ZBA Zen of Business Administration: How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work and Your Life

  • 3h 8m
  • Marc Lesser
  • New World Library
  • 2005

In the great Zen tradition of teaching stories, Marc Lesser relates his own personal and professional trials as he navigates the delicate path of managing a successful business while staying true to his spiritual roots. Struggling through a difficult economic climate, he also faces the usual challenges of running a growing company - meeting payroll, balancing cash flow, hiring and firing employees, and maintaining relationships with vendors and customers. Guiding him through these difficulties while providing strength and insight is the practice of Zen. Utilizing his training as a Zen practitioner, Lesser learns to apply specific teachings such as the eight-fold path directly to work and life. In chapters such as "Work: The Impossible Request," "Appreciating Uncertainty," and "Accomplishing More by Doing Less," Z.B.A. provides readers with intimate, helpful advice, while acknowledging the paradox of applying spiritual practice to the business world.

About the Author

Marc Lesser has been practicing and studying Zen for thirty years and is a Zen priest in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi, author of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. Marc was a resident of the San Francisco Zen Center for ten years and in 1983 served as director of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, the first Zen monastery in the West.

He was founder and CEO of Brush Dance, a publishing company that creates greeting cards, journals, and calendars, for fifteen years and currently teaches and lectures in both the Zen and business environments. He holds an M.B.A. from New York University’s Graduate School of Business.

Marc is the president of ZBA Associates, a company offering coaching and consulting services in the business and not for profit communities.

In this Book

  • Z.B.A. Zen Of Business Administration—How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work and Your Life
  • Introduction
  • Start Where You Are
  • Serenity Is Not Freedom From The Storm But Peace Within The Storm
  • The Benefits Of Integrating Zen Practice With Your Work
  • Unfreezing Your World
  • Work—The Impossible Request
  • Our Happiness and Freedom are Right Here, Right Now
  • Before Awakening, Work Is Just Work; After Awakening, Work Is Just Work
  • The First Thing, The Most Important Thing
  • That Darn Tail
  • Uncovering Your Approach—Right View
  • What Are You Thinking? Right Thinking
  • Paying Attention—Right Mindfulness
  • It’s What You Say—Right Speech
  • It’s What You Do—Right Action
  • It’s Your Work—Right Livelihood
  • Staying With It0151Right Diligence
  • Staying Focused—Right Concentration
  • Generosity
  • Ethical Conduct
  • Patience
  • Energy and Zeal
  • Meditation— Letting Go Of Everything
  • Wisdom—Your Ordinary Mind Is The Path
  • Run Your Business and Your Life Like A Zen Monastery Kitchen
  • Impermanence
  • Listening To Your Clear, Quiet Voice
  • Radical View Of Life, Radical View Of Business
  • Accomplishing More By Doing Less
  • The Power Of Intention
  • What Do You Want? What Do You Have To Do To Get It? Can You Pay The Price?
  • No Other Truth
  • Taking The Busyness Out Of Business
  • Having A Teacher Or Mentor
  • Interdependence
  • Success Is Highly Overrated
  • Tenacity
  • Let Cash Be Your King, But Let Flexibility Be Your God
  • Be Mindful Of The Needs You Meet
  • Radical Listening
  • Appreciating Uncertainty
  • Sit-Down Comedy—Humor At Work
  • Embracing Our Stories
  • Woo Hoo, I Feel Really Dumb
  • Not You, Not Your Problems
  • You Can Change The World
  • If It’s Not Paradoxical, It’s Not True!
  • Act As Though You Know What You Are Doing
  • Nine Practices For Being More In Connection With Yourself While At Work
  • The Z.B.A. Manifesto
  • Recommended Reading