Ultimate Presentations: Master Interviews and Presentations to Land Your Dream Job, Second Edition
- 4h 13m
- Jay Surti
- Kogan Page
- 2021

You don't have to be frozen with fear, or bored to death with a dull PowerPoint deck! In Ultimate Presentations, business presentation expert Jay Surti guides you through the most common obstructions to giving good presentations and how to overcome them, from nerves and uncomfortable body language, to voice tone and physical habits. Insightful guidance on coping with the unexpected, such as interruptions, technology breakdowns or difficult questions helps you to feel prepared and confident, no matter what happens during your presentation.
Ultimate Presentations covers every aspect of fantastic and effective presentations:
- how to prepare
- how to structure a great presentation
- using technology and visual aids
- communicating a strong message
- tailoring your presentation to your audience
- highlighting your personal skills through your presentation
- time management and dealing with Q and As
Now including a new chapter on presenting your personal brand, Ultimate Presentations will help you to deliver outstanding presentations when it counts.
About the Ultimate series... The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or resume and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and IQ tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.
In this Book
Why Presentation Skills are Important
Giving Presentations at Interviews and Assessment Centres: The Essentials
Giving Presentations in Your Professional Life: The Essentials
How to Prepare for a Presentation
How to Structure Your Presentation
Time Management
Presentation Styles and Techniques
Presenting as Part of a Group
Using Technology and Visual Aids
Openings and Endings
Personality and Message
Overcoming Nerves
Body Language
Getting Rid of Bad Habits
Verbal Communication
Coping with the Unexpected
Tailoring Your Presentation to Your Audience
Impressing Potential Employers in an Interview Presentation
Answering Questions on the Spot
Audience Interaction or Participation
Virtual Presentations