Vue.js in Action

  • 4h 28m
  • Benjamin Listwon, Erik Hanchett
  • Manning Publications
  • 2018

Vue.js is a front-end framework that builds on many of the reactive UI ideas introduced in React.js.

Vue.js in Action teaches readers to build fast, flowing web UI with the Vue.js framework. As they move through the book, readers put their skills to practice by building a complete web store application with product listings, a checkout process, and an administrative interface!

About the Authors

Erik Hanchett is a software developer who loves all things JavaScript

Benjamin Listwon is an experienced designer and developer living in Seattle.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • About This Book
  • Introducing Vue.js
  • The Vue Instance
  • Adding Interactivity
  • Forms and Inputs
  • Conditionals, Looping, and Lists
  • Working with Components
  • Advanced Components and Routing
  • Transitions and Animations
  • Extending Vue
  • Vuex
  • Communicating with a Server
  • Testing