Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery

  • 3h 32m
  • Arthur Samuel Joseph
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2014

Communicate like a LEADER

Research proves that the greatest impact speakers have in any conversation comes not only from the words they say but from the sound of their voices. In other words, it is not just the message but the messenger that matters.

No one has a better grasp of this fact--and how to leverage it to your benefit--than Arthur Samuel Joseph, one of the world's leading communication strategists and the creator of the Vocal Awareness Method. Joseph's client list is a who's who of world-famous celebrities--including Sean Connery, Angelina Jolie, Pierce Brosnan, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Emmitt Smith, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has trained broadcasters and executives at the NFL Network, NBA, MLB, ESPN, Fox, and NBC, as well as business leaders at Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Disney, Toyota, Ritz-Carlton, and the Federal Reserve Bank, among others.

In Vocal Leadership, Joseph shares all his secrets to Communication Mastery with you.

Vocal Leadership provides proven techniques and daily exercises to help you develop a commanding voice and presence, and improve vocal quality, mental acuity, body language, and self-esteem to dramatically increase your influence. Joseph takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming an effective and powerful speaker by providing insight into:

  • Breathing techniques
  • Vocal warm-ups
  • Vocal projection
  • Appropriate tempo
  • Body language
  • Verbal and nonverbal expression
  • Effective storytelling

You'll learn how to be in mastery in every conversation, public address, and personal encounter--and how to be tactical and strategic when necessary, earnest and caring when appropriate, and, above all, authentic in every communication.

Whether you're delivering a sales presentation to a group of five or giving a shareholders speech to an audience of hundreds, the way you communicate is the difference between success and failure as a leader.

"When we own our Voice, we own our power," Joseph writes. Vocal Leadership gives you the tools to discover your unique voice and use it strategically to empower yourself and others to success.

About the Author

ARTHUR SAMUEL JOSEPH is the founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute and creator of the Vocal Awareness Method™ for achieving personal empowerment and Communication Mastery through voice. With nearly 50 years of experience, he has been voted Best of the Best by the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), a global network of young chief executives. Joseph is a keynote speaker and seminar leader to institutions of higher learning, trade organizations, and corporations throughout the world.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction—The Vocal Awareness Method to Achieve Communication Mastery
  • Communication Mastery—The Journey Begins
  • Communication Mastery—The Journey Continues
  • Spiritual Pragmatism—The Journey Deepens
  • The Vocal Awareness Method—Mastering the Journey
  • The Message and the Messenger—It is Not Just Data. It is Communication
  • The Performance—Our Audience is Our Self
  • The Human Achievement Movement—Fulfilling the Journey
  • Afterword—The Work
  • Endnotes


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