Winners Always Quit: Seven Pretty Good Habits You Can Swap for Really Great Results

  • 1h 13m
  • David Cottrell, Lee J. Colan
  • CornerStone Leadership Institute
  • 2009

Are you feeling uncertain about the economy and what it means for you? The rapid changes and multitude of inputs that surround us van be overwhelming. What should I do now? How can I ensure we can still win tomorrow? One of the most important questions to ask today is, What should I QUIT doing? We keep hearing that little voice in our heads telling us winners never quit. Unfortunately, that little voice does not always tell us what we really need to hear. If you want to buck the trend and conquer your competition, take advice from Winners Always Quit. Now is the time to trade in some pretty good habits for really great results. Successful people generally analyze, manage their time, get comfortable, strive for success and show interest. They all sound pretty good, right? Well, what you are doing today may keep you from winning tomorrow! This rapid-read book reveals seven pretty good habits you can swap for really great habits... and really great results! Learn how to quit today and you will never quit winning! Quit Taking a Ride . . . and Take the Wheel - Quit Getting Comfortable . . . and Explore the Edge - Quit Analyzing . . . and Follow your Intuition - Quit Managing your Time . . . and Manage your Attention - Quit Showing Interest . . . and Commit - Quit Moving . . . and Be Still - Quit Striving for Success . . . and Seek Significance

About the Authors

Lee J. Colan, Ph.D. is president of The L Group, Inc. He is a leadership advisor, speaker and author of 10 rapid-read books. Lee s best-seller is titled Sticking to It: The Art of Adherence (yes, we must quit the good things so we can stick to the great things). Learn more at

David Cottrell, president and CEO of CornerStone Leadership Institute, is the author of more than 25 books, including the perennial best-selling Monday Morning Leadership.

In this Book

  • Quit Taking a Ride…and Take the Wheel
  • Quit Getting Comfortable…and Explore the Edge
  • Quit Analyzing…and Follow Your Intuition
  • Quit Managing Your Time…and Manage Your Attention
  • Quit Showing Interest…and Commit
  • Quit Moving …and Be Still
  • Quit Striving for Success …and Seek Significance
  • Epilogue—Never Quit Quitting!
  • Winning Tips Summary


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