Troubleshooting Xcode
- 56m
- Magno Urbano
- Apress
- 2015
Troubleshooting Xcode is a handbook for software developers of all levels creating applications for iOS and OS X using both Objective-C and Swift.
If you’ve struggled in the past to make Xcode work as expected, to solve problems that defy logic, and to understand Xcode’s misleading or cryptic error messages and unexpected crashes, Troubleshooting Xcode is for you.
Troubleshooting Xcode is great for the developer wanting to extend his or her knowledge about obscure problems and limitations involving the use of Xcode, Objective-C, and Swift as well as how to use automation to increase productivity and make some repetitive tasks easier.
Highlights include:
- Learning about some classical bugs and limitations of iOS, OS X, and Xcode and how to solve or avoid them.
- Learning how to use scripts to automate repetitive tasks like the creation of in-app purchase items and packages or icons for your application.
- Understanding how you can slim down your application’s package by creating images that are better compressed and smaller.
- Saving time by removing bottlenecks that can slow down productivity.
- Discovering the real meaning of some of the most misleading error messages produced by Xcode.
About the Author
Magno Urbano is a digital artist with more than 20 years of experience in the field. He earned a degree in Electrical Engineering but later decided to work as a software engineer. He has 15 books published in Portugal and near a hundred articles and multimedia contents published by the most important magazines in Europe and the Americas.
He worked for almost a decade in the Visual Effects & Post Production Center of Globo Network TV (GNT) and in the leading position in the Multimedia Department of the Radio and Television of Portugal (RTP).
Since 2005 he has been an official Adobe beta-tester.
Since 2008 he has been developing iOS and Mac OS X applications. During this period he had developed and published nearly 100 apps distributed by the Apple Store.
In this Book
Troubleshooting Xcode