The Roadmap for Sustainable Business and Net Zero Carbon Emission

  • 6h 59m
  • Henry K. H. Wang
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2023

What does sustainable business and net zero carbon emission mean for businesses globally? How should companies globally transform into sustainable businesses with net zero carbon emissions? This book unpacks the institutional, organisational and management challenges in pursuing sustainable business and carbon neutrality for businesses.

In this book, Henry K. H. Wang, an internationally recognised Climate and Business expert, provides real-life cases across different countries and business sectors. He outlines potential policy implications and strategy options for companies to consider in their transitions to sustainable business practices. He also explores important new global developments in smart cities, green transport and carbon solutions, and how the adoption of sustainable finance and green investments can accelerate businesses transformation.

This book will appeal to anyone interested to learn more about the successful planning and execution of sustainable business and net zero carbon neutrality transformations.

About the Author

Henry K. H. Wang is an international advisor, author and speaker with extensive high-level business experience. He is President of Gate International and a former director of both Shell China and SABIC in Riyadh. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and Fellow of Institute of Chemical Engineering. He has been invited to join the G20/B20 Taskforces and Action Councils to advise Global Leaders. He is also a board member of the London University SOAS SCI Advisory Board and China Carbon Forum Advisory Board. He has published five books as well as over 100 papers and speeches.

In this Book

  • Abbreviations
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Sustainable Business
  • Sustainable Business Transformation Developments
  • International Policy Developments on Climate Change
  • Sustainable Net Zero Strategies of Key Countries
  • Corporate Strategy Developments by Sector
  • Developments in Clean Energy Transition
  • Developments in Sustainable Transport
  • Developments in Sustainable Smart Cities
  • Developments in Sustainable Finance and Green Investment
  • Carbon Reductions and Net Zero Carbon Solutions
  • Bibliography