Value Engineering Synergies with Lean Six Sigma: Combining Methodologies for Enhanced Results

  • 2h 34m
  • Anthony Hermes, Donald Parker, Heather Williams, Jay Mandelbaum
  • CRC Press
  • 2012

Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), and Value Engineering (VE) have a proven track record of success for solving problems and improving efficiency. Depending on the situation, integrating these approaches can provide results that exceed the benefits of each individual approach. Value Engineering Synergies with Lean Six Sigma: Combining Methodologies for Enhanced Results describes how to integrate these dynamic tools to achieve unprecedented improvements and break down the organizational stovepipes that can occur when different offices are assigned responsibility for different problem-solving methods.

The book identifies opportunities where readers can integrate these approaches to go beyond what is currently possible with the individual approaches. Explaining the VE methodology, it supplies a high-level discussion of LSS and DFSS. Next, it compares VE with LSS and identifies the different opportunities for synergies that can provide your organization with a competitive edge.

  • Includes detailed LSS-VE cross-reference charts
  • Contains product- and process-oriented VE material designed for LSS black belt training
  • Provides a list of the most commonly used LSS, DFSS, and VE tools

The authors describe VE and LSS in a way that is different from, but consistent with, the current literature. To facilitate comparison, the book graphically depicts VE and LSS and maps the two tools into one another to provide you with a clear understanding of the circumstances and types of problems where integrating these techniques will be most effective. The ideas and synergies presented in this book can help industry professionals and those in government accelerate the adoption of efficiencies in their operations.

About the Authors

Dr. Jay Mandelbaum is a research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. His research is focused on identifying best practices for value engineering in DoD including providing recommendations for policy, guidance, and program management. Dr. Mandelbaum is also involved in research related to conducting technology readiness assessments in the context of the Defense acquisition process; establishing best quality assurance, manufacturing, and systems engineering practices for Defense programs; and improving how DoD acquires new equipment and services. Dr. Mandelbaum joined IDA in April 2004 after a 30 year career with the Federal Government. From 2002 to 2004, Dr. Mandelbaum was a member of the Systems Engineering staff in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. He led DoD’s value engineering program and also managed an effort to reduce total ownership costs of defense systems. Dr. Mandelbaum received his MS and DSc in operations research from The George Washington University in 1976 and 1982 respectively. He earned a BS. in phsics from Rutgers University in 1969.

Mr. Anthony C. Hermes is a research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. Mr. Hermes has eight years of work experience with the Institute for Defense Analyses including support to Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Energy. He is currently working value engineering issues for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. Prior to coming to his current position, He spent 26 years in the U.S. Army where he held leadership and management positions. His experiences included major construction management; facilities engineering management; acquisition cost analysis; planning, programming, budgeting, and execution analysis; operations research analysis; and joint, inter-agency, and combined/coalition operations. Much of his value engineering experiences were gained while serving with the Corps of Engineers including as Chief, Base Realignment and Closure Office, Headquarters Corps of Engineers. Mr. Hermes received a B.S. in Engineering Technology in 1970 and an MBA in Operations Research in 1980 from Texas A&M University.

Mr. Donald E. Parker is an independent building consultant performing due diligence services for prospective buyers of commercial property, programming and budgetary work for developers, and value engineering and estimating services for owners and designers. In the last decade he served as Executive Vice President of National Government Properties with responsibility for Property Management of its $280 million dollar portfolio of leased office, warehouse and clinic space. Mr. Parker was an employee of the Federal Government for 28 years. With the General Services Administration, he served as Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, directed their value engineering program and established value engineering in the design and construction industry. He is author of the four value engineering textbooks. Mr. Parker received his BS degree in civil engineering from Northwestern University in 1960. He is a professional engineer, a certified cost engineer, and a certified value specialist (life).

Ms. Heather W. Williams is a research associate at the Institute for Defense Analyses where her research focuses include systems engineering and nuclear weapons policy. She is also a PhD candidate in the War Studies Department at King's College London, and her thesis topic is "The Legacy of 'Trust but Verify' in U.S.-Russia Arms Control." Heather has received a BA in International Relations and Russian Studies from Boston University in 2004 and an MA in Security Policy Studies from the George Washington University in 2008.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • The Value Engineering (VE) Methodology
  • Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Methodology
  • Comparison of VE and LSS Methodologies
  • Opportunities for Synergy
  • Final Remarks


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