The Wolf in CIO's Clothing: A Machiavellian Strategy for Successful IT Leadership

  • 2h 10m
  • Tina Nunno
  • Bibliomotion
  • 2015

Machiavellians are few in number in IT. The massive pressure on CIOs continues to increase as the opportunities to use technology in business become more prevalent and more competitive. As CIOs often find themselves at the center of business conflict, they must not only familiarize themselves with Machiavellian tactics as a defensive weapon, but also learn to use them as an offensive weapon in extreme situations so that they can increase IT’s contribution to their enterprises.

As Italian political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli implied, you're either predator or prey, and the animal you most resemble determines your position on the food chain. In The Wolf in CIO's Clothing Gartner analyst and author Tina Nunno expands on Machiavelli's metaphor, examining seven animal types and the leadership attributes of each. Nunno posits the wolf — a social animal with strong predatory instincts — as the ideal example of how a leader can adapt and thrive.

Technology may be black and white, but successful leadership demands an ability to exist in the grey. Drawing on her experience with hundreds of CIOs, Nunno charts a viable way to master the Machiavellian principles of power, manipulation, love, and war. Through compelling case studies, her approach demonstrates how CIOs and IT leaders can adjust their leadership styles in extreme situations for their own success and that of their teams.

About the Author

Tina Nunno is a Vice President and Gartner Fellow in Gartner's CIO Research group based in Stamford, Connecticut. She is responsible for conducting research and developing publications aimed at helping CIOs and their organizations around the world improve their performance and contribution. Tina specializes in CIO-related leadership issues, including working with the board of directors, executive communications, change management and governance strategies. She is the Analyst Sponsor of the Gartner Women's CIO Community, has co-authored Gartner's Annual CIO Agenda report, and is a sought-after speaker. Tina’s most recent research deals with navigating organizational politics. She focuses on helping CIOs and other IT executives analyze sensitive political situations and apply strategies and tactics to deal with political land mines and power struggles. She also explores the use of extreme political tactics in her book The Wolf in CIO's Clothing: A Machiavellian Strategy for Successful IT Leadership.

In this Book

  • Aspire to Be the Machiavellian Wolf CIO
  • Master the Three Essential Machiavellian Wolf Disciplines: Power, Manipulation and Warfare
  • Recognize the Power You Have and Increase It Exponentially
  • Prioritize With Force and Finesse
  • Exude Power by Growling, Rather Than Roaring, Your Reputation
  • Make Sure No One Is Always in Control but You
  • Follow the Money but Don’t Let It Fool You
  • Recognize Stronger Wolves and Know When to Be a Lamb
  • Employ Manipulation or Risk Being Manipulated
  • Treat Colleagues as Friends, but Assume They Are Enemies
  • Treat Information as a Weapon, and Don’t Load the Gun Aimed at You
  • Recognize That the Hero Is Often the Arsonist, So Don’t Feed the Fire
  • Ruthlessly Keep Others From Wasting IT’s Time
  • Combine the Wolf’s Power With Manipulation Tactics to Maximize Impact
  • Master Multilateral Wars of Expansion to Grow the Enterprise and IT
  • Engage Lieutenants to Scale Up Your Power and Manipulation
  • Create Strong Alliances to Scale Up, but Select the Appropriate Methods
  • Fight on Multiple Fronts to Avoid Being Boxed in by the Enemy or Yourself
  • Create Weapons of Mass Destruction Through Force Multiplication
  • Put One Paw in Front of the Other