Total Performance Scorecard: Redefining Management to Achieve Performance with Integrity

  • 5h 12m
  • Hubert K. Rampersad
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2003

In the post-Enron climate corporate executives are increasingly pressured to increase productivity and create an ethical, trustworthy organizational climate. Total Performance Scorecard introduces a concept of organizational improvement and change management that combines the Balanced Scorecard model with the learning organization theory.

The TPS contains a personal balanced scorecard, which is tied to an organizational balanced scorecard. These scorecards reflect not only performance goals but personal learning and growth goals as well, and the organizational scorecards also address organizational climate issues. Continuous improvement, change management, 360 degree feedback, and the learning organization are theories that the TPS makes use of in a very straightforward way. If implemented, the TPS enables a company to tie personal goals to organizational goals and tie personal performance to organizational performance, all within a culture that supports integrity, personal growth, learning, and open communication. Nirvana!

About the Author

Hubert K. Rampersad, BS, MSc, PhD is an internationally respected and recognized consultant in the field of Organizational Behavior and Business Management. He is founder and CEO of Quality Management Consulting in the Netherlands. He received his formal education in The Netherlands earning a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Enschede Polytechnic Institute, a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology, and Ph.D. in Management from Eindhoven University of Technology

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Total Performance Scorecard
  • Formulating the Balanced Scorecard
  • Communicating and Linking the Balanced Scorecard
  • Improvement
  • Developing
  • Reviewing and Learning
  • Teamwork
  • Organizing Continuous Improvement
  • Managing Change
  • Organizational Culture
  • Epilogue