Your Work from Home Life: Redefine, Reorganize and Reinvent Your Remote Work

  • 1h 55m
  • Becca Anderson, M.J. Fievre
  • Mango Media
  • 2020

Whatever your remote work circumstance, learn how to be productive at home with nuggets of hard-earned wisdom. From choosing the best colors for workspace productivity to starting a business, these remote work gurus offer everything needed for a smooth work-to-home transition.

The new world of working from home. No longer does the average worker have long, frustrating commutes to crowded offices for jobs more comfortably worked from home. In this day and age, not only are more employers offering remote work, more people are creating their own opportunities for non-traditional work from home. Whether you are a remote work employee, freelancer, or someone who dreams of giving up the daily grind for a career of your own design, Your Work from Home Life is the next step to becoming the ultimate work nomad.

Productivity tips and much more. Remote work gurus Becca Anderson and M.J. Fievre guide you through the online search process and help you create a list of online certification programs, blogging opportunities, and jobs that allow you to work from home. Together, they offer advice on planning, budgeting, contingency plans, and other resources. Along with advice on how to be productive at home, this fun and uplifting book includes bonus checklists and templates to help you:

  • Take advantage of technology and platforms, home office set-ups, and breaks at work
  • Work with colleagues while redefining collegial camaraderie, avoiding overwhelmed and isolated feelings
  • Develop time and distraction management to meet pressing deadlines and achieve focused, deep work
  • Discover the important role of self-care and personalize your very own self-care strategy

About the Authors

MJ Fievre has many years of experience working in non-traditional and remote roles as an educator, writer, coach, translator, and entrepreneur. She currently works as an acquisitions editor for the fastest growing publisher in the United States, and also serves as a project manager for a multi-faceted corporation with a multi-national consultant base that provides art, writing, and translation services to clients world-wide. In this book, she shares her decades-long experience in remote work, beginning with her work as a freelancer in Port-au-Prince, Miami, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, eventually starting her own company.

Becca Anderson is a writer and editor who works from a home office in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is an expert in cultivating camaraderie, agility, and collaboration within her online team. In Your Home Work Life, she shares powerful advice gleaned from professional experience. Originally from Ohio, Becca credits her first grade teacher as a great inspiration. She runs several popular online classes and workshops.

In this Book

  • Chapter 1: Know What You're Signing Up For
  • Chapter 2: Create Your Workspace
  • Chapter 3: Know Your Peak Hours…and Eat the Frog!
  • Chapter 4: Understand the Basics of Planning and Scheduling
  • Chapter 5: Set Boundaries Between Home and Work When Work is at Home
  • Chapter 6: Stay Connected
  • Chapter 7: Practice Self-Care
  • Chapter 8: Work on Your Career, Your Finances—and Yourself
  • Chapter 9: Don't be Afraid to Ask for Help/Expect the Unexpected


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