Web Application Security is a Stack: How to CYA (Cover Your Apps) Completely

  • 43m
  • Lori MacVittie
  • IT Governance
  • 2015

Understand the threat and learn how to defend your organisation This book is intended for application developers, system administrators and operators, as well as networking professionals who need a comprehensive top level view of web application security in order to better defend and protect both the "web" and the "application" against potential attacks. This book examines the most common, fundamental attack vectors and shows readers the defense techniques used to combat them.

Lori Mac Vittie has extensive development and technical architecture experience in both high-tech and enterprise organizations, in addition to network and systems administration expertise. Prior to joining F5, Lori was an award-winning technology editor at Network Computing Magazine. She holds a B.S. in Information and Computing Science from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Nova Southeastern University. She is Technical Editor and a member of the steering committee for CloudNOW, a non-profit consortium of the leading women in cloud computing.

In this Book

  • Web Application Security is a Stack─How to CYA (Cover Your Apps) Completely
  • Introduction
  • Attack Surface
  • Threat Vectors
  • Threat Mitigation
  • Conclusion
  • ITG Resources