The Quick Python Book, Third Edition
- 8h 4m
- Naomi Ceder
- Manning Publications
- 2018
This third revision of Manning's popular The Quick Python Book offers a clear, crisp updated introduction to the elegant Python programming language and its famously easy-to-read syntax. Written for programmers new to Python, this latest edition includes new exercises throughout. It covers features common to other languages concisely, while introducing Python's comprehensive standard functions library and unique features in detail.
About the Technology
Initially Guido van Rossum's 1989 holiday project, Python has grown into an amazing computer language. It's a joy to learn and read, and powerful enough to handle everything from low-level system resources to advanced applications like deep learning. Elegantly simple and complete, it also boasts a massive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Python programmers are in high demand/mdash;you can't afford not to be fluent!
About the Book
The Quick Python Book, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to the Python language by a Python authority, Naomi Ceder. With the personal touch of a skilled teacher, she beautifully balances details of the language with the insights and advice you need to handle any task. Extensive, relevant examples and learn-by-doing exercises help you master each important concept the first time through. Whether you're scraping websites or playing around with nested tuples, you'll appreciate this book's clarity, focus, and attention to detail.
About the Author
Naomi Ceder is chair of the Python Software Foundation. She has been learning, using, and teaching Python since 2001.
In this Book
About Python
Getting started
The Quick Python overview
The Absolute Basics
Lists, Tuples, and Sets
Control Flow
Modules and Scoping Rules
Python Programs
Using the Filesystem
Reading and Writing Files
Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
Regular Expressions
Data Types as Objects
Using Python Libraries
Basic File Wrangling
Processing Data Files
Data over the Network
Saving Data
Exploring Data