Transforming Big Pharma: Assessing the Strategic Alternatives
- 4h 19m
- John Ansell
- Taylor and Francis
- 2013
In Transforming Big Pharma John Ansell addresses critically how strategy works in the pharmaceutical industry. The long-standing dearth of new products has led to a growing shortfall in revenues. Ansell assesses the wide range of alternative strategies big pharma companies have been pursuing in recent years in attempting to overcome this. He shows that there is sound evidence to expect the recent upturn in the number of new products reaching the market to go on to greater heights. Chapters assess the complex trends in attrition rates, show how rife spectacular sales underestimation in the industry remains, and explain how conventional wisdom on the chances of product profitability also seriously undersells the industry. The surest route to transforming the prospects for big pharma, Ansell contends, is to step up activity in acquiring and developing new products. This is now realistic because, as he shows, the amount of intellectual property available is much greater than it was a decade ago. Ansell believes that no other strategies have sufficient transformative powers, though they may be useful as a stopgap whilst the sales of forthcoming new products mature. He argues for a reversal of big pharma’s recent cutbacks in R&D and licensing, and re-focussing on new product development. Transforming Big Pharma is intended for those in senior and middle management in the pharmaceutical industry. It will also be valuable to students, as well as to all those dealing with the industry, including biotech companies and those providing services and products to the pharmaceutical industry.
About the Author
John Ansell has been an independent pharmaceutical industry consultant based in the UK since 1989. He is also a Senior Partner at the CRO TranScrip Partners. He has worked with pharmaceutical companies of all shapes and sizes, and with companies serving the industry - over 150 in all. Ansell concentrates on international projects with a commercial and strategic emphasis, reflecting his previous 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry in marketing and business development. A biochemistry graduate with a Master's degree in business studies, Ansell worked first in Holland for Organon and later there for Solvay, as well as in the UK for Schering AG, Fisons and Glaxo. Since 2007 he has been an Honorary Consultant to the University of Manchester School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Ansell is the author of 50 articles and reports on pharmaceutical issues and is a frequent speaker and chair at industry conferences (see
In this Book
List of Abbreviations
How Pharma Differs
The Consequences of Extended Timescales
The Barriers to Getting In and Out of Pharmaceuticals
Assessing the Value of Concepts from Outside the Pharmaceutical Industry
When Gurus Get It Wrong
In Search of the Perfect Organization
Focussing Down and Diversification
Diversification: Ebbs and Flows in Enthusiasms
Mergers and Demergers
Emerging Countries – Opportunities in Perspective
What Can We Learn from Japan?
Prospects for Emerging Countries
The United States – By No Means Past Its Peak
Projecting New Product Quantity
Trends in Attrition Rates
Trends in New Product Quality
Projections and Conclusions
Underestimating Potential – A Common Feature of Pharmaceutical Forecasting
Probing Profitability Estimates
Assessing the Transformative Powers of Strategies