Training Design and Delivery: A Guide for Every Trainer, Training Manager, and Occasional Trainer, 3rd Edition

  • 3h 58m
  • Geri McArdle
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2015

Master trainer Geri McArdle’s refresh of Training Design and Delivery makes accessible the proven principles and tools that countless trainers rely on.

Her third edition highlights new training delivery systems that have had an immediate and far-reaching impact on training. More importantly, it hones in on their technologies. McArdle has substantially added to the section on delivery and provides new chapters on project management and international training.

This simple, single-source guide to developing and implementing training belongs on the bookshelf of every trainer.

In this book you will learn:

  • What it takes to meet standards of training design, development, and delivery
  • How to use a multistep training program design tool to create a training module and program
  • Which tools and techniques to use to open, conduct, and close a training.

About the Author

Geri McArdle is managing director of Training Systems Institute, and was an instructional design consultant (via Beacon Associates) for three years at Saudi Aramco.

In this Book

  • Training Design and Delivery—A Guide for Every Trainer, Training Manager, and Occasional Trainer, 3rd Edition
  • Training Overview
  • Instructional and Learning Strategies
  • Trainer Credibility
  • The MultistepTraining System Model
  • Business Justification
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Using Technology
  • Project Management
  • Training Internationally
  • Evaluation
  • Toolkit: Tips and Techniques
  • References
  • Resources