The Zen Leader: 10 Ways to go from Barely Managing to Leading Fearlessly

  • 4h 22m
  • Ginny Whitelaw
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 2012

Leaders today face nearly impossible tasks. Forced to do more with less, expand globally, innovate quickly, inspire broadly and—oh, yes—balance work and family. How can one manage all this pressure?

The Zen Leader does not encourage you to just “be peaceful.” Neither does it suggest you work harder, faster, or ignore the pressure. Quite the opposite: it’s about using the pressure to propel “flips” in consciousness that create transformational leaders, leaders who create the future with joy and enthusiasm, rather than drive themselves and their people to exhaustion.

The Zen Leader guides you through 10 “flips” that take you from barely managing to mastering change—not by doing more, zoning out, or pretending you have all the answers. Chapter by chapter, you’ll learn how to make the “flips” that reframe your life, your leadership, and your world. Discover how you can get out of your own way and realize The Zen Leader in you.

About the Author

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw is both a leadership expert and a roshi (Zen master) in the Chozen-ji line of Rinzai Zen. Cofounder of Focus Leadership, she has taught and coached in countless programs to Global 1000 leaders, in part through her affiliation with Oliver Wyman Leadership Development and Columbia University's Senior Executive Program. Formerly Deputy Manager for integrating NASA's Space Station Program, she has a PhD in biophysics as well as a 5th degree black belt in Aikido.

In this Book

  • From Coping to Transforming
  • From Tension to Extension
  • From Or to And
  • From "Out There" to "In Here"
  • From Playing to Your Strengths to Strengthening Your Play
  • From Controlling to Connecting
  • From Driving Results to Attracting the Future
  • From "It's All About Me" to "I'm All About It"
  • From Local Self to Whole Self
  • From Delusion to Awakening