The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success - and Sanity!

  • 5h 43m
  • Maia Heyck-Merlin
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2016

Streamline your workflow and bring your vision to life

The Together Leader is a practical handbook for the busy mission-driven leader. With an emphasis on time management, the book provides all of the tools, templates, and checklists necessary for leaders to stay organized and keep on top their responsibilities. Maia Heyck-Merlin describes step-by-step a set of habits and systems that help leaders to keep everything running smoothly and, most importantly, achieve their mission-driven goals. By learning how to plan for the predictable, leaders can face the unexpected head-on, going off-plan while keeping their eye on the objective. Education leaders will learn how to prioritize quickly and efficiently, and gain access to hands-on tools that take the turbulence out of their days, allowing them to truly become a Together Leader.

Mission-driven leaders are often required to multi-task; it's part of the job. This book gives leaders the tools and information they need to streamline their workflow, to take the day one task at a time without sacrificing productivity. The book includes lessons on how to:

  • Prioritize effectively and work efficiently
  • Get organized and stay prepared no matter what
  • Manage time, staff, and resources
  • Develop the habits of an effective leader

A leader's time is valuable, as is that of their staff. There's no room for waste. The Together Leader prepares leaders to truly lead their teams, with the tools and strategies that make real, effective mission-driven leadership possible.

About the Author

MAIA HEYCK-MERLIN is the founder and CEO of The Together Group, a training and consulting practice focused on training school, district, and nonprofit leaders on topics such as time management, prioritization, organization, and efficiency. She is also the author of The Together Teacher.

In this Book

  • Contents | Website Resources
  • Leading in a Mission-Driven Context
  • Take Stock—Assess Your Togetherness Level
  • Set Goals—Define the Direction
  • Break down the Goals—Create a Priority Plan
  • Align Your Meetings—Make a Meeting Matrix
  • Get Macro—Design a Comprehensive Calendar
  • Strategic Procrastination—Design a Later List
  • Reconcile Your Time and To-Dos—Create Your Weekly Plan
  • Keep it Together—Routines and Checklists
  • Hold That Thought—Save it for Later!
  • Keep E-mail in its Place
  • Project Design, Planning, and Communication—More than Just Spreadsheets!
  • Become a Dynamic Duo—Maximize Your Assistant
  • Keep Track of Stuff, Space, and Knowledge
  • Create a Culture of Togetherness
  • Conclusion—Keep it All Together
  • Bibliography


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