Workplace Learning: How to Build a Culture of Continuous Employee Development

  • 4h 18m
  • Nigel Paine
  • Kogan Page
  • 2019

For a company to compete effectively in today's business environment, its employees need to be adaptive and agile so they can develop the required skills and knowledge. To achieve this, L&D professionals must create a culture of workplace learning that encourages employees to constantly develop. This means moving away from the traditional approach of simply offering a catalogue of courses to embedding learning in every part of the company. Workplace Learning is a practical guide to all aspects of developing a culture of continuous workplace learning, from how to introduce and implement this culture to how to develop it.

Showing that learning is not finite and is instead something that all employees should be doing continuously throughout their careers, Workplace Learning covers how to identify key areas to focus the most effort on, measure success and determine next steps. It also outlines how to use technology to support workplace learning from MOOCs through to apps such as Knewton and Degreed. Packed with case studies from organizations who have effectively established outstanding workplace learning including Microsoft, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), HT2 and The Happy Company, this is essential reading for L&D professionals looking to make a real difference to the development of their staff and the future success of their organizations.

About the Author

Nigel Paine is a change-focused leader with a worldwide reputation and extensive experience in leadership and consultancy. As the Head of Training and Development at BBC, he built one of the most successful learning and development operations in the UK. Based in the UK, he now runs his own consultancy which focuses on leadership, creativity, innovation and e-learning, working with companies in Europe, Brazil, Australia and the US. He is an academic director and member of the international advisory board at the University of Pennsylvania, board member of Management Issues and a Masie Learning Fellow.

In this Book

  • Where did a Learning Culture Come from?
  • Senge and the Fifth Discipline
  • Bob Garratt and the Learning Organization
  • What are the Core Components of a Learning Culture?
  • Lubricating Learning: A Case Study of the WD-40 Company
  • Happy Ltd and HT2: Learning Culture in Action
  • Work and Learning
  • Why Technology is an Essential Component of a Learning Culture
  • What are the Essential Components of a Learning Culture?