Workforce Wake-Up Call: Your Workforce is Changing, Are You?

  • 6h 35m
  • Elissa Tucker, Nidhi Verma (eds), Robert Gandossy
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2006

We are currently at the beginning of a seismic shift in the workforce. No one has enough foresight to predict exactly how this shift will play out, nor can we fully understand precisely how organizations should better prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. But one thing is certain—few organizations are ready and many are just muddling through. In a knowledge economy, with the largest and fastest growing expense being people, this can be a costly mistake.

Executives, talent managers, and human resources professionals who want to compete and win will have to face these workforce changes with open eyes and innovative strategies. Drawing from experts across a wide spectrum of disciplines, Workforce Wake-Up Call is an all-in-one guide for business leaders seeking to move into the future of talent management and face these challenges head-on.

This collection of chapters from an all-star list of contributors provides leaders with a holistic picture of the changing workforce and how it will affect talent management. Even better, the book is packed with effective solutions from leading companies. A practical discussion of topics like human capital investment, the competition for scarce talent, using Customer Relationship Management as an employee management system, and the future of leadership development, make this book prescriptive as well as theoretically rigorous.

With the kind of insight you'll find nowhere else, from talent experts and business leaders known for trailblazing and innovation, Workforce Wake-Up Call brings talent management into the twenty-first century and shows managers how to confront and beat the challenges that lay ahead.

In this Book

  • Workforce Wake-Up Call—Your Workforce Is Changing, Are You?
  • Introduction: Abundance, Asia, and Automation
  • Some Half-Truths about Managing People—A Call for Evidence-Based Management
  • Predictable Surprises—The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming
  • Human Capital Investments for Pareto-Optimal Returns
  • Using Workforce Analytics to Make Strategic Talent Decisions
  • Cutting Through the Fog—Navigating the Messy Wars for Talent
  • Staffing for the Future—Next Generation Workforce Management
  • How an Evolving—Psychological Contract Is Changing Workforce Flexibility
  • Leading the Knowledge Nomad—An Overlooked Segment of the Workforce Explodes the Myth That Worker Mobility Comes at the Expense of Worker Engagement
  • What Happened to the “New Deal” with Employees?
  • Human Capital Relationship Management—Using Customer Relationship Management to Customize Employee Relationships
  • Getting the “New” Newcomer Connected and Productive Quickly
  • Creating a Virtuous Spiral Organization
  • Managing Workforce Challenges in India’s IT Industry
  • Unleashing the Power of a High Performance Workforce
  • Out of This World Doing Things the Semco Way
  • Diversity’s Next Frontier: Hard-Core Inclusion—The Hard Stuff of a Soft Concept
  • The Democratic Enterprise
  • Building Tomorrow’s Leadership Pipeline
  • The Future of Work—From “Command and Control” to “Coordinate and Cultivate”
  • Women in Business Leadership—What Companies Ought to Do
  • Leadership in the Internet Age—Managing a Diverse and Dispersed Workforce
  • Workforce Diversity—A Global HR Topic That Has Arrived
  • Organization as Nature Intended—Human Universals and the Employment Experience
  • Notes