Your Customers' Perception of Quality: What it Means to Your Bottom Line and How to Control It

  • 2h 49m
  • Baboo Kureemun, Robert Fantina
  • CRC Press
  • 2011

Providing the insight and tools needed to improve the perception your customers have about the quality of your product or service, Your Customers' Perception of Quality: What It Means to Your Bottom Line and How to Control It introduces a ground-breaking model for measuring the impact of quality perception on your bottom line. Allowing you to look at quality from an outside-in, truly customer-centric perspective, the authors pave a concrete connection between enhanced customer perception and increased profitability.

The book introduces cutting-edge concepts in customer-centric quality—explaining exactly how to identify, plan, cost justify, manage, and deliver consistent improvements to the factors that matter most to your customers. Helping you harness the power of the universal set of tools, techniques, and methods at your disposal in the field of quality, the book:

  • Unveils a model that provides quantifiable information for determining the impact of customer perception on your bottom line
  • Details a strategic model for attaining long-term benefits—including the tools required to make the necessary tactical changes
  • Includes a wealth of customizable tools to help kick-start implementation efforts

The text clearly illustrates how to implement methods proven to improve operational efficiencies, foster customer loyalty, and drive increased revenue through positive word of mouth. Complete with helpful checklists, templates, tools, and detailed instructions on how to tailor them to your company, the authors guide you through the path of evaluating, analyzing, and implementing the value-adding adjustments needed to drive profits and boost customer loyalty.

About the Authors

Baboo Kureemun is a seasoned hands-on project management practitioner, with over 18 years of experience strategizing, planning, and executing business-critical initiatives in multiple industries across different cultures. He is presently employed by the Children, Youth and Social Services I&IT Cluster of the government of Ontario, Canada.

Robert Fantina specializes in business process analysis, and has served in that role as a consultant and employee in several Fortune 500 companies in the United States and Canada. He is currently employed by Research in Motion (RIM) in Canada.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • The Neglected Frontier of Quality in Today's Qualitysphere
  • Why Customers' Perception of Quality is So Important
  • Demonstrating the Return on Investment in Customer Perception of Quality
  • Garnering Support and Gaining Endorsement
  • A Framework to Derive the Right Investments
  • Managing a Journey of Continuous Improvement
  • Metrics That Prove the Worth of the Initiatives
  • Delivering a Capability to Sustain Customers' Perception of Quality Function
  • Common Hurdles That Plague Customers' Perception of Quality Initiatives
  • Conclusion—Letter to a New Champion of Customers' Perception of Quality
  • Bibliography


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