Wireless Virtualization

  • 2h 14m
  • Heming Wen, Prabhat Kumar Tiwary, Tho Le-Ngoc
  • Springer
  • 2013

This SpringerBriefs is an overview of the emerging field of wireless access and mobile network virtualization. It provides a clear and relevant picture of the current virtualization trends in wireless technologies by summarizing and comparing different architectures, techniques and technologies applicable to a future virtualized wireless network infrastructure. The readers are exposed to a short walkthrough of the future Internet initiative and network virtualization technologies in order to understand the potential role of wireless virtualization in the broader context of next-generation ubiquitous networks. Three main wireless virtualization perspectives are explored, along with the potential challenges and requirements of a sustainable wireless virtualization framework. Finally, it presents an example of a multi-perspective wireless virtualization framework. The readers learn the latest concepts in the application of wireless virtualization as well as its relationship with cutting-edge wireless technologies such as software-defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio.

About the Authors

HemingWen received a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 2011. He is currently completing a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering in McGill University. He interned at the Canadian Space Agency, in St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, and later at Microsoft Windows Phone Division, in Redmond, Washington, USA. His research interests include emerging wireless communications and networking topics such as wireless virtualization and next-generation wireless networks. He received the British Association Medal for outstanding academic performance at McGill University in 2012 and is currently on a masters research scholarship from the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies (FRQNT). He is part of the NSERC Strategic Network for Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructure (SAVI).

Prabhat KumarTiwary completed the Bachelor of Technology in Electronics Engineering from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (NIT), Surat, India, in 2011. He is pursuing his M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering at McGill University, Canada. He briefly worked as a research assistant at Wireless and Mobile Communication System Lab, Chosun University, South Korea. Currently, he is working with the NSERC Strategic Network for Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructure (SAVI). His research interests include wireless networks, network management and wireless virtualization. He was the recipient of the "Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship" and the "Nepal Aid Fund Scholarship" in 2005 and 2007 respectively from the Ministry of External Affairs, India. He was also awarded the "Graduate Excellence Fellowship" by McGill University in 2013. Besides, he is passionate about writing fictional short stories and poems.

ThoLe-Ngoc obtained his B.Eng. (with Distinction) in Electrical Engineering in 1976, his M.Eng. in 1978 from McGill University, Montreal, and his Ph.D. in Digital Communications in 1983 from the University of Ottawa, Canada. During 1977–1982, he was with Spar Aerospace Limited and involved in the development and design of satellite communications systems. During 1982–1985, he was an Engineering Manager of the Radio Group in the Department of Development Engineering of SRTelecom Inc., where he developed the new point-to-multipoint DA-TDMA/TDM Subscriber Radio System SR500. During 1985–2000, he was a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Concordia University. Since 2000, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of McGill University. His research interest is in the area of broadband digital communications. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). He is the recipient of the 2004 Canadian Award in Telecommunications Research, and recipient of the IEEE Canada Fessenden Award 2005. He holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) on Broadband Access Communications, and a Bell Canada/NSERC Industrial Research Chair on Performance and Resource Management in Broadband xDSL Access Networks.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Network Virtualization: Overview
  • Network and Infrastructure Virtualization Architectures
  • NetworkVirtualization Technologies and Techniques
  • Wireless Virtualization
  • Framework for Wireless Virtualization