Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance

  • 2h 34m
  • Darleen M. DeRosa, Richard Lepsinger
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2010

In today's complex organizations it is not uncommon to have as many as 50 percent of employees working on virtual teams. As the "virtual revolution" continues to spread, how can companies ensure that virtual team collaboration is producing the desired results?

Highly practical and easy to navigate, Virtual Team Success leverages the authors' robust global research study and hands-on experience to provide an immediately usable resource for virtual team members and team leaders. This groundbreaking book is a hands-on, practical toolkit filled with down-to-earth examples and insights that can enhance the virtual team experience for everyone involved.

The authors' research study is one of the most comprehensive applied studies ever conducted on virtual teams, and all of the recommendations outlined are based on these findings as well as the authors' years of experience helping virtual teams and virtual team leaders effectively lead and collaborate from a distance. To help organizations and leaders enhance virtual team performance, the book includes:

  • Why Virtual Teams Fail—outlines the four pitfalls that frequently derail virtual teams
  • Profile of High Performing Teams—addresses the characteristics of the most effective virtual teams and what makes them successful
  • Virtual Team Launch Kit—provides practical guidelines and tools for successfully launching virtual teams
  • How to RAMP Up Your Team's Effectiveness—introduces a practical research-based model of virtual team effectiveness to improve team performance
  • Profile of Top Performing Virtual Team Leaders—identifies the practices of the most successful virtual team leaders
  • Facilitating High-Impact Virtual Meetings—includes tips and techniques to effectively lead "v-meetings"

Virtual Team Success also includes practical resources for virtual team leaders, quick reference guides for diagnosing virtual team problems, and six lessons for virtual team success.

About the Authors

Darleen DeRosa, Ph.D., is a managing partner at OnPoint Consulting. She brings ten years of management consulting experience, with expertise in the areas of talent/succession management, executive assessment, virtual teams, and organizational assessment. Darleen has authored numerous articles on virtual teams.

Richard Lepsinger is president of OnPoint Consulting and has a twenty-year track record of success as a human resource consultant and executive. He is the coauthor of four books on leadership including Closing the Execution Gap: How Great Leaders and Their Companies Get Results, Flexible Leadership: Creating Value by Balancing Multiple Challenges and Choices, The Art and Science of 360 Feedback, and The Art and Science of Competency Models, all from Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

In this Book

  • Chapter One: Why Virtual Teams Fail
  • Chapter Two: Profiles of Virtual Team Success—What Good Looks Like
  • Chapter Three: Virtual Team Launch Kit
  • Chapter Four: What Differentiates Great Virtual Teams—How to RAMP Up Your Team's Performance
  • Chapter Five: How to Lead Virtual Teams—Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices for High Performance
  • Chapter Six: What Factors Really Accelerate Virtual Team Performance—The Four Top Performance Boosters
  • Chapter Seven: How to Facilitate High‐Impact Virtual Meetings—Techniques That Really Work