics, simple wave-optics and diffraction using Excel software.
By Hiroshi Nakajima
Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIB: Systems and Networks, Sixth EditionAuthored by active authorities from academia and industry, this comprehensive volume is devoted to systems and networks, including advanced modulation formats, coherent detection, Tb/s channels, space-division multiplexing, reconfigurable networks, broadband access, and more.
By Alan E. Willner (eds), Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li
Optical Fiber Telecommunications Volume VIA: Components and Subsystems, Sixth EditionWritten by active authorities from academia and industry, this comprehensive resource brings a fresh look to many essential topics, including devices, subsystems, systems and networks.
By Alan E. Willner, Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li
Optical Interconnects for Data CentersSummarizing the state-of-the-art in this emerging field, this book presents a comprehensive review of all the key aspects of deploying optical interconnects in data centers, from materials and components, to circuit boards and methods for integration.
By Andreas Håkansson, Richard Pitwon, Tolga Tekin
Optical System DesignTaking the math and the mystery out of optical design, this comprehensive book uses a graphics-oriented approach, making optical design techniques easy to understand through hundreds of detailed diagrams.
By Biljana Tadic-Galeb, Robert E. Fischer
Optomechanical Systems EngineeringBy focusing on fundamental concepts and first-order, back-of-the-envelope estimates of optomechanical system performance,this book is accessible to engineers, scientists, and managers who want to quickly master the principles of optomechanical engineering.
By Keith J. Kasunic
Photonics: Fundamentals of Photonics and Physics, Volume IProviding comprehensive and accessible coverage of the whole of modern photonics, this book covers the basic physical principles underlying the technology and all applications of photonics from statistical optics to quantum optics.
By David L. Andrews
Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and PracticeContaining various exercises and descriptive examples with operation results from concrete photovoltaic (PV) plants, this essential text starts with the basic principles of solar energy, and explains the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and the structure and functioning of the solar cell.
By Gunther Roth, Konrad Mertens
Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology, and Practice, Second EditionStarting with the basic principles of solar energy, this fully updated, practical text explains the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and the structure and functioning of the solar cell.
By Konrad Mertens
Physical Principles of Wireless Communications, Second EditionIllustrating the relationship between scientific discoveries and their application to the invention and engineering of wireless communication systems, this text describes sources of electromagnetic noise, operation of antennas and antenna arrays, propagation losses, and satellite operation.
By Victor L. Granatstein
PID and Predictive Control of Electric Drives and Power Supplies using MATLAB/SimulinkWith emphasis on meeting operational constraints while optimizing performance, this thorough book presents methods for design and implementation of PID and predictive control of electrical drives and grid connected three phase power converters.
By Dae Yoo, Ki Ng, Liuping Wang, Lu Gan, Shan Chai
Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems, Second EditionPresenting the principles of polarization as applied to electromagnetic systems, this completely up-to-date book emphasizes the concepts needed for functional aspects of systems calculations and device evaluation.
By Warren L. Stutzman
Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits, and Applications, Third EditionDesigned to appeal to a new generation of engineering professionals, this book will allow readers to provide technical design leadership on assigned power electronics design projects and lead the design from the concept to production involving significant scope and complexity.
By Muhammad H. Rashid (ed)
Practical Electronic Design for ExperimentersGiving you the knowledge necessary to develop and construct your own functioning gadgets, this book shows hobbyists, makers, and students how to design useful electronic devices from readily available parts, integrated circuits, modules, and subassemblies.
By Louis E. Frenzel Jr.
Practical ESM AnalysisWritten by a prominent expert in the field, this authoritative resource considers radar parameters and how they affect ESM systems.
By Sue Robertson
Practical RF System DesignAn essential resource for today's RF system engineers, this practical text covers important topics in the areas of system noise and nonlinearity, frequency conversion, and phase noise.
By William F. Egan
Practical Signals Theory with MATLAB ApplicationsWith an extensive use of innovative applications in examples and problems, this book offers an organized presentation around applications that introduces the actual behavior of specific signals and uses them to motivate presentation of mathematical concepts.
By Richard J. Tervo
Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++: Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems, Second EditionBridging the gap between high-level abstract concepts of UML and the actual programming aspects of modern hierarchical state machines, this book provides a complete, ready-to-use, open source software architecture for small and large embedded systems.
By Miro Samek
Principles and Practices of Interconnection NetworksIllustrated with numerous examples, chapter exercises, and case studies, this comprehensive guide offers a detailed presentation of the basic principles of interconnection network design, allowing a designer to see all the steps of the process from abstract design to concrete implementation.
By Brian Towles, William James Dally
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks, 3rd EditionCovering the basic theory and architecture of the major artificial neural networks, this unique book presents 18 complete case studies of applications of neural networks in various fields, ranging from cell-shape classification to micro-trading in finance and to constellation recognition.
By Daniel Graupe
Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second EditionProviding solutions to common integration problems, this book offers you a current and comprehensive understanding of satellite navigation, inertial navigation, terrestrial radio navigation, dead reckoning, and environmental feature matching.
By Paul D. Groves
Principles of Physical OpticsProviding a modern approach to the subject, this book covers a wide range of topics, including discussions on geometric optics, superposition and interference, and diffraction, as well as lasers, optical imaging, polarization, and nonlinear optics.
By Charles A. Bennett
Principles of Quantum Artificial IntelligenceIntroducing quantum computation and its application to Artificial Intelligence, this book highlights problem solving and knowledge representation frameworks, and presents a general model of a quantum computer that is based on production systems.
By Andreas Wichert
Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance: A Handbook for Designers, Second EditionA guide for engineers who want to reduce unwanted electromagnetic fields and radio frequency interference on their circuit boards.
By Mark I. Montrose
Printed Circuit BoardsWritten by a world-renowned electronics expert, this reader-friendly guide helps engineers and technicians solve issues in PCB layout, fabrication, assembly, and testing.
By R S Khandpur
Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes: Theory and Signal Processing ApplicationsA comprehensive textbook on probability theory, this authoritative resource includes relevant background material, provides extensive summaries of key results, and extends various statistical techniques to a range of applications in signal processing.
By John J. Shynk
Programmable Logic ControllersAssuming no knowledge on the subject, this book defines everything you need to know about programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and features ample examples and breakdowns of important topics as well as review questions at the end of each chapter.
By S.C. Jonathon Lin
Programmable Logic Controllers, Sixth EditionPresenting the principles of PLCs regardless of manufacturer, this book will help you understand the main design characteristics, internal architecture, and operating principles of PLCs, as well as Identify safety issues and methods for fault diagnosis, testing, and debugging.
By W. Bolton
Programmable Logic Controllers: A Practical Approach to IEC 61131-3 using CoDeSysTaking a highly practical approach to Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) design using real-world examples, this unique book is a hands-on guide to rapidly gain proficiency in the development and operation of PLCs based on the IEC 61131-3 standard.
By Dag H. Hanssen
Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24Using a common-sense, practical, hands-on approach, this step-by-step guide teaches readers everything they need to know about the architecture of these new chips including how to program them, how to test them, and how to debug them.
By Lucio Di Jasio
Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the PIC32Including handy checklists to help readers perform the most common programming and debugging tasks, this guide offers unique insight into the new 32-bit architecture while developing a number of projects of growing complexity.
By Lucio Di Jasio
Programming 8-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: With Interactive Hardware SimulationIncluding lots of source code, circuit schematics, and hardware block diagrams, this comprehensive book provides a step-by-step guide to programming microcontrollers (MCUs) with the C programming language.
By Martin P. Bates
Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach, Fourth EditionProgramming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach shows both students and professionals alike the basic concepts of parallel programming and GPU architecture.
By David B. Kirk, Izzat El Hajj, Wen-mei W. Hwu
Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum SensingQuantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing represents a self-contained introduction to quantum communication, quantum error-correction, quantum networks, and quantum sensing.
By Ivan B. Djordjevic
Quantum Computing For DummiesQuantum Computing For Dummies preps you for the amazing changes that are coming with the world of computing built on the phenomena of quantum mechanics.
By Floyd Earl Smith, whurley
Quantum Computing in ActionQuantum Computing in Action is a gentle introduction to the ideas and applications of quantum computing.
By Johan Vos
Quantum Computing: A Gentle IntroductionPresenting a thorough exposition of quantum computing and the underlying concepts of quantum physics, this text offers numerous examples and provides thorough explanations, making the subject accessible to students and professionals in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
By Eleanor Rieffel, Wolfgang Polak
Quantum Image ProcessingThis book provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum image processing, which focuses on extending conventional image processing tasks to the quantum computing frameworks.
By Fei Yan, Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and EngineersIllustrating theoretical concepts with examples of nanostructured materials, optics, and semiconductor devices, this book relates the core principles of quantum mechanics to modern applications in engineering, physics, and nanotechnology.
By David A. B. Miller
Quantum Random Number Generation: Theory and PracticeThis book provides an overview of state-of-the-art implementations of quantum random number generators (QRNGs), and especially examines their relation to classical statistical randomness models and numerical techniques for computing random numbers.
By Benjamin Rainer, Christian Kollmitzer, Stefan Rass, Stefan Schauer
Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement: A Hybrid Approach to Optical Quantum Information ProcessingUnique in that it is jointly written by an experimentalist and a theorist, this monograph presents universal quantum computation based on quantum teleportation as an elementary subroutine and multi-party entanglement as a universal resource.
By Akira Furusawa, Peter van Loock
Radar RF Circuit DesignWith an emphasis on current and emerging technologies, this authoritative new resource presents practical techniques for optimizing RF and microwave circuits for applications in radar systems design.
By J. R. Guerci, Nickolas Kingsley
Radio Frequency System Architecture and DesignIncluding extensive, up-to-date application examples, this resource describes practical aspects of radio frequency communications systems design, bridging the gap between system-level design considerations and circuit-level design specifications.
By Calvin Plett, Ian Marsland, John W. M. Rogers
Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Networks: Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Ionospheric, Second EditionIncluding new problem sets at the end of the chapters, this book presents a comprehensive overview of wireless communication system design, including the latest updates to considerations of over-the-terrain, atmospheric, and ionospheric communication channels.
By Christos G. Christodoulou, Nathan Blaunstein
Radio-Frequency Electronics: Circuits and Applications, Second EditionFeaturing worked examples and end-of-chapter problems to aid and test understanding, this book discusses the fundamental principles applying to all radio devices, from wireless single-chip data transceivers to high-power broadcast transmitters.
By Jon B. Hagen
Radio-Frequency Integrated-Circuit EngineeringIncluding problems at the end of each chapter, this book addresses the theory, analysis and design of passive and active RFIC's using Si-based CMOS and Bi-CMOS technologies, and other non-silicon based technologies.
By Cam Nguyen
Radome Electromagnetic Theory and DesignWritten for research and industrial professional engineers, this book explores the theoretical tools and methods required to design radomes that are fully transparent to the electromagnetic energy transmitted or received by the enclosed antenna.
By Reuven Shavit
Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor NetworksThe book considers the network design, coverage, target detection, localization and tracking of sensors in randomly deployed wireless networks, and proposes a stochastic model.
By Xi Chen
RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-Standard Multi-Mode ApproachOffering readers a powerful set of analytical and design tools, this title describes SDR concepts, theory, and design principles from the perspective of the signal processing performed by a SDR system.
By Tony J. Rouphael
RF and Microwave Engineering: Fundamentals of Wireless CommunicationsIncluding design rules and real-world examples, this invaluable book provides a fundamental and practical introduction to radio frequency and microwave engineering and physical aspects of wireless communication.
By Frank Gustrau
RF Circuit DesignTargeting the four most difficult skills facing RF/RFIC designers today, this must read for RF/RFIC circuit designers includes treatment of special circuit topologies and introduces some useful schemes for simulation and layout.
By Richard C. Li
RF Electronics for Electronic WarfareInvestigating the function of RF communication in electronic warfare systems, this book provides in-depth coverage of how RF signals must be constructed to perform jamming missions, which prevent a receiver from properly extracting a target signal.
By Richard A. Poisel
RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, Second EditionSupported with nearly 200 illustrations, this book offers practitioners a comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date understanding of how to tackle a PA (power amplifier) design with confidence and quickly determine the cause of malfunctioning hardware.
By Steve C. Cripps
RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless CommunicationsAddressing specifications that are critical for the design process, this book develops systematic methods for RF systems design, complete with a comprehensive set of design formulas.
By Qizheng Gu
RFID: A Guide to Radio Frequency IdentificationProviding an introduction for business leaders, supply chain improvement advocates, and technologists, this guide is a one-stop resource for current information on commercial and government applications of RFID technology.
By Albert Puglia, Mike Puglia, V. Daniel Hunt
RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and ScalabilityWith a balanced presentation of fundamentals and practical examples, this book teaches readers how to systematically design efficient, portable, and scalable RTL digital circuits using the VHDL hardware description language and synthesis software.
By Pong P. Chu
Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology, Fifth EditionBy offering a detailed and practical overview, this comprehensive volume continues to be an authoritative text for advanced students, engineers and designers throughout the field of satellite communications and engineering.
By Gerard Maral, Michel Bousquet
Satellite Communications, Fourth EditionFilled with worked examples and over 200 illustrations, this edition offers a clear, state-of-the-art presentation of all satellite communications topics such as orbits and launching methods, polarization, FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA, and much more.
By Dennis Roddy
Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Third EditionFilled with diagrams and illustrations, this concise resource provides a single-source reference on satellite technology and its applications, from remote sensing and military uses, to navigational and scientific applications.
By Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agrawal
See MIPS Run: Linux, Second EditionProviding a complete, easy-to-use guide to the MIPS instruction set using the MIPS32 standard as the baseline architecture with the MIPS64 as the main option, this text describes how Linux is built on the foundations the MIPS hardware provides and summarizes the Linux application environment.
By Dominic Sweetman
Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 3rd EditionOffering a basic introduction to physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology, the book presents students with theoretical and practical aspects of every step in device characterizations and fabrication, with an emphasis on integrated circuits.
By Ming-Kwei Lee, Simon M. Sze
Semiconductor Manufacturing HandbookWritten by international experts, this book will provide engineers with the principles, applications, and solutions needed to design and manage semiconductor manufacturing operations.
By Hwaiyu Geng
Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, Third EditionCompletely up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and including new pedagogical tools to assist the reader, this book is dedicated to characterization techniques for measuring semiconductor materials and devices.
By Dieter K. Schroder
Signal Digitization and Reconstruction in Digital RadiosBridging the gap that exists between theorists and practical engineers, this comprehensive resource provides the latest information on digitization and reconstruction (D&R) of analog signals in digital radios.
By Gennady Y. Poberezhskiy, Yefim S. Poberezhskiy
Signal Processing and Networking for Big Data ApplicationsMaking sense of big data in engineering applications using tools and techniques from signal processing, this book is ideal for professionals wanting to solve practical problems involving large amounts of data, and for students looking to grasp the fundamentals of big data analytics.
By Dan Wang, Mingyi Hong, Zhu Han
Signal Processing for 5G: Algorithms and ImplementationsA must-read for all things 5G, this comprehensive, invaluable guide covers everything from network architecture, physical-layer (down-link and up-link), protocols and air interface, to cell acquisition, scheduling and rate adaption, access procedures and relaying to spectrum allocations
By Charlie (Jianzhong) Zhang (eds), Fa-Long Luo
Signal Processing for Wireless CommunicationsTaking readers step-by-step through major wireless topics, this on-target engineering tool offers communications engineers an application-focused guide to the essential concepts and techniques of wireless signal processing.
By Joseph Boccuzzi
Silicon Photonics: Fundamentals and DevicesProviding an overview of the physics, technology and device operation of photonic devices using exclusively silicon and related alloys, this book outlines the basic principles of operation of devices, the structures of the devices, and offers an insight into state-of-the-art and future developments.
By M. Jamal Deen, Prasanta Kumar Basu
Small Signal Audio DesignLavishly illustrated with diagrams and graphs, and full of practical measurements on real circuitry, this comprehensive book is a unique guide to the design of high-quality circuitry for preamplifiers, mixing consoles, and a host of other signal-processing devices.
By Douglas Self
Software Defined Systems: Sensing, Communication and ComputationThis book targets researchers, computer scientists and engineers who are interested in the information system softwarization technologies, resource allocation and optimization algorithm design, cloud computing and IoT.
By Deze Zeng, Lin Gu, Shengli Pan, Song Guo
Software Engineering for Absolute Beginners: Your Guide to Creating Software ProductsStart programming from scratch, no experience required. This beginners' guide to software engineering starts with a discussion of the different editors used to create software and covers setting up a Docker environment.
By Nico Loubser
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and ApplicationsWritten by experts with a solutions focus, this encyclopedic reference clearly explains the software engineering tools and techniques needed to optimally design and implement embedded systems in contexts such as networking, storage, and automotive applications.
By Mark Kraeling, Robert Oshana
Software-Defined Radio for EngineersProviding a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio (SDR) concepts needed for work in the field, this up-to-date volume guides readers on how to quickly prototype wireless designs using SDR for real-world testing and experimentation.
By Alexander M. Wyglinski, Di Pu, Robin Getz, Travis F. Collins
Solution Processed Metal Oxide Thin Films for Electronic ApplicationsThis book discusses the fundamentals of solution processing materials chemistry techniques as they are applied to metal oxide materials systems for key device applications.
By Ghenadii Korotcenkov (ed), Zheng Cui
Statistical Optics, Second EditionCovering a variety of statistical problems in optics, including both theory and applications, this book discussses the necessary background in statistics, statistical properties of light waves of various types, the theory of partial coherence and its applications, imaging with partially coherent light, atmospheric degradations of images, and noise limitations in the detection of light.
By Joseph W. Goodman
System Assurances: Modeling and ManagementSystem Assurances: Modeling and Management updates on system assurance and performance methods using advanced analytics and understanding of software reliability growth modeling from today's debugging team's point-of-view, along with information on preventive and predictive maintenance and the efficient use of testing resources.
By Adarsh Anand, Jagvinder Singh, Juri Vain, Mohammad Tabrez Quasim, Prashant Johri
SystemC: From the Ground Up, Second EditionBringing over 100 years of ASIC and system design experience together to make a very readable introduction to SystemC, this book is designed to reflect the standardization of SystemC as IEEE 1666.
By Anna Keist, Bill Bunton, David C. Black, Jack Donovan
SystemVerilog for Design: A Guide to Using SystemVerilog for Hardware Design and Modeling, Second EditionReflecting the syntax and semantic changes to the SystemVerilog language, this text explains the SystemVerilog "packages," summarizes the synthesis guidelines presented throughout, and contains code examples using the latest version of the tools.
By Peter Flake, Simon Davidmann, Stuart Sutherland
SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language FeaturesFilled with extensive code examples and detailed explanations, this book teaches readers how to use the power of the new SystemVerilog testbench constructs plus methodology without requiring in-depth knowledge of OOP or Constrained Random Testing.
By Chris Spear
Technologies for RF SystemsProviding an introduction to the main concepts, technologies, and components in microwave and RF engineering, this comprehensive resource presents details about how to design various amplifiers, circuits, and chips for communication systems.
By Terry Edwards
Technology Road Mapping for Quantum Computing and EngineeringTechnology Road Mapping for Quantum Computing and Engineering explores all the aspects of quantum computing concepts, engineering, technologies, operations, and applications from the basics to future advancements.
By Brojo Kishore Mishra
The ABCs of Fiber Optic CommunicationIncluding the latest technological advancements and industry applications, this unique practical book provides the conceptual framework and troubleshooting tactics related to the manufacturing, selection, and installation of modern photonic networks.
By Sudhir Warier
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 7th EditionFeaturing skill examples, exercises, and associated problems, this text is enhanced with great support to developing fundamental skills by adding similar-type skill problems and worked-out solutions to many exercises.
By Albert J. Rosa, Gregory J. Toussaint, Roland E. Thomas
The Art of Systems Architecting, Third EditionProviding a heuristic approach to the "art" of systems architecting, this book offers in-depth coverage of the least understood part of systems design: moving from a vague concept and limited resources to a satisfactory and feasible system concept and an executable program.
By Eberhardt Rechtin, Mark W. Maier
The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M0Written for users of the rapidly growing family of ARM Cortex-M0 processor-based microcontrollers, this book delivers detailed information on the processor architecture, is packed with examples on how to use it, and provides an overview of the software development flow.
By Joseph Yiu
The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and FlowsCovering all the issues of interest to designers working with, or contemplating a move to FPGAs in their product designs, this comprehensive book introduces the various architectural features available in the latest generation of FPGAs.
By Clive "Max" Maxfield
The Fundamentals and Applications of Light-Emitting DiodesThis book guides you through the Revolution in the Lighting Industry examines the evolution of LEDs, including a review of the luminescence process and background on solid state lighting.
By Govind B. Nair
The Missing README: A Guide for the New Software EngineerThe Missing README fills in that gap-a distillation of workplace lessons, best practices, and engineering fundamentals that the authors have taught rookie developers at top companies for more than a decade.
By Chris Riccomini, Dmitriy Ryaboy
The Rational Software Engineer: Strategies for a Fulfilling Career in TechThis book will serve as a framework for you as a software engineer seeking a fulfilling career and wishing to stay passionate and maintain a healthy mental state. It is filled with protocols to achieve effective life-long learning, navigate career development, adapt to changes, maintain work-life balance, and have a healthy lifestyle.
By Mykyta Chernenko
The Student's Guide to VHDL, Second EditionIncluding a design case study illustrating an FPGA-based design flow, this guide shows how VHDL modeling fits into a design flow, starting from high-level design and proceeding through detailed design and verification, synthesis, FPGA place and route, and final timing verification.
By Peter J. Ashenden
The Technical-Business Equilibrium: Mastering the Art of Balancing Technical Expertise and Business PrioritiesLearn how to make the right technical decisions to achieve your organization's business objectives. This book is a guide for software engineers who are responsible for making technical decisions that impact the business objectives of their organization.
By Temidayo Adefioye
The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Fifth EditionA valuable resource for engineers and students interested in modeling digital systems, this book takes a tutorial approach to presenting the major features of the language and its constructs.
By Donald E. Thomas, Philip R. Moorby
Think Like a Software Engineering ManagerUnlock your full potential as an effective, efficient, and inspiring leader, and be the software engineering manager that your team deserves!
By Akanksha Gupta
Troubleshooting Electronic Circuits: A Guide to Learning Analog ElectronicsIntended for the hobbyist, student, educator, or engineer, this hands-on guide shows, step by step, how to build, debug, and troubleshoot a wide range of analog electronic circuits.
By Ronald Quan
Understanding GPS/GNSS: Principles and Applications, Third EditionProviding a comprehensive treatment of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), this reference offers both a quick overview of GNSS essentials and an in-depth treatment of advanced topics exploring all the latest advances in technology, applications, and systems.
By Christopher J. Hegarty, Elliott D. Kaplan
Understanding Lasers: An Entry-Level Guide, Third EditionWith drawings, tables, and multiple-choice quizzes, this book will help you to understand applications of semiconductor lasers, solid-state lasers, and gas lasers for information processing, medicine, communications, industry, and military systems.
By Jeff Hecht
Understanding Semiconductors: A Technical Guide for Non-Technical PeopleUnderstanding Semiconductors provides clear explanations of technical concepts going deep enough to fully explain key vernacular, mechanisms, and basic processes, without getting lost in the supporting theories or the theories that support the supporting theories.
By Corey Richard
VHDL for Logic Synthesis, 3rd EditionOrganized in themed chapters and with a comprehensive index, this complete reference offers all the knowledge and tools needed to use VHDL for logic synthesis.
By Andrew Rushton
Wire Bonding in Microelectronics, Third EditionPresenting a definitive resource on the critical process of connecting semiconductors with their packages, this authoritative guide covers every aspect of designing, manufacturing, and evaluating wire bonds engineered with cutting-edge techniques.
By George Harman
Advanced Electric Drives: Analysis, Control, and Modeling Using MATLAB/SimulinkAn invaluable resource to facilitate an understanding of the analysis, control, and modelling of electric machines, this book utilizes a physics-based approach to explain the fundamental concepts of modern electric drive control and its operation under dynamic conditions.
By Ned Mohan
Advances of Artificial Intelligence in a Green Energy EnvironmentAdvances of Artificial Intelligence in a Green Energy Environment reviews the new technologies in intelligent computing and AI that are reducing the dimension of data coverage worldwide.
By Elias Munapo, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, J. Joshua Thomas, Pandian Vasant
Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy SystemsArtificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy Systems addresses the energy industries remarkable move from traditional power generation to a cost-effective renewable energy system, and most importantly, the paradigm shift from a market-based cost of the commodity to market-based technological advancements.
By Abhishek Kumar, Arun Lal Srivastav, Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, Sushil Narang, Vicente García-Díaz
Blockchain-Based Systems for the Modern Energy GridBlockchain-Based Systems for a Paradigm Shift in the Energy Grid explores the technologies and tools to utilize blockchain for energy grids and assists professionals and researchers to find alternative solutions for the future of the energy sector.
By Balamurugan Balusamy, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Sathya Krishnamoorthi
CBRN Protection: Managing the Threat of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear WeaponsA must-read for Health Officers, Public Health Agencies, and Military Authorities, this introductory text on NBC Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Weapons (CBRN) weapons and agents leads the reader from the scientific basics to the current threats and strategies to prepare against them.
By Andre Richardt, Bernd Niemeyer, Birgit Hülseweh, Frank Sabath
Centrifugal Pump Handbook, Third EditionProviding detailed material on cavitation, erosion, selection of materials, rotor vibration behavior and forces acting on pumps, this reference enables readers to understand, specify and utilise centrifugal pumps more effectively, drawing on the industry-leading experience of Sulzer Pumps.
By Sulzer Pumps Ltd.
Clean and Renewable Energy ProductionThis book focuses on the recent practices in clean energy and renewable energy.
By Adesh Kumar, Amit Kumar Mondal, Amit Kumar Sharma, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri, Surajit Mondal, Vishal Kumar Singh
Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions: A Field Guide for Engineers and StudentsWritten by well-respected, prolific, and progressive drilling engineers, this book explains how to plan every aspect of rig operations in the most sustainable, environmentally responsible manner, using the most up-to-date technological advancements in equipment and processes.
By M. E. Hossain, M. R. Islam
Efficient Petrochemical Processes: Technology, Design and OperationProviding practical methods and tools for industrial practitioners, this authoritative guide explains the most recent advances in the field of petrochemical processes and discusses in detail catalytic and adsorbent materials, reaction and separation mechanisms.
By David W. Ablin, Frank (Xin X.) Zhu, Gregory A. Ernst, James A. Johnson
Electric Power Principles: Sources, Conversion, Distribution and UseCovering important topics within the power system, such as protection and DC transmission, this book looks at both traditional power plants and those used for extracting sustainable energy from wind and sunlight.
By James L. Kirtley
Electrical Machine Drives Control: An IntroductionExamining existing and emerging electrical drive technologies, this book clearly defines the most basic electrical drive concepts and explains the most important details while maintaining a solid connection to the theory and design of the associated electrical machines.
By Juha Pyrhönen, R. Scott Semken, Valéria Hrabovcová
Electrical Power System EssentialsIncluding numerous practical examples, case studies and illustrations, this book provides an accessible introduction to the interesting world of AC power systems, focusing on the system as a whole.
By Lou van der Sluis, Pieter Schavemaker
Electricity Marginal Cost Pricing: Applications in Eliciting Demand ResponsesA guide to cost issues surrounding the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, this practical and easy-to-understand book clearly explains cost models which can yield the marginal cost of supplying electricity to end-users.
By Monica Greer
Emerging Trends in Energy Storage Systems and Industrial ApplicationsEnergy storage plays an important role in supporting power-hungry devices and achieving stable power supply by optimally balancing supply and demand with ever-increasing requirement for computing power and the intermittent nature of renewable resources.
By Dr. Prabhansu, Nayan Kumar
Energy Storage for Multigeneration: Desalination, Power, Cooling and Heating Applications, First EditionEnergy Storage for Multi-generation: Desalination, Power, Cooling and Heating Applications is designed to help readers implement and manage highly-efficient energy storage enabled industrial processes.
By Veera Gude
Environmental Science For Dummies, 2nd EditionEnvironmental Science For Dummies is a straightforward guide to the interrelationships of the natural world and the role that humans play in the environment. This book tracks to a typical introductory environmental science curriculum at the college level-and is great as a supplement or study guide for AP Environmental Science, too.
By Alecia M. Spooner
Evolution of Global Electricity Markets: New Paradigms, New Challenges, New ApproachesFeaturing the perspectives of more than 40 of the brightest minds in the industry, this comprehensive, cutting-edge resource provides invaluable global perspective on the new and pressing issues being investigated by research institutions worldwide.
By Fereidoon P. Sioshansi (ed)
Flow-Induced Vibration Handbook for Nuclear and Process EquipmentThe product of more than 40 years of research and development at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, this authoritative reference covers all relevant aspects of flow-induced vibration technology, including vibration failures, flow velocity analysis, vibration excitation mechanisms, fluidelastic instability, periodic wake shedding, acoustic resonance, random turbulence, damping mechanisms, and fretting-wear predictions.
By Colette E. Taylor, Michel J. Pettigrew, Nigel J. Fisher
Handbook of Liquefied Natural GasA unique, well-documented, and forward-thinking work, this book provides an ideal platform for anyone involved in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry to gain a better understanding of the key basic and advanced topics relevant to LNG projects in operation and/or in planning and development.
By David A. Wood, Jaleel V. Valappil, John Y. Mak, Saeid Mokhatab
Harness Oil and Gas Big Data with Analytics: Optimize Exploration and Production with Data Driven ModelsIncluding a compendium of specific case studies, the book underscores the acute need for optimization in the oil and gas exploration and production stages and shows how data analytics can provide such optimization.
By Keith R. Holdaway
High Performance Control of AC Drives with MATLAB/Simulink ModelsFocusing on the most popular AC machines used in industry, this book illustrates advanced control techniques and topologies in practice and recently deployed, featuring examples from Vector Control, Direct Torque Control, Nonlinear Control, Predictive Control, multi-phase drives and more.
By Atif Iqbal, Haitham Abu-Rub, Jaroslaw Guzinski (eds)
Hydrogen EnergyAuthored by 40 of the most prominent and renowned international scientists from academia, industry, institutions and government, this book explores mature, evolving technologies for a clean, economically viable alternative to non-renewable energy.
By Detlef Stolten (ed)
Integrated Green Energy Solutions, Volume 1Integrated Resilient Energy Solutions is a two-volume set covering subjects of proven technical and economic importance worldwide. Energy supply from renewables is an essential component of every nation's strategy, especially when there is responsibility for the environment and sustainability.
By Milind Shrinivas Dangate, O. V. Gnana Swathika, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, W. S. Sampath
Integrated Green Energy Solutions, Volume 2This second volume in a two-volume set continues to present the state of the art for the concepts, practical applications, and future of renewable energy and how to move closer to true sustainability.
By Milind Shrinivas Dangate, O. V. Gnana Swathika, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, W. S. Sampath
Integration of Renewable Sources of Energy, Second EditionWritten for practicing engineers, researchers and students alike, this book discusses state-of-the art mathematical and engineering tools for the modeling, simulation and control of renewable and mixed energy systems and related power electronics.
By Felix A. Farret, M. Godoy Simões
IoT for Smart Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Upstream to Downstream, First EditionIoT for Smart Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry elaborates on how the synergy between state-of-the-art computing platforms, such as Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and, in particular, modern machine learning methods, can be harnessed to serve the purpose of a more efficient oil and gas industry.
By Ali Ghalambor, Ali Mokhtari, Mohsen Amini Salehi, Razin Farhan Hussain
ISO 50001: A Strategic Guide to Establishing an Energy Management SystemYour strategic guide to energy management and ISO 50001, this book provides a practical but strategic overview for leadership teams of what an energy management system is and how implementing one can bring added value to an organization.
By Alan Field
Knowledge Is Power in Four Dimensions: Models to Forecast Future Paradigm: With Artificial Intelligence Integration in Energy and Other Use CasesKnowledge is Power in Four Dimensions: Models to Forecast Future Paradigms, Forecasting Energy for Tomorrow's World with Mathematical Modeling and Python Programming Driven Artificial Intelligence delivers knowledge on key infrastructure topics in both AI technology and energy.
By Bahman Zohuri, Farahnaz Behgounia, Farhang Mossavar Rahmani
Modern Nuclear Chemistry, Second EditionWritten by established experts in the field, this book features in-depth discussions of proven scientific principles, current trends, and applications of nuclear chemistry to the sciences and engineering.
By David J. Morrissey, Glenn T. Seaborg, Walter D. Loveland
Nuclear PowerWith analysis of real-life, tragic examples, this concise book includes a comprehensive description of the various methods for generating nuclear power and evaluates the political, strategic, environmental, economic, and emotional factors involved in each method.
By Paul Breeze
Oil and Gas Pipelines and Piping Systems: Design, Construction, Management, and InspectionDelivering all the critical aspects needed for oil and gas piping and pipeline condition monitoring and maintenance, along with tactics to minimize costly disruptions within operations, this book discusses essential pipeline topics such as material selection, designing for oil and gas central facilities, tank farms and depots, and more.
By Alireza Bahadori
Oil and Gas Pipelines: Integrity and Safety HandbookThrough contributions from leading experts in diverse fields, this comprehensive guide discusses the factors that affect the integrity of new and aging pipelines, public safety, and environmental protection.
By R. Winston Revie
Petrochemical Machinery InsightsProviding actionable details that engineers can use, this book is a priceless collection of solutions and advice on a broad range of equipment management themes, from wear to warranty issues, organizational problems and oil mist lubrication, and professional growth and pre-purchase of machinery.
By Heinz P. Bloch
Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and PracticeContaining various exercises and descriptive examples with operation results from concrete photovoltaic (PV) plants, this essential text starts with the basic principles of solar energy, and explains the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and the structure and functioning of the solar cell.
By Gunther Roth, Konrad Mertens
Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology, and Practice, Second EditionStarting with the basic principles of solar energy, this fully updated, practical text explains the fundamentals of semiconductor physics and the structure and functioning of the solar cell.
By Konrad Mertens
Power Quality in Power Systems and Electrical Machines, Second EditionOffering theoretical and practical insight into power quality problems of machines and systems, this book presents worked examples and exercises, as well as tables, charts, and graphs offering useful data for the modeling and analysis of power quality issues.
By Ewald F. Fuchs, Mohammad A.S. Masoum
Power System Relaying, Fourth EditionWith emphasis on power system protection from the network operator perspective, this essential resource explains the fundamentals of relaying and power system phenomena including stability, protection and reliability.
By Arun G. Phadke, James K. Niemira, Stanley H. Horowitz
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, Fourth EditionIncluding questions and answers to test your understanding of the topics, this text introduces and explains the theory and background of the physics and chemistry behind nuclear processes and radioactive decay, examines the origin of the elements in the universe and investigates the key applications.
By Christian Ekberg, Gregory Choppin, Jan Rydberg, Jan-Olov Liljenzin
Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Prospects in the Developing EconomiesRenewable Electricity and Sustainability: Prospects in Developing Economies is the first book of its kind to be dedicated entirely to the needs of emerging economies.
By Imran Khan
Signal Processing of Power Quality DisturbancesBridging the gap between power quality and signal processing, this guide investigates various types of power quality disturbances, how measurements are processed and interpreted, and the use and interpretation of power quality standards documents.
By Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Math H.J. Bollen
Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps, Third EditionDiscussing the behaviors of various sorts of slurry flow, this unique text deals with the behavior of centrifugal pumps handling slurries, and with how pumps and pipelines interact as a system.
By A. Sellgren, G. R. Addie, K. C. Wilson, R. Clift
Smart Power Systems and Smart Grids: Toward Multi-Objective Optimization in DispatchingWith abundant project data, this book is a practical guideline for engineers and researchers in electrical engineering, as well as power network designers and managers in administration.
By Qiang Lu, Xuemin Zhang, Yingying Chen
Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and SystemsPresenting all subjects from the fundamental level to the highest level of current research, this book covers energy related environmental problems, solar collectors, solar water heating, solar space heating and cooling, industrial process heat, solar desalination, photovoltaics, and more.
By Soteris A. Kalogirou
Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth EditionWith an extensive array of homework problems and exercises, this book offers coverage of solar energy theory, systems design, and applications in different market sectors along with an emphasis on solar system design and analysis using simulations to help readers translate theory into practice.
By John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman
Solar FuelsIn this book, you will have the opportunity to have comprehensive knowledge about the use of energy from the sun, which is our source of life, by converting it into different chemical fuels as well as catching up with the latest technology.
By Mehmet Sankir, Nurdan Demirci Sankir
Solar Heating and Cooling Systems: Fundamentals, Experiments and ApplicationsIncluding physical and mathematical concepts, this self-contained resource presents a comprehensive overview of all major solar energy technologies, along with the fundamentals, experiments, and applications of solar heating and cooling systems.
By Calin Sebarchievici, Ioan Sarbu
Solar Receivers for Thermal Power Generation: Fundamentals and Advanced ConceptsSolar Receivers for Thermal Power Generation: Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts looks at different Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems, their varying components, and the modeling and optimization of solar receivers.
By Amos Madhlopa
Sustainable Energy Conversion for Electricity and Coproducts: Principles, Technologies, and EquipmentSustainable energy conversion is an extremely active field of research at this time. This book provides a unified, comprehensive and a fundamental approach to the study of sustainable fuel conversion in order to generate electricity and optionally coproduce synthetic fuels and chemicals.
By Ashok Rao
Sustainable Energy Management: Planning, Implementation, Control, and Security, Second EditionSustainable Energy Management: Planning, Implementation, Control and Strategy, Second Edition provides the key concepts and practical knowledge needed to successfully plan, implement and control sustainable energy technologies.
By Mirjana Radovanovic
The Biogas Handbook: Science, Production and ApplicationsWith its distinguished editors and international team of expert contributors, this concise book provides a comprehensive and systematic guide to the development and deployment of biogas supply chains and technology.
By Arthur Wellinger, David Baxter, Jerry Murphy
Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Sustainability: Systems Design, Assessment and ApplicationsProviding tables, illustrations, and comparative case studies, this authoritative guide is a broad-based overview describing the state-of-the-art in latent, sensible, and thermo-chemical energy storage systems and their applications across industries.
By R. Parameshwaran, S. Kalaiselvam
Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering, Fourth EditionUtilizing examples from real-life systems and challenges, this book is a true, comprehensive on-the-job reference, covering all aspects of getting electricity from the source to user via the power grid.
By Brian Hardy, Colin Bayliss
Wind Resource Assessment: A Practical Guide to Developing a Wind ProjectOffering a practical guide to the assessment of wind resources for utility-scale wind projects, this book shows readers how to achieve a high standard of resource assessment, reduce the uncertainty associated with long-term energy performance, and maximize the value of their project assets.
By Michael C. Brower
A Beginner's Guide to 3D Modeling: A Guide to Autodesk Fusion 360This book is a project-based, straightforward introduction to computer-aided design (CAD).
By Cameron Coward
A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users, Second EditionProviding a short, focused introduction to MATLAB for both beginning and experienced users, this reference contains easy-to-understand instructions for using MATLAB's programming features, graphical capabilities, and desktop interface.
By Brian R. Hunt, Jonathan M. Rosenberg, Ronald L. Lipsman, et al.
A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented ProgrammingAssuming an intermediate level of MATLAB programming knowledge, this comprehensive text discusses why each object-oriented feature of MATLAB is important, demonstrates the use of each, and promotes understanding of the interactions between features.
By Andy H. Register
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(r) Guide), Fifth EditionThe fifth edition of the PMBOK(r) Guide continues the tradition of excellence in project management, featuring a tenth Knowledge Area, redefined data information and information flow for greater consistency, and four new planning processes.
By Project Management Institute
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(r) Guide), Sixth EditionThe sixth edition of the PMBOK(r) Guide continues the tradition of excellence in project management, and now includes The Standard for Project Management as well as information on how to implement its approaches in agile environments.
By Project Management Institute
A Guide to Writing as an Engineer, Fourth EditionUsed predominantly in freshmen engineering survey courses, this handy and practical book deals with a variety of topics ranging from important writing concepts that apply to professional engineers, to content, organization, format and style of various kinds of engineering writing.
By David Beer, David McMurrey
Adobe Acrobat and PDF for Architecture, Engineering, and ConstructionA practical guide focusing on the applications of PDF in the solution of "engineering" problems which may arise in a number of disciplines, this book uses real-world examples and follows a project from design through build and long-term maintenance.
By Donna L. Baker, Tom Carson
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th EditionKnown for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, and self-contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility, this up-to-date resource provides instructors and students with what they need to teach and learn engineering mathematics.
By Erwin Kreyszig
Advanced Engineering Mathematics: A Computer Approach, Seventh EditionCovering the entire sequence of mathematical topics needed by the majority of university programs, this book uses computer programs in almost every chapter to demonstrate the mathematical concepts under discussion.
By C. Watkins, M. Goyal, N. Bali
Advanced Statistics DemystifiedOffering exercises at the end of each chapter as well as two final exams, this self-teaching guide provides an effective, anxiety-soothing, and totally painless way to learn advanced statistics.
By Larry J. Stephens
Advances in Computers: Edge/Fog Computing Paradigm: The Concept Platforms and Applications, Volume One Hundred Twenty Seven, First EditionAdvances in Computers, Volume 127 presents innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design and applications, with this updated volume including new chapters on Edge AI, Edge Computing, Edge Analytics, Edge Data Analytics, Edge Native Applications, Edge Platforms, Edge Computing, IoT, Internet of Things, etc.
By Chellammal Surianarayanan, Kavita Saini, Pethuru Raj
Advances in Computers: Principles of Big Graph: In-depth Insight, Volume One Hundred Twenty Eight, First EditionPrinciples of Big Graph: In-depth Insight, Volume 128 in the Advances in Computer series, highlights new advances in the field with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of topics, including CESDAM: Centered subgraph data matrix for large graph representation, Bivariate, cluster and suitability analysis of NoSQL Solutions for big graph applications, An empirical investigation on Big Graph using deep learning, Analyzing correlation between quality and accuracy of graph clustering, geneBF: Filtering protein-coded gene graph data using bloom filter, Processing large graphs with an alternative representation, MapReduce based convolutional graph neural networks: A comprehensive review.
By Anupam Biswas, Ganesh Chandra Deka, Ripon Patgiri
Advances in Ubiquitous ComputingThis book guides you through Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities and Ecological Monitoring debuts some of the newest methods and approaches to multimodal user-interface design, safety compliance, formal code verification and deployment requirements, as they pertain to cyber-physical systems, smart homes and smart cities, and biodiversity monitoring. In this anthology, the authors assiduously examine a panoply of topics related to wireless sensor networks.
By Amy Neustein
Algebraic Theory for True Concurrency, First EditionAlgebraic Theory for True Concurrency presents readers with the algebraic laws for true concurrency. Parallelism and concurrency are two of the core concepts within computer science.
By Yong Wang
An Engineer's Guide to MathematicaIncluding a table of applications summarizing all of the engineering examples presented, this must-read reference enables the reader to attain the skills to create Mathematica 9 programs that solve a wide range of engineering problems and that display the results with annotated graphics.
By Edward B. Magrab
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third EditionPresenting an ideal reference and resource for scientists and engineers in the fields of statistics, mathematics, physics, industrial management, and engineering, this comprehensive guide provides the fundamentals and foundations of probability with over 550 problems and answers to most problems, as well as 350 worked-out examples and 200 remarks.
By A.K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, Vijay K. Rohatgi
Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and ScientistsUsing numerous solved examples, published case studies from the author's own research, and well-conceived problems, this book demonstrates how to apply concepts and methods learned in disparate courses such as mathematical modeling, probability, statistics, experimental design, and much more.
By T. Agami Reddy
Applied Linear Algebra and Optimization Using MATLABDesigned for engineers, computer scientists, and physicists or for use as a textbook in computational courses, this text provides the reader with numerous applications, m-files, and practical examples to solve problems.
By Rizwan Butt
Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, Second EditionWith plenty of worked examples and homework problems, this step-by-step resource is recommended for all students in chemical engineering as well as professional chemical engineers who want to improve their ability to use mathematics to solve common on-the-job problems.
By Duong D. Do, Richard G. Rice
Applied Numerical Linear AlgebraThis comprehensive, self-contained text teaches state-of-the-art techniques for solving linear algebra problems, covers the most important methods for dense and sparse problems, and presents both the mathematical background and good software techniques.
By James W. Demmel
Applied Optimization with MATLAB Programming, Second EditionBy breaking down complex mathematical concepts into simple ideas and offering plenty of easy-to-follow examples, this text will help readers understand how to apply optimization techniques to solve actual problems.
By P. Venkataraman
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Third EditionOriented to engineering and the chemical and physical sciences, this practical text is packed with unique problem sets that reflect realistic situations engineers will encounter in their working lives.
By Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger
Applied Statistics: Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R, Second EditionIntended for anyone needing to apply statistical analysis to a large variety of science and engineering problems, this practical reference provides a comprehensive introduction and tutorial on the main statistical analysis topics.
By Joaquim P. Marques de Sá
Autocad 2019 3D ModelingIncluding 50 mini-workshops that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting, this book provides step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing.
By Munir M. Hamad
AutoCAD 2019 Beginning and IntermediateIncluding over 100 exercises or mini-workshops that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting, this comprehensive book on AutoCAD 2019 2D drafting uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir M. Hamad
AUTOCAD 2020 3D ModelingThis book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing.
By Munir M. Hamad
AutoCAD 2020 Beginning and IntermediateIncluding over 100 "mini-workshops" and hundreds of figures that complete small projects, this book is the most comprehensive book you will find on AutoCAD 2020 - 2D Drafting.
By Munir M. Hamad
AutoCAD 2021 3D ModellingIncluding several mini-workshops that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting, this book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models in both metric and imperial units.
By Munir M. Hamad
AutoCAD 2021 Beginning and IntermediateA comprehensive book on AutoCAD 2021 - 2D Drafting, this thorough book covers all of the 2D concepts, using both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir M. Hamad
AutoCAD 2021: Fundamentals - Learning Guide (Mixed Units)This book enables you to create, modify, and work with a 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
AutoCAD 2022 3D ModelingThis book solving all of the workshops will create full projects (architectural and mechanical) from beginning to end, without overlooking any of the basic commands and functions in AutoCAD 2022.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2022 Beginning and IntermediateThe book includes over 100 exercises or "mini-workshops," which complete small projects from concept through actual plotting, simulating the creation of three projects (architectural and mechanical) from beginning to end, without overlooking any of the basic commands and functions in AutoCAD 2022.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2022: Beyond the Basics: Autodesk Learning Guide (Mixed Units)Designed for those using AutoCAD 2022 with a Windows operating system, this guide will enable you to create, modify, and work with a 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
AutoCAD 2022: Essentials: Learning Guide Mixed Units - 2nd EditionCovering the essential core topics for working with the AutoCAD software, this guide begins with learning the basic tools for creating and editing 2D drawings and then continues to explore the tools used to annotate drawings by adding text, hatching, dimensions, and tables.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
AutoCAD 2023 3D ModelingThis book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2023 Beginning and IntermediateThis book is the most comprehensive book you will find on AutoCAD 2023 - 2D Drafting. Covering all of the 2D concepts, it uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2024 3D ModelingThis book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2024 Beginning and IntermediateThis book is the most comprehensive book you will find on AutoCAD 2024 - 2D Drafting.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2025 3D ModelingThis book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD 2025 Beginning and IntermediateThis book is the most comprehensive book you will find on AutoCAD 2025 - 2D Drafting. Covering all of the 2D concepts, it uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir Hamad
AutoCAD Electrical 2018 Black BookFollowing a step-by-step methodology, this book covers almost all the information required to master the AutoCAD Electrical and is written to help professionals, as well as learners, in performing the various tedious jobs found in Electrical control designing.
By Gaurav Verma
AutoCAD For Dummies, 19th EditionThis book walks you through the very basics of pixels, vectors, lines, text, and more, before moving on to more advanced step-by-step tutorials on three-dimensional drawings and models.
By Ralph Grabowski
Autodesk Civil 3D 2022: Fundamentals - Learning Guide Imperial UnitsProviding instruction, support, and implementation on Autodesk Civil 3D, this book will teach you techniques enabling you to organize project data, work with points, create and analyze surfaces, model road corridors, create parcel layouts, and more.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Fusion 360 Black BookIn an easy-to-understand language, this step-by-step book will help professionals as well as beginners in creating some of the most complex solid models.
By Gaurav Verma
Autodesk Inventor 2014 Essentials: Autodesk Official PressIntroducing new users to Inventor with real-world projects, hands-on tutorials, and full-color illustrations, this essential guide provides the information you need to quickly become proficient with the powerful 3D mechanical design software.
By Thom Tremblay
Autodesk Inventor 2018 Introduction to Solid ModelingThrough a hands-on, practice-intensive curriculum, this book will teach you the key skills and knowledge needed to design models using Autodesk Inventor, starting with conceptual sketching, through to solid modeling, assembly design, and drawing production.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Inventor 2021: iLogic Learning Guide Mixed UnitsTeaching you how to use the iLogic functionality that exists in the Autodesk Inventor software, this practice-intensive curriculum will give you the knowledge required to use iLogic to automate Autodesk Inventor designs.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Inventor 2021: Introduction to Solid Modeling - Learning Guide (Mixed Units)This book provides you with an understanding of the parametric design philosophy through a hands-on, practice-intensive curriculum.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Inventor 2022: Advanced Assembly ModelingThis book guides to take you to a higher level of productivity when creating and working with assemblies.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Inventor 2022: Advanced Part ModelingThis book is learning guide by taking users to a higher level of productivity when designing part models using the Autodesk Inventor software.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Inventor 2022: Introduction to Solid ModelingThis book provides you with an understanding of the parametric design philosophy through a hands-on, practice-intensive curriculum.
By ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk Revit 2021 ArchitectureCovering all of the 2D concepts, this comprehensive resource uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir M. Hamad
Autodesk Revit 2022 ArchitectureThis book uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir Hamad
Autodesk Revit 2023 ArchitectureRevit 2023 Architecture includes over 50 "mini-workshops" that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting.
By Munir Hamad
Autodesk Revit 2024 ArchitectureCovering all of the major techniques, this book uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir Hamad
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014: No Experience RequiredFeaturing concise explanations, focused examples, and step-by-step instructions, this thorough guide helps you become proficient with Autodesk's popular building information modeling software using an innovative continuous tutorial.
By Eric Wing
Basic MATLAB, Simulink, and StateflowDesigned to be modular and thus flexible for use in a variety of teaching and time formats, or for self-study, this book takes a practical, hands-on approach to programming in MATLAB and modeling in Simulink and Stateflow.
By Richard Colgren
CATIA v6 EssentialsIn an easy-to-understand, step-by-step format, this comprehensive reference includes all the major concepts related to the latest version of CATIA, such as installation, modes, and modeling.
By Kogent Learning Solutions, Inc.
CATIA: Introduction to ModelingWith numerous practice exercises, this hands-on course guide will help you learn the process of designing models with CATIA V5 from conceptual sketching, through to solid modeling, assembly design, and drawing production.
Character Rigging and Advanced Animation: Bring Your Character to Life Using Autodesk 3ds MaxContaining examples with working files at the end of each chapter, this book will give you a thorough understanding of animation and character rigging using Autodesk 3ds Max to create realistic character animations.
By Purushothaman Raju
Commercialization of Innovative Technologies: Bringing Good Ideas to the MarketplaceFocusing on three core areas that set the stage for successful commercialization, this book takes you through the complete lifecycle of product innovation, including screening, funding, development, and commercialization.
By C. Joseph Touhill, Gregory J. Touhill, Thomas A. O'Riordan
Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB EditorShowing the reader how to design a PCB using OrCAD Capture and OrCAD Editor, this book is written for students engineers who need in-depth instruction on how to use the software, and who need background knowledge of the PCB design process.
By Kraig Mitzner
Computational Physics, Second EditionThis updated edition provides an introduction to computational physics in order to perform physics experiments on the computer.
By Darren Walker
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Fifth EditionComputers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Fifth Edition continues to focus on foundational content in embedded systems technology and design while updating material throughout the book and introducing new content on machine learning and Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems.
By Marilyn Wolf
COMSOL for EngineersProviding a collection of examples and modeling guidelines readers can use to build their own models, this text introduces COMSOL as an engineering tool for modeling by solving examples that could become a guide for modeling similar or more complicated problems.
By Mehrzad Tabatabaian
Construction Management JumpStart: The Best First Step Toward a Career in Construction Management, Second EditionWritten by an expert with over 20 years of experience as a licensed contractor, this guide shows how today's hot issues such as sustainability and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are impacting the industry.
By Barbara J. Jackson
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide for Building and Electrical ContractorsPresenting construction project management concepts in a clear and understandable manner, this concise guide covers major industry issues such as the impact of change orders, safety, tools and material control, and contract risk management.
By Eddy M. Rojas (ed)
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management, 5th EditionThorough and hands-on, this guide combines a solid foundation in the principles and fundamentals of the Critical Path Method (CPM) with particular emphasis on project planning, demonstrated through an example project.
By Glenn A. Sears, Richard H. Clough, S. Keoki Sears
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management, Sixth EditionProviding a solid foundation of the principles and fundamentals of project management, with a particular emphasis on project planning demonstrated through an example project, this guide gives readers access to hands-on project management experience in the context of real-world project management problems.
By Glenn A. Sears, Jerald L. Rounds, Richard H. Clough, Robert O. Segner Jr., S. Keoki Sears
Construction Project Scheduling and Control, Second EditionBy combining basic fundamentals with advanced techniques alongside the robust analysis of theory, this easy-to-follow guide details all the steps to devise a technologically advanced schedule geared toward streamlining the construction process.
By Saleh Mubarak
Creo Parametric 4.0 Black BookHelping professionals as well as learners in creating some of the most complex solid models, this book follows a step-by-step methodology and provides real-world examples with real challenges in designing.
By Gaurav Verma
Design Management: Create, Develop, and Lead Effective Design TeamsThis book will help eager designers learn the behavioral abilities required to create, lead and manage high-performing design teams using a systemic, context-agnostic, and therefore repeatable approach.
By Andrea Picchi
Differential Equations with Mathematica, Fifth EditionDifferential Equations with Mathematica, Fifth Edition uses the fundamental concepts of the popular platform to solve (analytically, numerically, and/or graphically) differential equations of interest to students, instructors, and scientists.
By James P. Braselton, Martha L. Abell
Digital Image Enhancement and ReconstructionDigital Image Enhancement and Reconstruction: Techniques and Applications explores different concepts and techniques used for the enhancement as well as reconstruction of low-quality images.
By Amit Kumar Singh, Karm Veer Arya, Nafis Uddin Khan, Shyam Singh Rajput
Discrete Mathematics with Cryptographic ApplicationsThis book covers discrete mathematics both as it has been established after its emergence since the middle of the last century and as its elementary applications to cryptography. It can be used by any individual studying discrete mathematics, finite mathematics, and similar subjects.
By Alexander I. Kheyfits PhD
Effective Communication for the Technical Professions, Second EditionUsing a theoretical and practical approach, this text is a concise guide to technical communication that helps students practice critical reading and analysis skills, technical writing, as well as the communication skills employers value.
By Jennifer MacLennan
Engineering Analysis with ANSYS SoftwareWith its detailed, step-by-step explanations, and extensive worked examples and sample problems, this book will develop readers' understanding of FEA and their ability to use ANSYS' software tools to solve their own analysis problems.
By Tadeusz Stolarski
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB/SimulinkProviding a broad overview of The MathWorks' MATLAB/Simulink/GUIDE development and modeling environment, this textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications.
By Oleg Yakimenko
Engineering Documentation Control Handbook: Configuration Management and Product Lifecycle Management, Fourth EditionPacked with specific methods that can be applied quickly and accurately, this book provides a thorough guide to the implementation and improvement of Engineering Documentation Control (EDC), Product Lifecycle Management and Product Configuration Management (CM).
By Frank B. Watts
Engineering Drawing for ManufactureThis unique book introduces the subject of engineering drawing for manufacture in the context of ISO standards. It covers engineering drawing protection, ISO rules, the methodology of specifying surface finish, and more.
By Brian Griffiths
Engineering Mathematics Exam Prep: Problems and SolutionsThis book provides over 1200 review questions, explanations, and answers for all types of engineering mathematics exams and reviews.
By A. Paul PhD, A. Saha PhD, D. Dutta PhD, P. Majumder PhD, S. Kar PhD
Engineering Optimization: Applications, Methods, and AnalysisIncluding examples, exercises, and homework throughout, this book provides a practically-focused introduction to modern engineering optimization best practices, covering fundamental analytical and numerical techniques throughout each stage of the optimization process.
By R. Russell Rhinehart
Essential Math Skills for EngineersLogically grouped into categories for easy learning and long-term retention, this book features concise, easy-to-follow explanations that quickly bring readers up to speed on all the essential core math skills used in the daily study of engineering.
By Clayton R. Paul
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Eighth EditionEssential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Eighth Edition provides a concise and balanced overview of MATLAB's functionality, covering both fundamentals and applications.
By Brian H. Hahn, Daniel T. Valentine
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Sixth EditionIllustrating the essentials of MATLAB throughout, and featuring complete coverage of the software's windows and menus, this book provides a concise, balanced overview of MATLAB's functionality that facilitates independent learning, with coverage of both the fundamentals and applications.
By Brian H. Hahn, Daniel T. Valentine
Excel 2013 for Scientists, Revised and Expanded, Third EditionEnabling greater productivity and efficiency, this thorough reference teaches scientists the tips and techniques of Excel and will help them to tailor each specifically to their experiments, designs, and research.
By Gerard M. Verschuuren
Excel for Scientists & EngineersFor scientists and engineers tired of trying to learn Excel with examples from accounting, this self-paced tutorial is loaded with informative samples from the world of science and engineering.
By Gerard M. Verschuuren
Excuse Me: The Survival Guide to Modern Business EtiquetteWhile the youngest employees might seem unruly, the oldest can seem rigid. Good manners create an atmosphere of respect, and smooth the way for everyone to succeed. This book spotlights dozens of puzzling situations, with suggestions for bridging divides.
By Rosanne J. Thomas
Exploring AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 for Engineers and DesignersStructured in a pedagogical sequence, this book is a comprehensive resource that explains the concepts and principles of AutoCAD Civil 3D through real-world examples, tutorials, and exercises.
By Sham Tickoo
F# for ScientistsWritten in a clear and concise style with practical and enlightening examples, this accessible book will help you understand both the functional aspects of F# and the object-oriented task-based features that make F# so useful in practice.
By Jon Harrop
Fundamentals and Sensing Applications of 2D MaterialsWith contributions from eminent researchers from around the world, this book will provide an overview of most of the important fundamental properties, synthesis, and sensing applications of 2D materials in a single reference.
By Chandra Sekhar Rout, Dattatray J. Late (eds), Morgan Hywel
Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and EngineersGrounding ethical analysis in practical reality, this text contains real-life cases as well as several fictional cases that extend virtue theory and account systematically for the consequences that follow an ethical decision.
By Edmund Seebauer, Robert L. Barry
Fundamentals of Forecasting Using ExcelProgressing from data collection, data presentation, to a step-by-step development of the forecasting techniques, this book provides readers with the tools to analyze their data, develop forecasting models and present the results in Excel.
By Kenneth D. Lawrence, Ronald K. Klimberg, Sheila M. Lawrence
Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Design, Manufacturing and Inspection: A Handbook for Geometrical Product Specification using ISO and ASME Standards, Second EditionCovering the latest ISO and ANSI/ASME standards, this comprehensive reference presents professional engineers and designers with the state of the art in geometrical tolerancing to allow the unambiguous specification of the parameters of any component.
By Georg Henzold
Geometry of Design: A WorkbookIntroducing basic engineering drawing definitions and practices, this book covers design and descriptive geometry, as well as dimensions, assembly line design and surface development.
By Ashok V. Kumar, Harold F. Snider, Nam-Ho Kim
Getting to Like: How to Boost Your Personal and Professional Brand to Expand Opportunities, Grow Your Business, and Achieve Financial SuccessPresenting a practical, actionable guide to anticipating and staying one step ahead of the curve-and your competition, this book will help you stand out, make your voice heard, and take those crucial steps toward future-proofing your career.
By Ali B. Zagat, Jeremy Goldman
Global Networks: Engineering, Operations and DesignWritten in an accessible style, this fully illustrated, comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at the current and developing trends, as well as examines the complex issues of developing, introducing, and managing cutting-edge telecommunications technologies.
By Keith Cambron
Graph TheoryWritten in a reader-friendly style with features that enhance students' comprehension, this concise book explains the principles and fundamental concepts of graph theory.
By Udit Agarwal, Umesh Pal Singh
Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW for Scientists and Engineers, Third EditionExploring practical programming solutions for carrying out interesting and relevant projects, this book provides a learn-by-doing approach to acquiring the computer-based skills used daily in experimental work. Even readers without prior computer programming or LabVIEW background will begin writing meaningful programs in the first few pages.
By John Essick
High Performance Control of AC Drives with MATLAB/Simulink ModelsFocusing on the most popular AC machines used in industry, this book illustrates advanced control techniques and topologies in practice and recently deployed, featuring examples from Vector Control, Direct Torque Control, Nonlinear Control, Predictive Control, multi-phase drives and more.
By Atif Iqbal, Haitham Abu-Rub, Jaroslaw Guzinski (eds)
How NASA Builds Teams: Mission Critical Soft Skills for Scientists, Engineers, and Project TeamsTo improve communication, performance, and morale among NASA's technical teams, former NASA Astrophysicist Dr. Charlie Pellerin developed the teambuilding process described in this book, which can be applied in any organization.
By Charles J. Pellerin
Immersive 3D Design Visualization: With Autodesk Maya and Unreal Engine 4Discover the methods and techniques required for creating immersive design visualization for industry. This book proposes ways for industry-oriented design visualization from scratch.
By Abhishek Kumar
Industrial Statistics with MinitabFeaturing a plethora of examples in Minitab, along with case studies for each of the statistical techniques presented, this relevant guide demonstrates the use of Minitab as a tool for performing statistical analysis in an industrial context.
By Lluís Marco Almagro, Pere Grima Cintas, Xavier Tort-Martorell Llabrís
Innovation on DemandDescribing a revolutionary methodology for enhancing technological innovation called TRIZ, this groundbreaking book will show you how to use TRIZ tools for conceptual development of novel technologies, products and manufacturing processes.
By Eugene Rivin, Victor Fey
Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT):Techniques and ApplicationsInternet of Multimedia Things (IoMT): Techniques and Applications disseminates research efforts in the security and resilience of intelligent data-centric critical systems to support advanced research in this area.
By Amit Singh, Gautam Srivastava, Shailendra Shukla
Intro to wxMaxima for Scientific ComputationsCovering topics from simple to complex, this book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples.
By M Kanagasabapathy
Introduction to MATLAB & SIMULINK: A Project Approach, Third EditionProviding the optimal introduction to MATLAB and Simulink, this book contains twenty hands-on projects that offer a practical mastery of the subject areas, including the code and executable files.
By M. Weeks, O. Beucher
Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists: Solutions for Numerical Computation and ModelingIncluding a case study to conclude the book, and code examples along the way, this concise, practical tutorial is useful for industry engineers, researchers, and students who are looking for open-source solutions for numerical computation.
By Sandeep Nagar
Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, Third EditionIncluding real-world problems in practice as illustrative examples, this text provides readers with a solid introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of Kalman filtering, and considers the arithmetic needed to preserve the accuracy of results.
By Angus P. Andrews, Mohinder S. Grewal
LabVIEW Graphical Programming, Fourth EditionWritten in a highly accessible and readable style, this book illustrates basic LabVIEW programming techniques as well as advanced programming concepts.
By Gary W. Johnson, Richard Jennings
Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basics: 3D Modeling, 2D Graphics, and Assembly DesignProviding engaging explanations, practical examples, and detailed instructions, this step-by-step tutorial on Autodesk Inventor fundamentals will get you started with the basics of part modeling, assembly modeling, presentations, and drawings.
By T. Kishore
Learning MATLABIncluding readily understood examples and numerous exercises, this engaging book is a very compact introduction to the essentials of the MATLAB programming language and is ideal for readers seeking a focused and brief approach to the software.
By Tobin A. Driscoll
Linear AlgebraProviding examples that illustrate the use of software packages, this book aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of linear algebra and to apply the theorems in computation-oriented applications.
By Haohao Wang, Jerzy Wojdylo, Li-Yong Shen
Linear Systems and Signals: A PrimerWritten for the practicing engineer and the student new to the subject, this comprehensive guide covers a wide range of content by focusing on theorems and examples to explain key concepts of signals and linear systems theory.
By JC Olivier
Management of Construction ProjectsWith a strong emphasis on the practical nature of the subject, this highly illustrated series of case studies based on seven live construction management projects details on site management procedures and identifies a predominantly functional approach to managing projects.
By Brian Cooke
Mastering AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT 2016Packed with expert tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials, this book provides concise explanations and focused examples to strengthen your understanding of AutoCAD concepts, while step-by-step instruction and hands-on projects help you develop the skills you need for real-world projects.
By Brian Benton, George Omura
Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019Packed with tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials, this guide includes step-by-step walk-throughs, concise explanations, specific examples and plenty of hands-on projects that will help you learn essential AutoCAD skills by working directly with the necessary tools.
By Brian C. Benton, George Omura
Mastering AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021Whether you're seeking on-the-job certification or just looking to dream big and draw, Mastering AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021 is the ultimate guide to all things AutoCAD.
By Brian C. Benton, George Omura
Mastering SolidWorksPacked with step-by-step instructions, tutorials, and coverage of little-known techniques, this complete reference takes you from novice to power user with clear instruction that goes beyond the basics.
By Matt Lombard
Mastering Technical Sales: The Sales Engineer's Handbook, Third EditionWritten to help professionals decode the black art of selling complex, high-value products, this handbook is focused upon improving the methods and skills of those who engage in the technology side of the sales equation.
By Aron Bohlig, John Care
Mathematica: A Problem-Centered Approach, Second EditionWith its strong focus upon programming and problem solving, this textbook introduces the vast array of features and powerful mathematical functions of Mathematica using a multitude of clearly presented examples and worked-out problems.
By Roozbeh Hazrat
Mathematical Formulae and Scientific Data: A Quick Reference GuideDesigned as a quick reference guide for engineers, mathematicians, scientists, and industry professionals, this book provides the essential formulas in all areas of mathematics and the key scientific data used in engineering and science.
By C. P. Kothandaraman
Mathematical Methods in Data Science, First EditionMathematical Methods in Data Science covers a broad range of mathematical tools used in data science, including calculus, linear algebra, optimization, network analysis, probability and differential equations. Based on the authors' recently published and previously unpublished results, this book introduces a new approach based on network analysis to integrate big data into the framework of ordinary and partial differential equations for dataanalysis and prediction.
By Haiyan Wang, Jingli Ren
Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems: An IntroductionProviding a concise introduction to mathematical modeling for those approaching the topic for the first time, this text contains 100 worked examples and many practice problems drawn from civil and biomedical engineering, economics, physics and chemistry.
By Diran Basmadjian
Mathematical Theory of Advanced ComputingDealing with computer performance by addressing basic preconditions, this book discusses general considerations about performance, and also presents several new approaches.
By Wolfgang W. Osterhage
Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 1This new edited volume from Wiley-Scrivener is the first of its kind to present scientific and technological innovations by leading academicians, eminent researchers, and experts around the world in the areas of mathematical sciences and computing.
By Biswadip Basu, Krishanu Deyasi, M. Niranjanamurthy, Mallika Fernandes, Santanu Das, Sharmistha Ghosh
Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 2This second volume in a new series from Wiley-Scrivener is the first of its kind to present scientific and technological innovations by leading academicians, eminent researchers, and experts around the world in the areas of mathematical sciences and computing.
By Biswadip Basu Mallik, Krishanu Deyasi, M. Niranjanamurthy, Santanu Das, Sharmistha Ghosh
Mathematics for Business 7/EThe aim of this text is to provide a basic understanding of these quantitative methods. Using topics such as finite mathematics, mathematics of finance, differential calculus, optimization, and curve fitting, this text provides the tools needed to solve modern business problems.
By Gary Bronson PhD, Maureen Kieff, Richard Bronson PhD
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers Problems & SolutionsThis book provides over 250 quick review problems with complete, step-by-step solutions for all types of mechanical engineering exams.
By H. M. Hussen PhD, L. J. Habeeb PhD, M. T. Chaichan, N. G. Nacy PhD, S. H. Omran
Matlab by Example: Programming BasicsUsing multiple examples and clear language to introduce concepts and practical tools, this straight-forward and detailed book provides quick and thorough learning of Matlab for the beginner, allowing you to improve in a short time.
By Francis Lilley, Munther Gdeisat
MATLAB Control Systems EngineeringIntroducing the MATLAB language with practical hands-on instructions and results, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals, this book provides all the material needed to design and analyze control systems using MATLAB's specialized Control Systems Toolbox.
By César Pérez López
MATLAB Differential and Integral CalculusIn addition to giving a short introduction to the MATLAB environment and MATLAB programming, this practical, hands-on book provides all the material needed to work with ease in differential and integral calculus in one and several variables.
By César Pérez López
MATLAB Differential EquationsIncluding techniques for solving ordinary and partial differential equations of various kinds, and systems of such equations, either symbolically or using numerical methods, this book introduces you to the MATLAB language with practical hands-on instructions and results, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals.
By César Pérez López
MATLAB GuideRequiring only a basic knowledge of programming, this concise text explains many revised and added features of MATLAB, including LAPACK-based matrix computations and the latest differential equation solvers, and reveals many "hidden" features.
By Desmond J. Higham, Nicholas J. Higham
MATLAB in Quality Assurance SciencesFilling a gap in the highly topical field of quality assurance (QA), this book is a concise guide for students, engineers, and scientists in this field, and concentrates on MATLAB fundamentals with examples of applications to a wide range of current problems.
By Leonid Burstein
MATLAB Linear AlgebraFor anyone who wants to work in a practical, hands-on manner with MATLAB in a linear algebra context, this essential guide introduces you to the MATLAB language with practical hands-on instructions and results, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals.
By César Pérez López
MATLAB Mathematical AnalysisWritten for those in a wide range of jobs that utilize various mathematical analysis tools, or for academic pursuits including researchers and students, this book demonstrates how to apply the most widely used analysis techniques in MATLAB to solve and or graph problems without being burdened with theory.
By César Pérez López
MATLAB Recipes: A Problem-Solution ApproachFeaturing state-of-the-art examples in robotics, motors, detection filters, chemical processes, aircraft, and spacecraft, this practical reference provides thorough guidance for using MATLAB to build a body of code you can turn to time and again for solving technical problems on the job.
By Michael Paluszek, Stephanie Thomas
Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem SolvingUsing a systematic, step-by-step approach to facilitate easier learning, this book presents both programming concepts and MATLAB's built-in functions, providing a perfect platform for exploiting MATLAB's extensive capabilities for tackling engineering problems.
By Stormy Attaway
MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, Fifth EditionPresenting the latest MATLAB functionality in detail, this concise book is generously illustrated through computer screen shots and step-by-step tutorials, including abundant and motivating applications to problems in mathematics, science, and engineering.
By Amos Gilat
Matrix Algorithms in MATLABFocusing on the MATLAB code implementations of matrix algorithms, this book provides an overview and classification of the interrelations of various algorithms, as well as numerous examples to demonstrate code usage and the properties of the presented algorithms.
By Ong U. Routh
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Sorting Methods: Applications to Real-World Problems, First EditionMulti Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a generic term for all methods that help people making decisions according to their preferences, in situations where there is more than one conflicting criterion.
By Alessio Ishizaka, Jindong Qin, Luis Martinez Lopez, Pavel Anselmo Alvarez-Carrillo
Multiphysics Modeling Using COMSOL5 and MatlabUsing a step-by-step modeling methodology linked to the Fundamental Laws of Physics, this book focuses on COMSOL 5 and MATLAB models that demonstrate the use of concepts for later application in engineering, science, medicine, and biophysics for the development of devices and systems.
By Roger W. Pryor
Networking for Nerds: Find, Access and Land Hidden Game-Changing Career Opportunities EverywhereAuthored by award-winning entrepreneur and strategic career planning expert Alaina G. Levine, this book emphasizes practical advice on how and why to network, and will show you how to formulate and execute a strategic networking plan that is dynamic, multidimensional, and leverages social media platforms and other networking channels.
By Alaina G. Levine
Nonlinear Optimization in Electrical Engineering with Applications in MATLABProviding an introductory course on nonlinear optimization in electrical engineering, this essential guide uses a step-by-step approach featuring a variety of practical electrical engineering-related examples and illustrated with MATLAB codes that the reader can use and adapt.
By Mohamed Bakr
Numerical Linear AlgebraPresented in the form of 40 lectures, this concise, insightful text includes important topics such as iterative methods for systems of equations and eigenvalue problems and the underlying principles of conditioning and stability.
By David Bau, III, Lloyd N. Trefethen
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications: Using MATLABIncluding detailed explanations and examples, this thorough book offers a unified presentation of computation, basic algorithm analysis, and numerical methods to compute solutions and is ideal for solving real-world problems.
By William Ford
Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLABWritten for engineering students and practicing engineers who wish to explore the power and efficiency of MATLAB, this pragmatic text illustrates numerical methods with problems involving both hand computation and programming.
By Jaan Kiusalaas
Numerical Methods with MatlabUniquely accessible and concise, this book takes an innovative approach that integrates the study of numerical methods with hands-on programming practice using the popular MATLAB environment to solve realistic problems in engineering and science.
By Amos Gilat, Vish Subramaniam
Patent Searching: Tools & TechniquesWith a focus on principles rather than specific tools, this book provides a range of approaches to patent searching that will be useful to you regardless of your technical expertise or role in the intellectual property community.
By David Hunt, Long B. Nguyen, Matthew Rodgers
Pattern Recognition, Fourth EditionIncluding worked examples, diagrams, and Matlab code, this up-to-date book considers classical and current theory and practice, of supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised pattern recognition.
By Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Sergios Theodoridis
Practical Project Management for Building and ConstructionCovering the 14 knowledge areas of project management that are essential for successful projects, this pioneering reference will help you control the WHAT, HOW, and WHEN to do things as well as WHO is responsible for doing them, which will lead to successful project management.
By Hans Ottosson
Practical Signals Theory with MATLAB ApplicationsWith an extensive use of innovative applications in examples and problems, this book offers an organized presentation around applications that introduces the actual behavior of specific signals and uses them to motivate presentation of mathematical concepts.
By Richard J. Tervo
Practitioner's Guide for Statistics and Lean Six Sigma for Process ImprovementsProviding numerous opportunities for readers to test their understanding of the presented material, this hands-on book offers thorough coverage of the statistical topics related to effective Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma practices.
By Mikel J. Harry, et al.
Principles of Modeling and Simulation: A Multidisciplinary ApproachWith its accessible style and wealth of real-world examples, this valuable guide provides an introduction to modeling and simulation techniques across diverse areas of study.
By Catherine M. Banks, John A. Sokolowski
Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes: Theory and Signal Processing ApplicationsA comprehensive textbook on probability theory, this authoritative resource includes relevant background material, provides extensive summaries of key results, and extends various statistical techniques to a range of applications in signal processing.
By John J. Shynk
Productizing Quantum Computing: Bring Quantum Computing Into Your OrganizationThis book will guide you to effectively productize quantum computing, including best practices, recommendations, and proven methods to help you navigate the challenges and risks of this emerging technology.
By Dhairyya Agarwal, Shalini D, Srinjoy Ganguly
Professional Ethics and Human ValuesIncluding questions and answers, along with case studies, this book aims to enhance an understanding of the terms involved with professional ethics, the concepts surrounding it, and the underlying need for preserving and practicing it.
By A. Alavudeen, M. Jayakumaran, Rahman R. Kalil
Programming for Chemical Engineers Using C, C++, and MATLABDesigned to help merge knowledge of computer programming and chemical engineering principles, this book explains each program in detail to better understand the flow and the functions of the different commands.
By Raul Raymond Kapuno Jr.
Programming with Mathematica: An IntroductionUsing concrete examples from a diverse range of fields, this complete book covers all of the foundational material needed to develop a clear understanding of the Mathematica language, with a practical emphasis on solving problems.
By Paul Wellin
Project Management : Strategic Design and Implementation, Fourth EditionEnhanced throughout with diagrams, tables, chapter summaries, checklists, and case studies, this book provides leading-edge information and techniques on self-managing teams, innovative organizational structuring, team composition, and alternative teams.
By David I. Cleland, Lewis R. Ireland
Project Management for Business and Engineering: Principles and Practice, 2nd EditionIncluding over 230 figures and tables, 60 examples and cases, and end-of-chapter summaries, review problems, questions, and case studies, this book encompasses the full range of PM, from origins, philosophy, and methodology to actual applications.
By John M. Nicholas
Project Management Process ImprovementOffering proven tools and techniques for project managers, this how-to guide explains how to communicate baseline capabilities, and explains the gaps between baseline and target capabilities to team members and upper management.
By Robert K. Wysocki
Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards, Seventh EditionDiscussing the principles and techniques you need to successfully manage an engineering or technical project from start to finish, this thorough guide offers clear and detailed coverage of planning, scheduling and control, which can pose particular challenges in engineering environments.
By Albert Lester
Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction, and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM, and BSI Standards, Sixth EditionDiscussing the principles and techniques you need to successfully manage an engineering or technical project from start to finish, this thorough guide offers clear and detailed coverage of planning, scheduling and control, which can pose particular challenges in engineering environments.
By Albert Lester
Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Eighth EditionThis eighth edition updates the classic reference on project management theory and techniques within today's changing marketplace. A wealth of knowledge is put into this practical study guide that managers can rely on.
By Harold Kerzner
Project Manager's Spotlight on Risk ManagementUse this quick, practical book to anticipate, prevent, and alleviate major project risks. This is a guide to applying the disciplines of proven risk management practices without the rigor of complex processes.
By Kim Heldman
Projects Without Boundaries: Successfully Leading Teams and Managing Projects in a Virtual WorldHelping you build the team and lead them to achievement, this book goes beyond leadership theory to provide a powerful suite of best practices for building high-performance teams and consistently delivering successful project results in a virtual, distributed, and multicultural environment.
By James M. Waddell, Russ J. Martinelli, Tim J. Rahschulte
Quantitative Methods in Project ManagementThis book combines theoretical and practical applications and takes project managers through the most important quantitative methods, integrates them, and illustrates interrelationships.
By John Goodpasture
Quantum Computing: An Applied ApproachSuitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training, this book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field.
By Jack D. Hidary
Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, Fourth EditionComprehensive and self-contained, this indispensible book features coverage of new developments in random data management and analysis procedures that are applicable to a broad range of applied fields.
By Allan G. Piersol, Julius S. Bendat
Remanufacturing in the Circular Economy: Operations, Engineering and LogisticsFeaturing diverse topics including design, business models, and trade and policy challenges, this groundbreaking book provides in-depth coverage of remanufacturing fundamentals and its strong link to circular economy and resource efficiency.
By Nabil Nasr
Revit 2017 ArchitectureIncluding over 50 mini-workshops and hundreds of figures that complete small projects, this book covers all of the major techniques using both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application.
By Munir M. Hamad
RF ModulePresenting readers with a solved problem that utilizes the RF Module based on RF multiphysics modeling, this text introduces the user to the advanced numerical analysis modeling techniques employed in the COMSOL Multiphysics software Version 4.x.
By Roger Pryor
Scientific Computing: For Scientists and EngineersThis book explains: How can we approximate these important mathematical processes? How accurate are our approximations? How efficient are our approximations?
By Leo G. Rebholz, Timo Heister
Simplified TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Engineers and Manufacturing ProfessionalsThis practical how-to guide teaches you how to solve problems creatively, and more importantly, shows you how to find and foresee the evolution of problems in the future.
By Ellen Domb, Kalevi Rantanen
Simulation Modeling and Analysis with ARENATreating the essentials of the Monte Carlo discrete-event simulation methodology, this text facilitates the understanding of complex systems and experimentation with what-if scenarios in order to estimate their performance metrics.
By Benjamin Melamed, Tayfur Altiok
Solid Edge 2019 for Engineers and DesignersThis book introduces the reader to SOLIDWORKS 2019, one of the world's leading parametric solid modeling package.
By Sham Tickoo
SolidWorks 2010: No Experience RequiredThrough a continuous, easy-to-follow tutorial, this hands-on, step-by-step guide offers a thorough grounding in SolidWorks and allows you to see real progress as you quickly master tasks and create a final, presentation-worthy rendering of your design.
By Alex R. Ruiz, Gabi Jack
SolidWorks 2017 Black Book, 4th EditionHelping professionals as well as learners in creating some of the most complex solid models, this book follows a step-by-step methodology and provides real-world examples with real challenges in designing.
By Gaurav Verma
SolidWorks Electrical 2017 Black BookFollowing a proven, step-by-step methodology, this book was written to help professionals as well as learners in performing various tedious jobs in electrical control designing.
By Gaurav Verma
SolidWorks For Dummies, 2nd EditionWhether it's your first venture into 3D technical drawing software or you're switching to SolidWorks, this book gives you the scoop on using templates, putting parts together, creating and automating drawings, collaborating, and turning out great designs.
By Greg Jankowski, Richard Doyle
SolidWorks Simulation 2017 Black BookFollowing a proven, step-by-step methodology, this book was written to help professionals as well as learners in performing various tedious jobs of finite element analysis.
By Gaurav Verma
Solving Statics Problems with MATLABIf MATLAB is the operating system you need for your engineering calculations and problem solving, this reference will be a valuable tutorial for your studies. Written for engineering students in statics courses, this text will aid in problem solving.
By Brian D. Harper
Statistical Rules of ThumbThis quick-access guide is intended for the wide audience of students and researchers who deal with statistics. Topics covered include design, conduct and analysis, sample size, consulting, words, tables and graphs, covariation, and more.
By Gerald van Belle
Sustaining Continuous Innovation Through Problem SolvingDetailing how to creatively re-engineer processes, sustain innovation and continually improve an enterprise through repetitive methods, this book offers a step-by-step approach that includes the steps, the templates, and the metrics to keep it on track.
By Stephen Armstrong
Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen PlusStructured to emulate a workshop classroom environment, this book emphasizes important points through hands-on learning techniques that direct learners toward achievement in creating dynamic designs and effective control structures fluidly and with confidence.
By Ralph Schefflan
Technical Communication: English Skills for EngineersAdopting a direct, functional, and practical approach, this authoritative reference presents an exhaustive treatment of the principles and advanced forms of technical communication, both oral and written.
By Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma
Ten Essential Skills for Electrical EngineersWritten in a user-friendly, no-nonsense format, this book reviews practical skills using the latest tools and techniques, and helps aspiring and current engineers approach job interviews confident in their grasp of the engineering skills that their employers seek.
By Barry L. Dorr
The Bluebeam Guidebook: Game-changing Tips and Stories for Architects, Engineers, and ContractorsThis book shows you how to push the boundaries and discover the software's true capabilities.
By Jason Hascall, Rachel Attebery
The Essence of Technical Communications for Engineers: Writing, Presentation, and Meeting SkillsLighthearted but sound advice for engineers who want to write and present more effectively.
By Herbert L. Hirsch
TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem SolvingFor design engineers and technical directors across all industries, as well as students of engineering, entrepreneurship and innovation, this book satisfies the need for concise, clearly presented information together with practical advice on TRIZ and problem solving algorithms.
By Karen Gadd
Up and Running with AutoCAD 2024: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and ModelingUp and Running with AutoCAD(r) 2024: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling presents a combination of step-by-step instructions, examples and insightful explanations.
By Elliot J. Gindis, Robert C. Kaebisch
Using the Weibull Distribution: Reliability, Modeling and InferenceWith its numerous hands-on examples, exercises, and software applications, this hands-on guide, introduces a self-contained presentation of the probabilistic basis for the methodology while providing powerful techniques for extracting information from data.
By John I. McCool
Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports, Second EditionWritten in a practical and easy to follow style specifically for postgraduate students in Engineering and Sciences, this essential book provides invaluable advice along with numerous examples to aid in learning how to create powerful documents.
By Heather Silyn-Roberts
A New Strategy for Continuous Improvement: 10 Steps to Lower Costs and Operational ExcellenceDeveloped from the author's own experience, this resource details a proven, 10-step approach to cost reduction, and provides a series of tools to help you achieve sustainable cost reduction in your business while avoiding the damage of "slash and burn".
By Phillip Slater
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling LanguageProviding a comprehensive and practical guide for modeling systems with SysML, this book includes a full description of the language along with a quick reference guide, and shows how the language can be applied to specify, analyze, and design systems.
By Alan Moore, Rick Steiner, Sanford Friedenthal
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language, Second EditionIncluding a full description of the modeling language along with a quick reference guide, this authoritative book shows how an organization or project can transition to model-based systems engineering using SysML, with considerations for processes, methods, tools, and training.
By Alan Moore, Rick Steiner, Sanford Friedenthal
Advanced MetrologyThis book provides the perfect guide for engineering designers and manufacturers interested in exploring the benefits of this technology.
By Paul J. Scott, X. Jane Jiang
Advanced Quality Planning: A Commonsense Guide to AQP and APQPThis guide clearly explains the AQP process and how to situate development in the structure of planning strategies.
By D. H. Stamatis
Applied Life Data AnalysisUse this practical guide to statistical methods for predicting product life and reliability and comparing improvements in product manufacturing, design, and application.
By Wayne B. Nelson
Architecture and Principles of Systems EngineeringPreparing you for changes that will be occurring for years to come, this text places emphasis on maintaining conceptual integrity in system design, and describes succinct practical approaches that can be applied to a vast array of issues.
By Charles Dickerson, Dimitri N. Mavris
Assessing the Environmental Impact of Textiles and the Clothing Supply Chain (Second Edition)This book provides a standard reference for R&D managers in the textile industry and academic researchers in textile science.
By Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
Basic Guide to System Safety, Second EditionDesigned to familiarize readers with the application of scientific and engineering principles for timely identification of hazards, this book efficiently outlines the essentials of system safety and its impact on day-to-day occupational safety and health.
By Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principles of Color Technology, 4th EditionThis book offers detailed coverage of color, colorants, the coloring of materials, and reproducing the color of materials through imaging.
By Roy S. Berns
Build Your Own CNC MachineHelping you to construct your very own working CNC machine, this guide offers everything you need including plans, listings of hardware and the tools required, and step-by-step photos to walk you through.
By James Floyd Kelly, Patrick Hood-Daniel
Competitive Engineering: A Handbook for Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering, and Software Engineering Using PlanguageWritten for anyone involved in management and risk control, this unique book provides a practical set of tools and techniques that enable readers to effectively design, manage and deliver results in any complex organization.
By Tom Gilb
Cut Protective TextilesThis book will help readers understand the pitfalls of assessing cut performance and how to translate that understanding into innovative concepts for their research or product development.
By Daniel Li
Design and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud TechnologyDesign and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud Technology draws on the latest industry advances to provide everything needed for the effective implementation of this powerful tool.
By Dimitris Mourtzis
Design for ReliabilityClearly explaining how to design for zero failure of critical system functions, this guide provides engineers and managers with a range of tools and techniques for incorporating reliability into the design process for complex systems.
By Dev Raheja, Louis J. Gullo
Design for Six Sigma for ServiceTackling the difficulties involved in applying rigorous Six Sigma statistical methods to service environments, this book provides the specifics quality managers need to create product value through improved service practices.
By Kai Yang
Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Product Development, Second EditionPacked with detailed illustrations, careful directions and comparisons, and worked-out calculations, this guide offers professionals the information required to maximize DFSS potential in creating winning products and services for today's marketplace.
By Basem El-Haik, Kai Yang
Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists, Second EditionWritten in non-statistical language, this book takes a unique approach using graphical tools to explain why teaching DoE techniques in the improvement phase of Six Sigma is an important part of problem solving methodology.
By Jiju Antony
Digital Manufacturing: The Industrialization of "Art to Part" 3D Additive PrintingDigital Manufacturing: The Industrialization of "Art to Part" 3D Additive Printing explains everything needed to understand how recent advances in materials science, manufacturing engineering and digital design have integrated to create exciting new capabilities.
By Chandrakant D. Patel, Chun-Hsien Chen
Eaches or Pieces Order Fulfillment, Design, and Operations HandbookCreated for direct marketing and retail store fulfillment operators, this handbook emphasizes the skills and knowledge needed to design, organize, and execute an order-fulfillment operation or concept.
By David E. Mulcahy
Effective FMEAs: Achieving Safe, Reliable, and Economical Products and Processes using Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisWritten from an applications viewpoint with many examples, detailed case studies, and tips included, this book outlines the correct procedures for doing FMEAs and how to successfully apply them in design, development, manufacturing, and service applications.
By Carl S. Carlson
Electrical Safety Code Manual: A Plain Language Guide to National Electrical Code, OSHA and NFPA 70EIncluding step-by-step guidelines, best-practice methods and training program how-to's, this practical and essential guide will tie together the various regulations and practices for electrical safety and translate these complicated standards into easy to understand terms.
By Kimberley Keller
Engineering Drawing for ManufactureThis unique book introduces the subject of engineering drawing for manufacture in the context of ISO standards. It covers engineering drawing protection, ISO rules, the methodology of specifying surface finish, and more.
By Brian Griffiths
Engineering Optimization: Applications, Methods, and AnalysisIncluding examples, exercises, and homework throughout, this book provides a practically-focused introduction to modern engineering optimization best practices, covering fundamental analytical and numerical techniques throughout each stage of the optimization process.
By R. Russell Rhinehart
Factories of the Future: Technological Advancements in the Manufacturing IndustryBusinesses and manufacturers face a slew of demands beyond the usual issues of staying agile and surviving in a competitive landscape within a rapidly changing world.
By Chandan Deep Singh, Harleen Kaur
Food Safety, Plastics and Sustainability: Materials, Chemicals, Recycling and the Circular EconomyThis book focuses on plastics for food safety, materials, chemicals and methods, as well as the applications of these polymers. The book begins with a chapter on food safety.
By Johannes Karl Fink
Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Design, Manufacturing and Inspection: A Handbook for Geometrical Product Specification using ISO and ASME Standards, Second EditionCovering the latest ISO and ANSI/ASME standards, this comprehensive reference presents professional engineers and designers with the state of the art in geometrical tolerancing to allow the unambiguous specification of the parameters of any component.
By Georg Henzold
Handbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions, Second EditionHandbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions, Second Edition provides an up-to-date guide on the latest PI research and applications.
By Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Hazard Analysis Techniques for System SafetyIncluding numerous illustrations and examples, this practical guide explains, in detail, how to perform the most commonly used hazard analysis techniques employed by the system safety engineering discipline.
By Clifton A. Ericson
Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety, Second EditionContaining numerous examples that apply the methodology to everyday problems, this book provides detailed descriptions of the many different hazard analysis techniques, and explains how to perform them as well as when and why to use each one.
By Clifton A. Ericson, II
High Performance Manufacturing: Global PerspectivesLearn how manufacturing procedures are perceived in the business world at present.
By Barbara B. Flynn (eds), Roger G. Schroeder
How to Do Systems Analysis: Primer and CasebookEmphasizing the underlying systems analysis components and associated thought processes, this book describes an approach that is appropriate for complex systems in diverse disciplines complemented by a case-based pedagogy for teaching systems analysis that includes numerous cases that can be used to teach both the art and methods of systems analysis.
By John E. Gibson, Michael C. Smith, William F. Gibson, William T. Scherer
INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities, Fourth EditionPresenting a detailed and thorough reference on the discipline and practice of systems engineering, this ideal resource describes key process activities performed by systems engineers and other engineering professionals throughout the life cycle of a system.
By David D. Walden, Garry J. Roedler, Kevin J. Forsberg, R. Douglas Hamelin, Thomas M. Shortell
Industrial System Engineering for Drones: A Guide with Best Practices for DesigningExplore a complex mechanical system where electronics and mechanical engineers work together as a cross-functional team. Using a working example, this book is a practical "how to" guide to designing a drone system.
By Neeraj Kumar Singh, Porselvan Muthukrishnan, Satyanarayana Sanpini
Infrared System EngineeringBeginning with a history of the development of the infrared portion of the spectrum, this text contains an in-depth treatment of the applications of infrared techniques to the solution of military, industrial, medical, and scientific problems.
By Richard D. Hudson, Jr.
Integrated Logistics Support Handbook, Third EditionFilled with step-by-step guidelines and 300 illustrations engineers and managers can turn to, this text for expert guidance on applying Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) for acquisition and procurement planning in new product development.
By James V. Jones
Introduction to Manufacturing ProcessesIncorporating design topics, with a balance quantitative and qualitative coverage, this book offers the most current information on latest developments in the field and makes the topic of manufacturing processes exciting with visualizing processes.
By Mikell P. Groover
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Fifth EditionWith this detailed, thorough text, you'll learn how to apply state-of-the-art techniques for statistical process monitoring and control, design experiments for process characterization and optimization, conduct process robustness studies, and more.
By Douglas C. Montgomery
Introduction to Systems EngineeringThis comprehensive guidebook offers a unique introduction to the world of systems engineering, focusing on analysis and problem-solving techniques that can be applied throughout the life cycle of product systems and service systems.
By Andrew P. Sage, James E. Armstrong, Jr.
ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook: Using the Standards as a Framework for Business Improvement, Sixth EditionPacked with insights into how the standard has been used, misused and misunderstood, this guide will show you effective quality management using the ISO 9000 family of standards as a framework for business process management (BPM) and improvement.
By David Hoyle
Kaizen in Logistics and Supply ChainsProviding a highly detailed explanation of how to create world-class logistics and supply chains regardless of industry, this book features a real-world case study that illustrates how a company became more competitive by successfully implementing kaizen principles.
By Euclides A. Coimbra
Kanban Made Simple: Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary Manufacturing ProcessUsing Toyota as an example, this is a step-by-step guide to incorporating the ingenuity of the kanban system into any manufacturing environment.
By John M. Gross, Kenneth R. McInnis
Knowledge Engineering for Modern Information Systems: Methods, Models and ToolsThis book presents an extensive collection of the recent findings and innovative research in the information system and KE domain.
By Anand Sharma, Charu Gupta, Prateek Agrawal, Sandeep Kautish, Saurav Nanda, Vishu Madaan
LEAN Manufacturing Implementation: A Complete Execution Manual for Any Size ManufacturerThis manual illustrates the methodologies that will help you produce higher quality products at a lower cost with faster response times to result in improved profit margins and increased market share.
By Dennis P. Hobbs
Lean Six Sigma Approaches in Manufacturing, Services, and ProductionLean Six Sigma Approaches in Manufacturing, Services, and Production outlines the key benefits of Lean and Six Sigma while dispelling common myths, such as the idea that they're only useful in manufacturing. In this Summary, we discuss the salient points of the book based on our interpretation of its contents.
By Benedict M. Uzochukwu (eds), Edem G. Tetteh
Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean SpeedImprove company performance by "getting lean" with Six Sigma strategies.
By Michael L. George
Learn Engineering with LEGO: A Practical Introduction to Engineering ConceptsThis book is a hands-on tour of how machines work with LEGO-there's nothing like building a machine with your own two hands to understand how it works.
By Grady Koch
Logistics Operations and Management: Concepts and ModelsAn introduction to logistics, this book provides a comprehensive overview of how to strategically manage the movement and storage of products or materials from any point in the manufacturing process to customer fulfillment.
By Laleh Kardar (eds), Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Shabnam Rezapour
Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting: Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants, Volume 2, Fourth EditionIncluding numerous photographs of failed parts as well as documented case studies, this trusted reference provides detailed, complete and accurate information on anticipating risk of component failure and avoiding equipment downtime.
By Fred K. Geitner, Heinz P. Bloch
Maintenance and Reliability Best PracticesWritten by professionals with 60+ years of shop floor and management experience in a variety of industries, this practical resource will help seasoned professionals and novices understand the basic principles of maintenance and reliability.
By Ramesh Gulati, Ricky Smith
Managing Complex Technical Projects: A Systems Engineering ApproachWritten for a wide spectrum of readers, from novices to experienced practitioners, this unique resource delivers complete, easy-to-understand coverage of the management of complex technical projects through systems engineering.
By Michael J. Ryan, R. Ian Faulconbridge
Manufacturing Engineering HandbookCovering topics from engineering mathematics to warehouse management systems, this book offers information on conventional and modern manufacturing processes and operations management that will help you to stay competitive in a global marketplace.
By Hwaiyu Geng (ed)
Manufacturing Flexible Packaging: Materials, Machinery, and TechniquesHelping engineers to minimize waste and unproductive time in production, this book discusses the basic processes used to manufacture flexible packaging products, including rotogravure printing, flexographic printing, adhesive lamination, and more.
By Thomas Dunn
Master Scheduling: A Practical Guide to Competitive Manufacturing, Third EditionPacked with handy checklists, examples, case studies and illustrations, this easy-to-follow book delivers guidelines and techniques to help you understand the basic and more advanced concepts of master scheduling.
By John F. Proud
Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and DesignWith contributions from many of the most prominent materials experts and designers in the field today, this authoritative resource shares their expertise and insights on a number of topics common to materials and product design.
By Elvin Karana, Owain Pedgley, Valentina Rognoli
MATLAB in Quality Assurance SciencesFilling a gap in the highly topical field of quality assurance (QA), this book is a concise guide for students, engineers, and scientists in this field, and concentrates on MATLAB fundamentals with examples of applications to a wide range of current problems.
By Leonid Burstein
Metamaterial Design and Additive ManufacturingMetamaterial Design and Additive Manufacturing covers optimization design, manufacturing, microstructure, mechanical properties, acoustic properties, mass-transport properties and application examples of PMs fabricated by selective laser melting additive manufacturing technology.
By Aiguo Zhao, Bo Song, Lei Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Xiaobo Wang, Yusheng Shi
Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in ReengineeringBy defining customer focused design and discussing ways to assess changing demands and sources, this book delves into what is needed to successfully manufacture goods in a demanding market.
By Abdulrahman M. Al-Ahmari (eds), Ali K. Kamrani, Maryam Azimi
Model Based Systems Engineering: Fundamentals and MethodsAfter pointing out the complexity that jeopardizes a lot of system developments, this book examines fundamental aspects of systems under consideration, addresses methodological issues and proposes a methodic approach of MBSE that provides, unlike current practices, systematic and integrated model-based engineering processes.
By Patrice Micouin
Modeling and Managing Interdependent Complex Systems of SystemsA comprehensive guide to the theory, methodology, and development for modeling systems of systems, this text is the resource for understanding the fundamental principles of modeling and managing complex systems of systems, and the risk thereto.
By Yacov Y. Haimes
Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering ApplicationsBeginning with a foundation of concepts, terms, and categories, presenting a theoretical and generalized approach to system of systems engineering, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying theory, methods, and solutions in modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering.
By Andreas Tolk (eds), Larry B. Rainey
Modern Industrial Automation Software Design: Principles and Real-World ApplicationsProviding a hands-on approach to applying a wide variety of emerging technologies to modern industrial practice problems, this book addresses how industrial automation software can be developed in a purposeful and disciplined fashion.
By Kay Chen Tan, Lingfeng Wang
Modern Manufacturing ProcessesThis book draws on the latest international research on traditional and non-traditional practices, to provide valuable advice on the digitization and automation of the manufacturing industry.
By J. Paulo J. Davim, Kaushik Kumar
On the Practice of Safety, Fourth EditionReflecting the latest research and safety practice standards, this text makes it possible for readers to master all the core subjects and practices that today's safety professionals need to know in order to provide optimal protection for their organizations' property and personnel.
By Fred A. Manuele
Optimization of Manufacturing Systems Using the Internet of ThingsIncluding several case studies, this book extends the IoT (Internet of Things) into the manufacturing field to develop an IoMT (Internet of Manufacturing Things) architecture with real-time traceability, visibility, and interoperability in production planning, execution, and control.
By Fei Tao, Yingfeng Zhang
Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package DesignA comprehensive guide to thinking outside the box to create practical, cost-effective, and eco-responsible packaging, this book gives you all the tools for maximizing a product's shelf impact-while minimizing its ecological footprint.
By Wendy Jedlicka
Practical Model-Based Systems EngineeringFor systems engineers and practitioners, this book provides the analytic, design and modeling tools of the Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) methodology of Integrated Systems Engineering (ISE) and Pipelines of Processes in Object Oriented Architectures (PPOOA) methodology.
By Carlos Hernandez, Jose L. Fernandez
Practitioner's Guide for Statistics and Lean Six Sigma for Process ImprovementsProviding numerous opportunities for readers to test their understanding of the presented material, this hands-on book offers thorough coverage of the statistical topics related to effective Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma practices.
By Mikel J. Harry, et al.
Principles of Economics and Management for Manufacturing EngineeringPrinciples of Economics and Management for Manufacturing Engineering combines key engineering economics principles and applications in one easy to use reference.
By D.R. Kiran
Project Management for Designers and Facilities Managers, Fourth EditionThe leading choice for professionals and students seeking to learn and master the skills needed to successfully lead a project from conception to occupancy and beyond, this practical, indispensable guide discusses Building Information Modeling (BIM); describes the pitfalls of weak or ineffective project management systems; and offers specific examples based on real-life construction industry experience.
By Howard G. Birnberg
Quantitative Measurements for LogisticsFilled with over 125 illustrations describing formulas and applications, this comprehensive resource offers a wide variety of measurement tools and computations used in today's logistics operations, from life cycle costs to maintainability computations.
By Philip T. Frohne
Quick Response Manufacturing: A Companywide Approach to Reducing Lead TimesMake improvements in manufacturing with this guide's methodology of QRM, as well as how to put it into practice, its benefits, and more.
By Rajan Suri
Real Process Improvement Using the CMMIThis book offers non-academic, real-world approaches to implementing CMMI-based process improvement in an organization. The author identifies critical concepts of CMMI, and details how to turn them into real process improvement.
By Michael West
Reflow SolderingThis book investigates the technology of reflow soldering from the aspect of the soldering ovens and apparatus.
By Attila Geczy, Habil. Illes Balazs, Oliver Krammer
Reliability Analysis and Asset Management of Engineering SystemsThis book fills a gap on how to deal with such complex systems by linking the concepts of systems reliability and asset management, and then making these solutions more accessible to industry by explaining the availability analysis of complex systems based on simulation methods that emphasise Petri nets.
By Arthur Henrique De Andrade Melani, Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza, Miguel Angelo De Carvalho Michalski, Renan Favarao Da Silva
Reliability and Six SigmaContaining a carefully developed integration of mathematical models that relate Six Sigma and reliability measures, this text is filled with case studies to illustrate the application of the models throughout.
By Haritha Saranga, John Crocker, T. Chitra, U. Dinesh Kurnar
Reliability EngineeringIncluding worked problems, numerical examples, homework problems, a solutions manual, and class-tested materials, this book demonstrates to product development and manufacturing professionals how to distribute key reliability practices throughout an organization.
By Kailash C. Kapur, Michael Pecht
Reliability Modeling in Industry 4.0, First EditionReliability Modeling with Industry 4.0 explores the emerging theoretical and practical developments in reliability engineering in highly digitized industries, including power, computer systems, railway systems, and robotics.
By Liudong Xing, Mangey Ram
Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and ApplicationsUsing examples from a wide range of applications, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to reliability assessments of safety-related systems based on electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) technology.
By Marvin Rausand
Reliability Prediction and Testing TextbookApplicable to all areas of engineering, this textbook details the newest techniques and tools to achieve successful reliability prediction and testing.
By Edward L. Anderson, Lev M. Klyatis
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Tenth EditionReliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Tenth Edition has taught reliability and safety engineers techniques to minimize process design, operation defects and failures for over 40 years.
By David J. Smith
Remote Engineering Management: Managing an Engineering Team in a Remote-First WorldThis book looks at how building connections and working together to solve problems comes naturally when a team is co-located, but can feel almost impossible when everyone is working remotely and communicating over video calls and messages.
By Alexandra Sunderland
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and ApplicationsWith its balanced coverage of theory and applications along with standards and regulations, this book serves as a practical guide to current risk analysis and risk assessment, emphasizing the possibility of sudden, major accidents across various areas of practice.
By Marvin Rausand
Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management, Fourth EditionFilled with numerous updated case studies, this definitive book examines risk analysis, focusing on quantifying risk and constructing probabilities for real-world decision-making, including engineering, design, technology, institutions, organizations, and policy.
By Yacov Y. Haimes (ed)
Safety Culture: An Innovative Leadership ApproachA reference for safety and risk professionals and a training text for corporate-based learners and students at university level, this complete and comprehensive guide will provide the tools needed to develop consistent and effective organizational safety protocols.
By James Roughton, Nathan Crutchfield
Seals and Sealing Handbook, Fifth EditionAn introduction to the subject of sealing technology, this book provides an understanding of the issues involved and sufficient information to assist with achieving reliable and effective sealing.
By Robert Flitney
Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Tools: What Tool? When?Offering an easy-to-read and comprehensive review of the most important current industrial improvement tools, this book offers a broad strategic explanation of how they relate to one another, and their relative strengths and weaknesses.
By Ron Moore
Supply Chain Architecture: A Blueprint for Networking the Flow of Material, Information, and CashWritten by an accomplished practitioner in common sense language, this how-to book provides a complete blueprint for transforming marginal business relationships into exceptionally competitive networks.
By William T. Walker
SysML for Systems Engineering: A Model-Based Approach, 2nd EditionBeginning with a thorough introduction to the concepts behind model-based systems engineering (MBSE), and the theoretical aspects and syntax of SysML, this book then describes how to implement SysML and MBSE in an organisation, and how to model real projects effectively and efficiently.
By Jon Holt, Simon Perry
System Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Mechatronic Systems, Fifth EditionPresenting practical advice on the design of control systems using mathematical models, this book provides step-by-step guidance on how to leverage the power of bond graphs to model the flow of information and energy in all types of engineering systems.
By Dean C. Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis, Ronald C. Rosenberg
System Engineering Management, Fifth EditionPresenting the most current best practices, tools, and methods used in the field today, this comprehensive book includes a discussion of the everyday challenges faced by system engineers and offers a practical guide to the techniques that have proven to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
By Benjamin S. Blanchard, John E. Blyler
Systems EngineeringAddressing some fundamental considerations associated with the engineering of large scale systems, this book deals with methodology, design and management as well as approaches concerning system effectiveness evaluation and the human role in systems.
By Andrew P. Sage
Systems Engineering Competency Assessment Guide: A combined INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework (SECF) and associated Systems Engineering Competency Assessment Guide (SECAG) DocumentThis book provides guidance on how to evaluate proficiency in the competencies defined in the systems engineering competency framework and how to differentiate between proficiency at each of the five levels of proficiency defined within that document.
By Clifford Whitcomb, INCOSE
Systems Engineering in the Digital Age: Practitioner PerspectivesComprehensive resource presenting methods, processes, and tools relating to the digital and model-based transformation from both technical and management views
By Dinesh Verma
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice, Second EditionA national standard textbook for the study of traditional systems engineering for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this book is well organized, readable and fundamental to learning how to think like a systems engineer and carry out best practices in the field.
By Alexander Kossiakoff, Samuel J. Seymour, Steven M. Biemer, William N. Sweet
Systems Engineering with SysML/UML: Modeling, Analysis, DesignPresenting a toolbox you can use to take a uniform road all the way from the idea of a system to its design, this book provides an introduction to SysML and instruction on how to implement it.
By Tim Weilkiens
Systems Management for Information Technology and Software EngineeringThis new book discusses important concerns for the development of systems from the perspective of information technology, information systems, and software systems engineering.
By Andrew P. Sage
The Art of Product Design: Changing How Things Get MadeDescribing the rise of "Open Engineering" - a way of breaking down barriers and taking advantage of web-based communities, knowledge, and tools to accelerate the design and manufacturing processes, this book explains how to establish open flows of information inside and outside an organization, increasing the quality and frequency of input from different groups and stakeholders.
By Hardi Meybaum
The Basics of FMEA, Second EditionProviding expert advice to help shorten the learning curve for FMEA teams to conduct effective and efficient FMEAs, this book shows how to use FMEAs to assess, evaluate, and prioritize areas of risk, and then implement actions to reduce risk levels.
By Michael R. Beauregard, Raymond J. Mikulak, Robin E. McDermott
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second EditionCompiling a wealth of information from diverse sources to provide a unique, one-stop reference, this book takes a model-based approach to key systems engineering design activities and introduces methods and models used in the real world.
By Dennis M. Buede
The Lean Extended Enterprise: Moving Beyond the Four Walls to Value Stream ExcellenceThis unique and cutting-edge book discusses how to integrate the total value stream and achieve success through empowered people and teams, cultural transformation, and an integration of Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, and enabling technologies.
By Steven M. Boeder, Terrence T. Burton
The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook: Tools and Methods for Process AccelerationFilled with diagrams of the tools you'll need, this insightful book supplies a comprehensive framework to help you organize and process the vast amount of information currently available about Lean, quality management, and continuous improvement process applications.
By Chuck Mignosa, Frank Voehl, H. James Harrington, Rich Charron
The Manager's Guide to Health and Safety at Work, 8th EditionFilled with expert knowledge and up-to-date information, this jargon-free text unravels legal complexities and explains how to establish systems and procedures for effective health and safety management in any type of organization.
By Jeremy Stranks
The OEE Primer: Understanding Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Reliability, and MaintainabilityBreaking down the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) methodology from a historical perspective, this book explores the overall effectiveness of machines and unveils novel methods that focus on design improvement.
By D. H. Stamatis
The Paradoxical Mindset of Systems Engineers: Uncommon Minds, Skills, and CareersOffering the most comprehensive career guidance in the field available today, this book provides an in-depth look at the proficiencies and personal qualities effective systems engineers require and the positions they should seek for successful careers.
By Arthur Pyster, Devanandham Henry, Nicole Hutchison
The PDMA Handbook of Innovation and New Product Development, Fourth EditionThis edition is completely revised to include 32 new and refreshed chapters on topics including: Creating Successful Innovation, Sustainable New Product Development (NPD), Digital Transformation of NPD, the Changing Role of Design Thinking, Market Forecasting, and much more.
By Charles H. Noble, Ludwig Bstieler
The Six Sigma Black Belt HandbookProviding the tools needed to deal with the most intractable business problems, this book offers statistical methods aimed at Six Sigma practitioners unwilling to settle for anything less than peak performance in manufacturing and services.
By Lorraine Daniels, Michael Bremer, Praveen Gupta, Tom McCarty
The Smart Cyber Ecosystem for Sustainable DevelopmentThis book explains about Sustainable Development of Cyber Ecosystem.
By Pardeep Kumar, Vasaki Ponnusamy, Vishal Jain
The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and TechnologyBy comparing and contrasting the world-class product development process of Toyota with that of a U.S. competitor, this book analyzes the effective product development methodology that has made Toyota the most forward-thinking company in the industry.
By James M. Morgan, Jeffrey K. Liker
Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just-In-Time, Fourth EditionExploring the latest developments in the Toyota Production System (TPS) framework at Toyota, this authoritative book provides easy-to-follow guidance for implementing the TPS in your organization.
By Yasuhiro Monden
Trade-off Analytics: Creating and Exploring the System TradespaceUsing multiple examples from defense and commercial domains, this book provides a sound trade-off analysis framework to generate the tradespace and evaluate value and risk to support system decision-making throughout the life cycle.
By Gregory S. Parnell
Turbo Flow: Using Plan for Every Part (PFEP) to Turbo Charge Your Supply ChainA Plan for Every Part (PFEP) is all about determining the right part at the right time, in the quantity needed. This book explains how to take this detailed inventory plan from the manufacturing arena and apply it to boost performance and cost efficiencies in your supply chain.
By Robyn Rooks, Tim Conrad
Ugly's Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E, 2015 EditionDesigned for electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, inspectors, instructors, and students, this invaluable resource provides fast access to the most commonly referenced sections of the latest NFPA 70E and related safety standards.
By Charles R. Miller
UML for Systems Engineering: Watching the Wheels, Second EditionBased on a training course given by the author, this updated and revised text coincides with the release of UML version 2, and covers the significant changes that have occurred since its release.
By Jon Holt
Uptime: Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management, Third EditionExplaining how to harness rapidly evolving technologies, such as mobile and cloud computing, to support and enhance maintenance departments, this book details a strategy for developing and executing improvement plans that work well with the values prevalent in today's workforce.
By James V. Reyes-Picknell, John D. Campbell
Value Engineering Synergies with Lean Six Sigma: Combining Methodologies for Enhanced ResultsGraphically depicting VE and LSS, and mapping the two tools into one another, this text provides a clear understanding of the circumstances and types of problems where integrating these techniques will be most effective.
By Anthony Hermes, Donald Parker, Heather Williams, Jay Mandelbaum
Verification, Validation and Testing of Engineered SystemsBeginning with a thorough explanation of the role of VVT in the process of engineered systems, the book provides a quantitative, credible model that answers the key questions of what, how, and when one should test, as well as when to stop testing.
By Avner Engel
World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make it HappenThis book describes powerful tools for the twenty-first century that can predict and correct potential field failures at the design stage of the product, so companies don't have to wait helplessly to witness failures in the hands of customers.
By Adi K. Bhote, Keki R. Bhote
Adhesives Technology Handbook, Third EditionCovering a wide range of industrial applications across sectors including medical applications, automotive/aerospace, packaging, electronics, and consumer goods, this book provides a complete guide to the selection of adhesives, methods of use, industrial applications, and the fundamentals of adhesion.
By Arthur H. Landrock, Sina Ebnesajjad
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques for Engineering and Engineered MaterialsAdvanced Manufacturing Techniques for Engineering and Engineered Materials provides a unified and complete overview about the recent and emerging trends, developments, and associated technology with scope for the commercialization of techniques specific to manufacturing materials.
By N. Rajan, R. Thanigaivelan, T.G. Argul
Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook: Processing, Materials, and Applications, Second EditionFocusing on the engineering aspects of producing and using plastics, this book covers both the polymer basics that are helpful to bring readers quickly up-to-speed if they are not familiar with a particular area of plastics processing, and the recent developments that enable practitioners to discover which options best fit their requirements.
By Myer Kutz (ed)
Applied Welding Engineering: Processes, Codes, and StandardsIncluding rules for developing efficient welding designs and fabrication procedures, this book is designed to provide practical in-depth instruction for the selection of the materials incorporated in the joint, joint inspection, and the quality control for the final product.
By Ramesh Singh
Biodegradable Polymers: Materials and their StructuresThis book is about development of biodegradable polymers alternatives, which are required to save our reserves of fossil fuels and to save our mother earth from further environmental degradation.
By Manjari Sharma
Brydson's Plastics Materials, Eighth EditionWith a 50 year history as the principal reference in the field of plastics material, and fully updated by an expert team of polymer scientists and engineers, this authoritative book is essential reading for researchers and practitioners in this field.
By Marianne Gilbert
Carbon Based Nanomaterials for Advanced Thermal and Electrochemical Energy Storage and ConversionProviding insights from industrial experts, this book presents a comprehensive overview of recent theoretical and experimental developments and prospects on carbon-based nanomaterials for thermal, solar and electrochemical energy conversion.
By Cheng-Te Lin (eds), Rajib Paul, Vinodkumar Etacheri, Yan Wang
Coatings: Materials, Processes, Characterization and OptimizationThis book presents recent developments in the coating processes, sub processes and emphasizes on processes with the potential to improve performance quality and reproducibility.
By B.Sridhar Babu, J. Paulo Davim, Kaushik Kumar
Corrosion Failures: Theory, Case Studies, and SolutionsWith 80 case studies presented, this thorough resource details numerous examples of corrosion failures and provides a description of the type of service involved, the specific problem occurred, the materials of construction, observations, diagnostic results and remedy.
By K. Elayaperumal, V. S. Raja
Epoxy Adhesive FormulationsBased on a popular course sponsored by the Society of Plastics Engineers, this comprehensive text presents a variety of methods to ensure optimum epoxy performance and reliability.
By Edward M. Petrie
Extrusion: The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook, Second EditionWith a focus on practical fault analysis and troubleshooting techniques, this detailed guide to extrusion brings together both equipment and materials processing aspects and is designed to improve production efficiency and product quality.
By Eldridge M. Mount III, Harold F. Giles Jr., John R. Wagner Jr.
Failure of Material in Mechanical Design: Analysis, Prediction, Prevention, Second EditionCovering the basic principles of failure of metallic and non-metallic materials in mechanical design applications, this book emphasizes the potential for mechanical failure from stresses, strains and energy transfers in machine parts.
By Jack A. Collins
Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials, Third EditionWith its balanced presentation of polymer chemistry, physics, and engineering applications, this classic text instills readers with a solid understanding of the core concepts underlying polymeric materials.
By Christopher S. Brazel, Stephen L. Rosen
Handbook of Polymer Synthesis, Characterization, and ProcessingCovering a broad range of polymer science topics, this book provides polymer industry professionals and researchers in polymer science and technology with a single, comprehensive handbook summarizing all aspects involved in the polymer production chain.
By Eduardo Vivaldo-Lima, Enrique Saldívar-Guerra
Handbook of Troubleshooting Plastics Processes: A Practical GuideProviding a window into what it takes to be an effective and efficient troubleshooter, this comprehensive and authoritative book offers a framework for understanding how to characterize plastic manufacturing processes for use in troubleshooting problems.
By John R. Wagner, Jr.
Intelligent Nanotechnology: Merging Nanoscience and Artificial Intelligence, First EditionIntelligent Nanotechnology: Merging Nanoscience and Artificial Intelligence provides an overview of advances in science and technology made possible by the convergence of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI).
By Yuebing Zheng, Zilong Wu
Introduction to Industrial Polyethylene: Properties, Catalysts, and ProcessesEducating readers on terminology commonly used in the industry, this concise primer demystifies the chemistry of catalysts and cocatalysts employed in the manufacture of polyethylene.
By Dennis Malpass
Introduction to Polymers, 3rd EditionThis book presents the science underpinning the synthesis, characterization and properties of polymers.
By Peter A. Lovell, Robert J. Young
Light Alloys: Metallurgy of the Light Metals, Fifth EditionProviding a definitive, single volume overview on the light alloys, this book presents new material on the processing, characteristics, and applications of these essential metals, and covers the latest applications and processes in the auto and aero industries.
By David StJohn, Ian Polmear, Jian-Feng Nie, Ma Qian
Manufacturing Flexible Packaging: Materials, Machinery, and TechniquesHelping engineers to minimize waste and unproductive time in production, this book discusses the basic processes used to manufacture flexible packaging products, including rotogravure printing, flexographic printing, adhesive lamination, and more.
By Thomas Dunn
Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and DesignWith contributions from many of the most prominent materials experts and designers in the field today, this authoritative resource shares their expertise and insights on a number of topics common to materials and product design.
By Elvin Karana, Owain Pedgley, Valentina Rognoli
Materials Processing: A Unified Approach to Processing of Metals, Ceramics and PolymersWith examples of both standard and newer additive manufacturing methods, this book teaches the fundamental principles involved in the processing of engineering materials, specifically metals, ceramics and polymers, from starting or raw materials through to the final functional forms.
By Lorraine F. Francis
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th EditionDesigned to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, this book explains the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.
By David G. Rethwisch, William D. Callister Jr.
Mechanics of Solid Polymers: Theory and Computational ModelingIncluding case studies and example Matlab code, this authoritative reference provides a modern view of how solid polymers behave, how they can be experimentally characterized, and how to predict their behavior in different load environments.
By Jörgen Bergström
Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention, Second EditionA definitive and authoritative resource in metallurgical failure analysis, this comprehensive book covers not only how failure occurs but also examines methods developed to expose the reasons for failure.
By Arthur J. McEvily
MIG Welding GuideMIG (metal inert gas) welding, also known as gas metal arc welding (GMAW), is a key joining technology in manufacturing. This book provides a comprehensive, practical and accessible guide to this widely used process.
By Gunnar Lindén (eds), Klas Weman
Nanomaterials Applications for Environmental Matrices: Water, Soil and AirTaking a highly interdisciplinary approach to evaluating the use of a range of nanomaterials for various environmental applications, this book focuses, in particular, on their use in soil remediation, in improving water cleanliness, and in improving air quality.
By Amauri Jardim De Paula, Odair Pastor Ferreira, Ronaldo Fereira do Nascimento, Vicente de Oliveira Sousa Neto (eds)
Nanotechnology in the Defense Industry: Advances, Innovation, and Practical ApplicationsDiscussing the various aspects related to applications and use of knowledge of nanotechnology in promoting defense activities, this book is intended to cover available methodologies and understanding of technologies for these applications.
By Angelica Silvestre Lopez Rodriguez, Chetna Sharon, Madhuri Sharon, Pio Sifuentes Gallardo
Organic Coatings: Science and Technology, 4th EditionThe book incorporates up-to-date coverage of recent developments in the field with detailed discussions of the principles underlying the technology and their applications in the development, production, and uses of organic coatings.
By Frank N. Jones, Mark E. Nichols, Socrates Peter Pappas
Polymer ExtrusionIncluding a short description of the most commonly used calculation methods, this book provides an insight into the main processes involving a single-screw extruder, as well as examples of manufactured products.
By Bruno Vergnes, Pierre G. Lafleur
Polymers Coatings: Technology and ApplicationsThe explores the cutting-edge technology of polymer coatings. It discusses fundamentals, fabrication strategies, characterization techniques, and allied applications in fields such as corrosion, food, pharmaceutical, biomedical systems and electronics.
By Abdullah M. Asiri, Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed, Rajender Boddula
Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion ControlHighly illustrated, with worked examples and definitions, this one-stop guide covers basic corrosion principles, and more advanced information for postgraduate students and professionals.
By Zaki Ahmad
Properties of MaterialsUsing an atomic and molecular approach to introduce the basic principles of materials science from the perspective of various properties, this text is ideal for those interested in an introduction to the physical aspects of materials science.
By Mary Anne White
Quantum Materials, Devices, and ApplicationsThe book includes new materials, new device structures that are commercially available, and many more at the advanced research stage. It reviews the most relevant, current and emerging materials and device structures, organized by key applications and covers existing devices, technologies and future possibilities within a common framework of high-performance quantum devices.
By Marcelo Oliveira Rodrigues, Mohamed Henini
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and EngineersIllustrating theoretical concepts with examples of nanostructured materials, optics, and semiconductor devices, this book relates the core principles of quantum mechanics to modern applications in engineering, physics, and nanotechnology.
By David A. B. Miller
Rare Earth Materials: Properties and ApplicationsDetailing the unique characteristics and applications of the 17 rare earth materials (REMs), this book defines their chemical, electrical, thermal, and optical characteristics with an emphasis on their physical and chemical properties.
By A.R. Jha
Solidification and Crystallization Processing in Metals and AlloysFeaturing many solved examples in the text, as well as exercises with answers, this in-depth book analyzes solidification and crystallization processes, and shows the relationship between the theory and the experimental results.
By Hasse Fredriksson, Ulla Åkerlind
Stress Corrosion Cracking: Theory and PracticeFeaturing distinguished editors and international team of contributors, this essential reference reviews the fundamentals of the phenomenon as well as examining stress corrosion behavior in specific materials and particular industries.
By Tetsuo Shoji, V. S. Raja
Sustainable Nanoscale Engineering: From Materials Design to Chemical ProcessingDescribing new, efficient and environmentally accepted processes for nanomaterials design, this book includes a large array of materials, such as metal-organic frameworks, graphene, imprinted polymers, and more.
By Andrew Livingston, Gyorgy Szekely
The Science and Technology of Flexible Packaging: Multilayer Films from Resin and Process to End UseProviding a comprehensive guide to the use of plastic films in flexible packaging, covering scientific principles, properties, processes, and end use considerations, this book brings the science of multilayer films to the practitioner in a concise and impactful way, presenting the fundamental understanding required to improve product design, material selection, and processes.
By Barry A. Morris
Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, Third EditionProviding coverage of corrosion rates, corrosion behavior of materials, and engineering approaches to corrosion control for nonmetallic materials, this book is a reference for those concerned with the use of materials in applications where reliability and resistance to corrosion are important.
By R. Winston Revie (ed)
Welding Metallurgy and WeldabilityIllustrating the weldability aspects of structural materials used in a wide variety of engineering structures, this book provides engineers and students with the information needed to understand the basic concepts of welding metallurgy and to interpret the failures in welded components.
By John C. Lippold
Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel-Base AlloysEnabling engineers to select the proper alloys, filler metals, heat treatments, and welding conditions, this book describes the fundamental metallurgical principles that control the microstructure and properties of welded Ni-based alloys.
By John C. Lippold, John N. DuPont, Samuel D. Kiser