The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies
- 11h 8m
- Christian Borch, Robert Wosnitzer
- Taylor and Francis
- 2021
There has been an increasing interest in financial markets across sociology, history, anthropology, cultural studies, and related disciplines over the past decades, with particular intensity since the 2007–2008 crisis which prompted new analyses of the workings of financial markets and how “scandals of Wall Street” might have huge societal ramifications. The sociologically inclined landscape of finance studies is characterized by different more or less well- established homogeneous camps, with more micro-empirical, social studies of finance approaches on the one end of the spectrum and more theoretical, often neo-Marxist approaches, on the other.
Yet alternative approaches are also gaining traction, including work that emphasizes the cultural homologies and interconnections with finance as well as work that, more broadly, is both empirically rigorous and theoretically ambitious. Importantly, across these various approaches to finance, a growing body of literature is taking shape which engages finance in a critical manner.
The term “critical finance studies” nonetheless remains largely unfocused and undefined. Against this backdrop, the key rationales of The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies are firstly to provide a coherent notion of this emergent field and secondly to demonstrate its analytical usefulness across a wide range of central aspects of contemporary finance.
As such, the volume will offer a comprehensive guide to students and academics on the field of Finance and Critical Finance Studies, Heterodox Economics, Accounting, and related Management disciplines.
Chapter 14 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
About the Author
Christian Borch is Professor of Economic Sociology and Social Theory at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Robert Wosnitzer is Clinical Associate Professor of Management Communication at New York University Stern School of Business.
In this Book
Introduction—What is Critical Finance Studies?
Financial Noise
Risk and Arbitrage
Financial Regulation
Central Banking
Shadow Banking and the Rise of Global Debt
Financial Intermediaries
Private Equity
Financial Models
High-Frequency Trading
The Financialized State
The Financialization of Everyday Life
Consumer Credit and Credit Assessment
Critical Financial Geography
Finance Fiction
Art, Markets, and Finance