Why Self Confidence Is So Important
- 17m
- Jeff Davidson
- Tony Alessandra
- 2008
Everywhere you look, there are life-long career professionals losing confidence in their ability to stay competitive in a rapidly changing society. Concurrently, no one in society has a long-term lock on any market niche, and no body of information affords a strategic competitive advantage for long. The reality of our times is that everyone is feeling at least a little unsure of himself, and in that sense everyone is in the same boat.
In this Book
Why Self Confidence Is So Important
Normal to be Confused Today
The Unique Challenges of This Age
Social and Technical Changes You can Count On
The Importance of Self-Confidence
Feeling More Confident Even in the Face of Uncertainty
Opportunity Knocks
What About You, Shortcakes?
Building Blocks
The Basis for Your Lack of Confidence
Believe Us, You’re Not Adequate
Where Do You Shine and Where Don't You?
Rise and Shine
Nipping Self-doubt in the Bud
You Shine When...
An Easy Game Plan
Not in 20 More Years
What Do Others Observe About You?
How to Talk to Yourself to Create Results
The Mind Set of the Confident
Notes to Yourself
Internal Achievements List
Darn, I’m Good!
Record and Reap
Projecting Outward
In Summary
Skills Builder - Leadership
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