XDA's Developers' Android Hacker's Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Rooting, ROMs and Theming

  • 2h 24m
  • Jason Tyler, Will Verduzco
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2012

Make your Android device truly your own

Are you eager to make your Android device your own but you're not sure where to start? Then this is the book for you. XDA is the world's most popular resource for Android hacking enthusiasts, and a huge community has grown around customizing Android devices with XDA. XDA's Android Hacker's Toolkit gives you the tools you need to customize your devices by hacking or rooting the android operating system.

Providing a solid understanding of the internal workings of the Android operating system, this book walks you through the terminology and functions of the android operating system from the major nodes of the file system to basic OS operations. As you learn the fundamentals of Android hacking that can be used regardless of any new releases, you'll discover exciting ways to take complete control over your device.

  • Teaches theory, preparation and practice, and understanding of the OS
  • Explains the distinction between ROMing and theming
  • Provides step-by-step instructions for Droid, Xoom, Galaxy Tab, LG Optimus, and more
  • Identifies the right tools for various jobs
  • Contains new models enabling you to root and customize your phone
  • Offers incomparable information that has been tried and tested by the amazing XDA community of hackers, gadgeteers, and technicians

XDA's Android Hacker's Toolkit is a simple, one-stop resource on hacking techniques for beginners.

About the Authors

Jason Tyler has been an IT instructor and is currently Director of Technology for Typefrag.com. An avid Android hacker, Jason has been rooting and ROMing every Android phone he can get his hands on since the OG Droid.

Will Verduzco is a Johns Hopkins University graduate in neuroscience and is now currently studying to become a physician. He is also Portal Administrator for XDA-Developers, and has been addicted to mobile technology since the HTC Wizard. Starting with the Nexus One, however, his gadget love affair has shifted to Google's little green robot.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Android OS Internals—Understanding How Your Device Starts
  • Rooting Your Android Device
  • The Right Tool for the Job
  • Rooting and Installing a Custom Recovery
  • Theming—Digital Cosmetic Surgery
  • You've become Superuser—Now What?
  • HTC EVO 3D—A Locked Device
  • Nexus One—An Unlockable Device
  • HTC ThunderBolt—A Tightly Locked Device
  • Droid Charge—Flashing with ODIN
  • Nexus S—An Unlocked Device
  • Motorola Xoom—An Unlocked Honeycomb Tablet
  • Nook Color—Rooting with a Bootable SD Card