The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS: Analog, Mixed-Signal, and Mixed-Technology Modeling
- 14h 40m
- Darrell A. Teegarden, Gregory D. Peterson, Peter J. Ashenden
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2003
The demand is exploding for complete, integrated systems that sense, process, manipulate, and control complex entities such as sound, images, text, motion, and environmental conditions. These systems employ electronics to manage and adapt to a world that is, predominantly, neither digital nor electronic. To respond to this design challenge, the industry has developed and standardized VHDL-AMS, a unified design language for modeling digital, analog, mixed-signal, and mixed-technology systems.
Gregory Peterson and Darrell Teegarden join best-selling author Peter Ashenden in teaching designers how to use VHDL-AMS to model these complex systems. This comprehensive tutorial and reference provides detailed descriptions of both the syntax and semantics of the language and of successful modeling techniques.
In this Book
Fundamental Concepts
Scalar Data Types, Natures and Operations
Sequential Statements
Composite Data Types and Operations
Digital Modeling Constructs
Analog Modeling Constructs
Design Processing
Case Study 1: Mixed-Signal Focus
Packages and Use Clauses
Generic Constants
Frequency and Transfer Function Modeling
Case Study 2: Mixed-Technology Focus
Resolved Signals
Components and Configurations
Generate Statements
Case Study 3: DC-DC Power Converter
Guards and Blocks
Access Types and Abstract Data Types
Files and Input/Output
Attributes and Groups
Case Study 4: Communication System
Miscellaneous Topics
Integrated System Modeling
Case Study 5: RC Airplane System