The Training Needs Analysis Pocketbook

  • 30m
  • John Townsend, Paul Donovan
  • Management Pocketbooks
  • 2004

Shockingly, 90% of all training is a waste of time according to one US investigation, either because the training is not transferred into the workplace, or the training design/delivery is poor or the participants are unable/unwilling to learn. The Training Needs Analysis Pocketbook will ensure that your people development solutions are tied to the organisation's strategic plans and objectives. The authors' aim is to simplify TNA and to demonstrate that it can be strategic, rewarding, career-enhancing and, even, fun! The book is divided into three sections: The Training Needs Investigation: an easy-to-follow process which will take you through all the steps of a professional TNA. The 10 Point Training Plan: the document, spreadsheet or wall chart where you can record all your notes from the Training Needs Investigation and plan for each training course or event. The Tool Box: to help you do a great job at every step of the TNA process.

About the Authors

Paul is Head of Programmes with the Irish Management Institute in Dublin where he is responsible for a suite of training and development programmes for HRD professionals. He has extensive management experience and has conducted a wide range of HRD assignments in Western Europe and Asia.

Paul’s professional interests include researching evaluation of training and development interventions where he has identified easy-to-use surrogate measures as effective replacements for time-consuming and expensive evaluation initiatives. He has edited seven books in a series of management texts.

John has built a reputation internationally as a leading trainer of trainers. He is the founder of the highly-regarded Master Trainer Institute, a total learning facility located just outside Geneva which draws trainers and facilitators from around the world. He set up the Institute after 30 years’ experience in international consulting and human resource management positions in the UK, France, the United States and Switzerland.

From 1978–1984 he was European Director of Executive Development with GTE in Geneva with training responsibility for over 800 managers in some 15 countries. John has published a number of management and professional guides and regularly contributes articles to leading management and training journals.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • The Training Needs Investigation
  • The Ten Point Training Plan
  • Tool Box
  • Questionnaire—How Easy will It be to Make TNA Work for You?



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