Top Business Psychology Models: 50 Transforming Ideas for Leaders, Consultants and Coaches

  • 3h 18m
  • Jonathan Passmore, Stefan Cantore
  • Kogan Page
  • 2012

Within Industrial and Organizational Psychology, there are several models that coaches can use to help individuals to understand human behavior, emotions and cognition at work. Top Business Psychology Models is a quick, accessible overview to the fundamental theories and frameworks that can help explain ideas such as how to develop self-awareness, how to cope with change, how to deal with difficult people at work and what behaviors improve team performance.

Each model is presented in a short and crisply written summary, which could be easily converted into materials for use in training or coaching. Clear, succinct and well referenced chapters also offer routes into accessing further information.

Free of academic jargon, Top Business Psychology Models explains all the main theories and models used by psychologists, giving coaches, trainers and project leaders all the essential information to immediately implement business and positive psychology techniques in an organization.

About the Authors

Jonathan Passmore is an occupational psychologist and a coaching supervisor. He has wide business consulting experience, having worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, IBM Business Consulting and OPM, and as a chief executive and company chairman in the sports leisure sector. He is based at the School of Psychology, University of East London, and is Director for the Coaching and Coaching Psychology programs. He is the author of several books and editor of Excellence in Coaching and Psychometrics in Coaching.

Stefan Cantore is a consultant in the areas of leadership and management development, with a focus on teaching leaders and organizations to use conversation as a process for change. He is also the co author of Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management with Jonathan Passmore and Sarah Lewis (published by Kogan Page).

In this Book

  • What Makes People do Things?— Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • How Can we Become More Engaged With Work?— Flow
  • How Can People Develop their Self-Awareness?— Mindfulness
  • Helping Others to Set Goals— The GROW Model
  • How Can People Learn to Become More Optimistic?— Learned Optimism
  • Why Did they do that?— Attribution Theory
  • How Can we Make Sense of Who we are?— Personality Trait and Type Theory
  • How Does Psychological Testing Work?— Psychometrics
  • How do we Think About Others Thinking?— Theory of Mind and Emotional Intelligence
  • How Can we Manage Our Negative Thinking?— Cognitive Behavioural Model
  • How Can Job Performance be Accurately and Fairly Assessed?— Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
  • How do People Cope With Change?— Phases of Change Models
  • How do we Understand Different Types of People?— Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • How do we Know if Someone is Telling Us a Lie?— Facial Displays
  • How Can People Understand and Build on their Strengths?— Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS)
  • What Can Employers do to Improve the Mood and Commitment of their Staff?— Psychological Capital
  • How to Help People Cope Well with Change— Three Phases of Transition
  • Where Does Motivation Come From?— Self-Determination Theory
  • How Can we Rely on Psychometric Tests?— Reliability and Validity
  • How Can People Change their Behaviours?— Transtheoretical Model of Change
  • How do People Positively Handle Trauma?— Post-Traumatic Growth Theory
  • How Can People Develop their Capacity to Cope With Adversity?— Resilience
  • Do People Work Harder if You Give them More Attention?— The Hawthorne Effect
  • Do the Assumptions that Managers Have About People Affect How they do their Work?— Theory X and Theory Y
  • Do Groups Always Make the Best Decisions?— Groupthink
  • What Behaviours Improve Team Performance?— Belbin Team Roles
  • Does an Attractive Communicator Influence Our Decision Making?— Attractiveness Theory
  • How to Use Goal Setting to Enhance Performance— Goal-Setting Theory
  • Why do People Obey Authority Figures Even When they are Being Asked to do Something they Know is Wrong?— Obedience to Authority Theory
  • How Can You Select the Best Candidate at an Interview?— Behavioural Interviewing
  • How do People Make Up Our Minds?— Majority and Minority Influence
  • How Can we Positively Help People and Teams Change?— The Skilled Helper Model
  • How does Shift Work Impact on How Well People do their Work?— Circadian Rhythms and Performance at Work
  • How do Groups Develop to Become Effective?— Tuckman's Group Development
  • How Can You Ensure Everyone Makes a Fair Contribution to Team Goals?— Social Loafing Theory
  • How do You Get Good Outcomes for Both Sides in a Negotiation?— Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
  • How do I Make Decisions in a Complex World?— Cynefin Complexity Model
  • How Can we Specify the Behaviours Required to Perform a Task Well?— Critical Incident Technique
  • How Useful are Positive Emotions?— Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions
  • What Can Organizations do to Transform the Way they Think and Act?— Appreciative Inquiry
  • How do People's Expectations of their Employers Affect the Way they Work?— Psychological Contract
  • What Can You do to Make Training a Good Investment?— Social Learning Theory
  • How do I Take Account of the Forces for and Against Change?— Force Field Analysis
  • How Can You Make a Workplace Fair?— Organizational Justice
  • How do You Tackle Difficult People at Work?— Managing Difficult People
  • How do People Really Make Decisions?— The Bounded Rationality Model of Decision Making
  • How Can Good Conversations Change Organizations?— Conversational Approaches to Change
  • How Can Metaphors Help Managers Change their Organizations?— Organizational Metaphors
  • How Can You Make Work Less Stressful?— The Vitamin Model of Stress
  • What Can we do to Make Our Writing More Readable?— FOG Index of Readability