Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management

  • 5h 58m
  • Robert B. Stewart
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2010

Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management

In late 2008, the world was confronted with the sudden end to the unbridled growth that the global economy experienced earlier in the decade. At the heart of this "irrational exuberance" was the delusion that the market could only go up; that growth would be perpetual; that the uncertainty posed by risks could be completely avoided; and that value could be created from nothing. Individuals, organizations, and indeed the global market often behave in a manner that is completely irrational with respect to economic decision-making.

Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management will provide you with a cohesive theory, structured framework, and diverse toolset to apply optimization techniques to dramatically improve project value. Inside, you will discover:

  • A methodology that has been used by hundreds of organizations across a wide range of industries
  • The nine factors that most commonly lead to poor project value
  • Techniques for performance and value measurement
  • The power of function-driven thinking
  • Insights on creativity, critical thinking, and idea development—the key ingredients for improving project value
  • Practical information on the facilitation and implementation of the techniques and processes that are presented

Written by internationally respected value methodology consultant Robert Stewart, this innovative book authoritatively walks you through the value optimization process using a variety of examples and case studies demonstrating how this process is applied. In presenting the concept of value optimization, the author challenges you to look beyond the traditional indicators of value, price, and customer satisfaction, and instead consider value from the perspective of functions and how they are performed relative to cost, time, and risk.

About the Author

ROBERT B. STEWART,CVS, FSAVE, PMP, is President of Value Management Strategies, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in the application of value methodology to projects and business processes. He has led over 300 value studies for clients in private and public sectors and trained thousands of individuals worldwide in value optimization techniques. He is a Fellow of SAVE International and serves as a Director on the Lawrence Delos Miles Value Foundation, a nonprofit organization established to promote and fund the development of educational programs, new applications, and a research library for the study of Value Methodology (VM).

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Value
  • Value Methodology Job Plan
  • Preparation
  • Information
  • Function
  • Speculation
  • Evaluation
  • Development
  • Presentation
  • Implementation
  • Value Leadership
  • Notes
  • Suggested Reading


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