WebAssembly in Action: With Examples Using C++ and Emscripten

  • 6h 40m
  • Gerard Gallant
  • Manning Publications
  • 2019

"Atwood's Law" is driven by the idea that all applications will ultimately wind up on the web and therefore must be written in JavaScript. WebAssembly may be your way out! With WebAssembly, you can write in nearly any modern language and run your code in the browser through a memory-safe, sandboxed execution environment that can be embedded in a web browser and other platforms.

Getting set up and moving with WebAssembly requires you to modify your web dev process; WebAssembly in Action will get you started quickly and guide you through real-world examples and detailed diagrams that help you create, run, and debug WebAssembly modules.

About the Author

Gerard Gallant is a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Senior Software Developer at Dovico Software. He blogs regularly on Blogger.com and DZone.com.

In this Book

  • Meet WebAssembly
  • A Look inside WebAssembly Modules
  • Creating Your First WebAssembly Module
  • Reusing Your Existing C++ Codebase
  • Creating a WebAssembly Module That Calls into JavaScript
  • Creating a WebAssembly Module That Talks to JavaScript Using Function Pointers
  • Dynamic Linking—The Basics
  • Dynamic Linking—The Implementation
  • Threading—Web Workers and Pthreads
  • WebAssembly Modules in Node.js
  • WebAssembly Text Format
  • Debugging
  • Testing—And Then What?
  • WebAssembly in Action


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