x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux, 4th Edition

  • 11h 46m
  • Jeff Duntemann
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2023

The long-awaited x64 edition of the bestselling introduction to Intel assembly language

In the newly revised fourth edition of x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux, author Jeff Duntemann delivers an extensively rewritten introduction to assembly language with a strong focus on 64-bit long-mode Linux assembler. The book offers a lighthearted, robust, and accessible approach to a challenging technical discipline, giving you a step-by-step path to learning assembly code that’s engaging and easy to read.

x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step makes quick work of programmable computing basics, the concepts of binary and hexadecimal number systems, the Intel x86/x64 computer architecture, and the process of Linux software development to dive deep into the x64 instruction set, memory addressing, procedures, macros, and interface to the C-language code libraries on which Linux is built.

You’ll also find:

  • A set of free and open-source development and debugging tools you can download and put to use immediately
  • Numerous examples woven throughout the book to illustrate the practical implementation of the ideas discussed within
  • Practical tips on software design, coding, testing, and debugging

A one-stop resource for aspiring and practicing Intel assembly programmers, the latest edition of this celebrated text provides readers with an authoritative tutorial approach to x64 technology that’s ideal for self-paced instruction.

About the Author

JEFF DUNTEMANN is an accomplished author of both science fiction and technical nonfiction. He has published dozens of technical articles in magazines, co-founded The Coriolis Group, a large publishing house in Arizona, and works as a technical publishing consultant. He owns Copperwood Press, a POD imprint hosted on amazon.com.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • It's All in the Plan: Understanding What Computers Really Do
  • Alien Bases: Getting Your Arms Around Binary and Hexadecimal
  • Lifting the Hood: Discovering What Computers Actually Are
  • Location, Location, Location: Registers, Memory Addressing, and Knowing Where Things Are
  • The Right to Assemble: The Process of Creating Assembly Language Programs
  • A Place to Stand, with Access to Tools: Linux and the Tools That Shape the Way You Work
  • Following Your Instructions: Meeting Machine Instructions Up Close and Personal
  • Our Object All Sublime: Creating Programs That Work
  • Bits, Flags, Branches, and Tables: Easing Into Mainstream Assembly Coding
  • Dividing and Conquering: Using Procedures and Macros to Battle Program Complexity
  • Strings and Things: Those Amazing String Instructions
  • Heading Out to C: Calling External Functions Written in the C Language
  • Conclusion: Not the End, But Only the Beginning


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