Usability and User Experience Design: The Comprehensive Guide to Data-Driven UX Design

  • 12h 36m
  • Benjamin Franz, Michaela Kauer-Franz
  • Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
  • 2024

Calling all designers and developers! This is your all-in-one guide to data-driven UX design for digital products. See how an effective user experience incorporates insights from psychology, design principles, and practical data. Follow a proven approach for selecting your design methods, and then walk through the data-driven UX design process in detail: perform context analysis, specify requirements, develop solution prototypes, and test your products. Learn from example case studies and full-color illustrations to take your design to the next level!

  • Design digital products for B2C, B2B, and medical applications that provide outstanding user experience
  • Plan your design, perform context of use analyses, and identify requirements
  • Develop and evaluate design solutions, from the prototyping phase to the testing and review stage

In this book, you’ll learn about:

1. Theory of Design

What makes design effective? Get to know the building blocks that create an incredible user experience: ergonomics and usability, data evaluation, user research, human information processing, design principles, and more.

2. UX Design Process

Master data-driven UX design. Explore methods to analyze the context of use for your design project. Use techniques such as prototypes and wireframes to develop a design solution, and then refine it through usability and UX testing.

3. Design in Action

See examples of design come to life! Follow three case studies that illustrate the design process for digital products: a B2C mobility application, a B2B customer relationship management application, and a B2C/B2B medical appointment portal.

About the Author

Benjamin Franz received his doctorate in engineering; his UX-related dissertation on highly automated driving was awarded the Walter Rohmert Research Prize. In his jointly founded and managed company, Custom Interactions, he focuses on user interface design. He also works as a lecturer and a keynote speaker.

Michaela Kauer-Franz has a doctorate in psychology with a focus on product design and user experience. Together with Benjamin Franz, she founded the data-driven UX agency Custom Interactions, which they manage together. She also contributes her extensive experience as a trainer, a lecturer at Technische Universität Darmstadt, a speaker, and on an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committee.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • The Most Important Terms and Their History
  • Usability and UX as Key Factors for Outstanding Products
  • How to “Do” Usability and UX Design
  • Data-Driven UX Design
  • A Helpful Mindset for Usability and UX Design
  • Foundations
  • Data-Driven UX Design in Detail: Preparation
  • Data-Driven UX Design in Detail: Context of Use Analysis
  • Data-Driven UX Design in Detail: Specifying Usage Requirements
  • Data-Driven UX Design in Detail: Developing Design Solutions
  • Data-Driven UX Design in Detail: Evaluating Design Solutions
  • Design, Get Data, Repeat: When Is It Enough?
  • Decision Matrix for Method Selection
  • Wrap-Up and Conclusion