Windows 10 for the Internet of Things: Controlling Internet-Connected Devices from Raspberry Pi, Second Edition

  • 8h 48m
  • Charles Bell
  • Apress
  • 2021

Manage and control Internet-connected devices from Windows and Raspberry Pi. Master the Windows 10 IoT Core application programming interface and feature set to develop Internet of Things applications on the Raspberry Pi using your Windows and .NET programming skills. New in this edition is coverage of enterprise-level tools and features in the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise server operating system, allowing you to manage IoT solutions having large numbers of devices and to deploy applications to enterprise-grade hardware.

Windows 10 for the Internet of Things presents a set of example projects covering a wide range of techniques designed specifically to jump start your own Internet of Things creativity. You'll learn everything you need to know about Windows IoT Core to develop Windows and IoT applications that run on single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. You’ll learn to develop for the Raspberry PI using native Windows and all the related programming skills that you have built up from developing desktop and mobile applications. This book provides just the help you need to get started in putting your Windows skills to use in a burgeoning new world of development for small devices that are ubiquitously connected to the Internet.

What You Will Learn

  • Know Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi
  • Read sensor data and control actuators
  • Connect to and transmit data into the cloud
  • Remotely control your devices from any Windows device
  • Develop IOT applications under Windows using C#, C++, and Visual Basic
  • Store your IOT data in a database for later analysis

Who This Book Is For

Developers and enthusiasts wanting to take their skills in Windows development and connect everyday devices to the Internet by developing for Windows 10 IoT Core. Readers learn to develop in C#, C++, and Visual Basic using Visual Studio, for deployment on devices such as the Raspberry Pi.

About the Author

Charles Bell conducts research in emerging technologies. He is a member of the Oracle MySQL Development team working on the MySQL as a Service project. He lives in a small town in rural Virginia with his loving wife. He received his Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2005. Dr. Bell is an expert in the database field and has extensive knowledge and experience in software development and systems engineering. His research interests include 3D printers, microcontrollers, three-dimensional printing, database systems, software engineering, and sensor networks. He spends his limited free time as a practicing Maker focusing on microcontroller projects and refinement of three-dimensional printers. Dr. Bell maintains a blog on his research projects and many other interests.

In this Book

  • What is the Internet of Things?
  • Introducing the Windows 10 IoT Core
  • Introducing the Raspberry Pi
  • Developing IoT Solutions with Windows 10
  • Windows 10 IoT Development with C++
  • Windows 10 IoT Development with C#
  • Windows 10 IoT Development with Visual Basic
  • Electronics for Beginners
  • The Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi
  • Project 1: Building an LED Power Meter
  • Project 2: Measuring Light
  • Project 3: Using Weather Sensors
  • Project 4: Using MySQL to Store Data
  • Project 5: Remote Control Hardware
  • Azure IoT Solutions: Cloud Services
  • Azure IoT Solutions: Building an Azure IoT Solution
  • Where to Go from Here?


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